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Date Published: 07/22/10

Militants dare North, PDP: Choose between Jonathan, Oil War  


BACKSTAGE schemes for the 2011 presidential ticket of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), appears to be taking a turn for the worse in the Niger Delta, Nigeria's main oil and gas rergion, that has been an axis of low-intensity war since 2006.

Despite the current relative peace in the volatile region occasioned by the subsisting amnesty the late President Umaru Yar'Adua granted to militants, prospects for enduring peace are not appearing very positive.

The region is likely to erupt into an orgy of renewed ''Oil War'' if the northern part of the country conspire to stop President Goodluck Jonathan, from running for the number one office in the land on the platform of the PDP.

Already, the highest policy-making command of the Joint Revolutionary Council (JRC) an insurgent network, has resolved to return to the creeks if Jonathan is prevented from contesting the presidential election.

Spokesperson for the insurgents, Cynthia Whyte, claimed in an on-line statement to AkanimoReports on Thursday that the highest decision making body of all armed agitating interests in the Niger Delta have decided to return to their trenches if the Jonathan is barred on the ground of zoning.

''We hereby declare that any attempt to undermine the aspirations of President Jonathan to run for the Presidency of the Nigerian State based on the flimsy matter of zoning shall be met with violent rejection on our part'', the spokesperson said.

Continuing, she said, ''we will take our war to the doorsteps of the errant Northern cabal including all their interests in the Niger Delta. ''Against the will of many of us who believe in a sustained agitation in the Niger Delta to force the Nigerian State to give unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar, Jonathan, in his position as Vice President, led a campaign to quell the unrest in the Niger Delta. He moved from creek to creek preaching the gospel of peace and enjoining all combat elements to give peace a chance''.

Adding, the insurgents said, ''today, the same Northern interest he was protecting, now seeks to undermine him. Unfortunate! ''We call on people of goodwill to provide us therefore, with fact-based information of all businesses owned by certain businessmen of Northern extraction in the Niger Delta''.

''Our call'', they went on, ''is based on the recent violent demonstrations by politically manipulated Northern groups funded by the Bauchi and Katsina State governments to forment trouble, undermine President Goodluck Jonathan and insult the people of the Niger Delta''.

The insurgents said they strongly condemned the likes of Tanko Yakassai and Yahaya Kwande who they claimed have suddenly become beggars in the Babangida Shrine seeking to get relevance by any means necessary. We condemn them in all fullness.


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