POINTBLANKNEWS.COM is a premier news and current affairs resource center for everyone who desires to know current events in Africa and around the world. Through our website, we help to inform and educate our readers and keep them updated with news breaks.


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PointBlankNews.com is an independent online news magazine created to bring about more professionalism in online Journalism. It has no affiliation with any political party, ethnic groups; religious or social groups within the United States or any where in the world. PointBlankNews.com is primarily committed to the freedom of speech, the fundamental human rights and the journalism ethical responsibility of balance reporting.

Basically, we are out to promote developmental Journalism and create an enabling environment for people to be able to interact, share opinions and proffer solutions to the many political, social and economic problems facing Nigeria and Africa at large.


  • We Break The News
  • We are a team of professionals with knack for accurate and balance reporting
  • We investigate our stories
  • We offer opportunities for people to express their opinions

Pointblanknews.com delivers readers who are drawn to quality, innately curious about in-depth news and current affairs around the world and especially Africa.


Jackson Ude (Publisher) jackson@pointblanknews.com [347 - 323 - 1693]

Churchill Spencer Umoren (Editor) editor@pointblanknews.com [305 - 393 - 2393]

Ben Young (Senior Editor, Africa) bengandyblow@gmail.com

Uduma Mba (Editor, Nigeria) fidel947@yahoo.co.uk


If you have any article or opinion. Please send to jackson@pointblanknews.com or to editor@pointblanknews.com for publication.


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Email the Publisher jackson@pointblanknews.com or contact us via phone at 347 - 323 -1693



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