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Date Published: 07/23/10

Why we endorse Goodluck for Nigeria -Owei

Ayibatonye Owei


Dr. Ayibatonye Owei is a Nigerian Consultant Gynaecologist and entrepreneur, based in Nigeria and Cape Town, South Africa. Widely travelled, he is the Group Coordinator of the Goodluck For Nigeria initiative, a socio-political pressure group that seeks to educate and mobilise Nigerians to support the candidacy of President Jonathan in the 2011 election. In this encounter with reporters, he bares his mind on behalf of the group on the motivation for the initiative and why Jonathan should run in the next election.

Q: What informed the formation of Goodluck for Nigeria initiative?

A : The sequence of events that led to the emergence of His Excellency Dr. Goodluck Jonathan as president of Nigeria, after the death of His Excellency Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’Adua continues to play a major role in our political landscape. If not for the collective will of majority of Nigerians, a few loud selfish and greedy individuals would have succeeded in wresting Nigeria away from Nigerians. The need to ensure that our fellow Nigerians make the right choice in choosing their president come 2011, and also continue to have good governance, brought about the emergence of Goodluck for Nigeria initiative.

Q: Most of the members are Nigerians based in Cape Town, is it exclusive to Diaspora Nigerians in Cape Town?

A : Goodluck for Nigeria initiative was initially formed in Cape Town, South Africa by Nigerians from various works of life, but it is open to all Nigerian irrespective of where they are resident. Presently we have members from all over the world including non-Nigerians who have joined us through the group Facebook page “Goodluck For Nigeria” http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=138567942829652#!/group.php?gid=138567942829652&v=wall ). Our focus is to collectively make our own contributions towards bringing about a positive change in Nigeria.

Q: Are you not creating confusion by endorsing Jonathan when some Nigerians are canvassing for zoning?

A : No, not at all. Those canvassing for zoning are by far a minority of Nigerians. Even in the Northern part of our country, I make bold to say that President Jonathan is better endorsed than the few who are using zoning as a smoke screen to hide their selfish goals. It is those who are clamouring for zoning that are capable of causing confusion in our polity. Zoning is the next stage of their grand plan to destabilise our nation. They also tried it during the period preceding the emergence of Goodluck Jonathan as President and the collective will of good Nigerians made them to fail. Why are they afraid of open contest? We as Nigerians are now despondent and have therefore decided that our nation must move forward. We must harness our God-given human and material resources to bring the much needed benefit to our citizenry and not continue to be milked by a few parasites, who are already destined to fail. Nigerians should read the handwriting on the wall. It is the political will of the vast majority of Nigerians that President Jonathan should contest and zoning has no place in the 21 st century presidency of Nigeria. This will bring Goodluck for Nigeria, since Nigeria is for Goodluck.

Q: Zoning is meant to address the issue of inequity whereby a particular part of the country monopolises power, don’t you think it is a good therapy for the nation?

A : Zoning is like a stale soup, which is neither good for the body nor for the nation. It seeks to emphasize the differences between the various parts of the country and it is rejected by Nigerians. Our heterogeneous culture is rich and should be a source of unity. It is high time we saw ourselves foremost as Nigerians and not as Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Ijaw, Fulani, Christian, Moslem, etc. Zoning compromises merit and encourages mediocrity and tribalism, the same bitter pills that have brought Nigeria, the Giant of Africa, to its knees. Nigeria, at this crucial time in our development has no option but to choose the best possible leader irrespective of tribe, state or religion. Speaking of inequity, what regions have produced more presidents in Nigeria? As a nation we are 50 years old but one part of the country has led for about 38 years. Of all the regions of Nigeria, the South South is the only region that is yet to produce the president. But we are saying that Nigeria does not need a zonal leader but a national leader. It is President Goodluck Jonathan’s constitutional right to contest the presidency as is anyone else’s. Zoning is like a cancerous growth in Nigeria which requires a radical operation to remove before it kills our nation.

Q: Do you believe a Jonathan Presidency in 2011 will help temper the restiveness of the oil-rich Niger Delta?

A : President Jonathan has already identified the Niger Delta problem as a key national issue to tackle. By virtue of the fact that he originates from the Niger Delta, he already has a vast knowledge of the mechanics of youth restiveness in this area. His government is already vehemently pursuing the amnesty programme for the militants, who are already being rehabilitated. The Niger Delta ministry is already addressing the infrastructural development of this neglected area. Despite the complexity of the Niger Delta problem, President Goodluck Jonathan, by his policies in this respect so far, has shown that he is well equipped to tackle this very important issue.

Q: But Why Jonathan? What special qualities does he possess?

A: To start with, President Goodluck Jonathan is an exceptionally humble person. His temperament is that of a gifted leader. He is calm and at the same time stern and severe when necessary. This exceptional nature of his has benefitted the nation throughout his period of public service from Deputy Governor to President. He is enthusiastic and focused and has a passion for his work. He has instilled so much discipline and accountability into his cabinet. In periods of uncertainty he has remained calm, composed and steadfast, this can clearly be observed in his Presidency.

He is detribalised. He embraces the whole nation. Despite the unfair treatment he received from some selfish Nigerians during the crisis period following the illness of our late President, and his eventual demise, he has not been vindictive. He is very knowledgeable and insightful, not only by virtue of his education but also because of his nature.

In Nigeria where our political history is pregnant with corrupt leaders, President Goodluck Jonathan has lived above board. His modest life style is exemplary. He does not come from any political dynasty so his loyalty is to the people rather than to any elitist group or dynasty

He has endeared himself to Nigerians by the way he is already running the country. Within a short period he has set clear goals for his government, and is already putting in place steps to achieving these goals, some of which are: Poor power supply, need for credible elections, tackling of corruption and the Niger Delta problem. Why should Nigerians be deprived of such a Leader?


Q: What strategy are you using to mobilise other Nigerians both in Diaspora and at home for this cause?

A : The first strategy is educating fellow Nigerians on the need to unite as a nation and shun the artificial barriers being erected by tribal lords fronting for the obnoxious zoning formula. It is the choice between merit and mediocrity, between unity and disunity, between stability and instability, between prosperity and poverty, between freedom and slavery; it is the choice between GOODLUCK and bad luck. ‘Bad leadership na bad luck’ as we say in our local parlance. When we as Nigerians are well informed we are convinced that a sweeping majority will go for Goodluck. We will then be at our duty post to ensure that Nigerians come out en-mass to exert their right to vote.

Q: What areas would you advise President Jonathan to concentrate on for the remaining part of his Presidency before 2011 elections?

A: Energy. Power is the key to the development and industrialisation of any nation. No nation can progress without energy. We are happy that the President has already made this a priority. Tackling of corruption and conducting a free and fair election are also key. Another key issue is education; Chief Obafemi Awolowo once said that “an educated populace are the easiest to lead and the hardest to oppress”. We need an educated populace to run our government; we need a functional professional class who will create the middle class that runs every successful nation.

Q: In the final analysis, it is not President Jonathan that will nominate himself for presidency but his party, the PDP. Do you intend to lobby the party to give him the ticket?

A: Goodluck for Nigeria initiative is a non-partisan body. It is a collection of Nigerians with a conviction that President Goodluck Jonathan should be free to contest the 2011 elections, which starts from the primaries of course, as it is his constitutional right. Our goal is to educate and encourage Nigerians to resist the so-called zoning formula. The playing field should be open to all eligible contenders.

Q: As a well travelled Diaspora Nigerian, have you ever faced any humiliation just because you are a Nigerian?

A : Every Nigerian who has had the opportunity to travel out of the country is intermittently confronted with embarrassing situations brought about by virtue of his nationality. Most of these situations are unjustified and we as Nigerians must resist such. It is our duty to always project the positive image of our country and avoid criminal activities which have given our country a notoriously bad reputation abroad. I am proud to be a Nigerian and in all my travels constantly endeavour to correct certain wrong prejudices and generalisations. It is however sad to note that even in our country Nigerians are humiliated in most foreign embassies and multi-national corporations. This we can redress with good leadership and that is why the “Goodluck for Nigeria” initiative is important. We must re-focus our values as a nation.


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