Date Published: 09/12/10
"Take Campbell's Warning Serious", Lagos ACN tells Nigerians
The Lagos State chapter of Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) has charged the federal; government and the people of Nigeria to treat what has come to be known as “The Doomsday Prophecy” of the former United States Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. John Campbell, very seriously and do all to prevent such a scenario. The party said that should Nigeria waste the present golden opportunity to break free from a recent past of political contrivance and intrigues, it would be a costly experience that may ultimately have dire consequences for the country.
In a release in Lagos, signed by the Lagos State Publicity Secretary of the AC, Joe Igbokwe, the party said that what the former envoy gave Nigeria was a wise counsel from a friend and that Nigeria will only ignore it at its peril. It says that everything must be done to ensure that the coming election meets the expectation of Nigerians and the international community who have expressed the desire to ensure that Nigeria breaks from the outcome of the election.
“As a party, we are surprised that some Nigerians are reading mischief into the timely warning of the former US ambassador, Mr. Campbell. We are piqued that some politicians who perennially profi8t from electoral fraud are misinterpreting the time counsel to mean that the United States does not harbor the interest of Nigeria. We are not amused that some politicians are making desperate efforts to water down the warning or politicize it to pave way for another electoral charade in 2011.
“We are convinced the intent of these desperate efforts is to prepare the grounds for another massive electoral manipulation in 2011 and we are convinced that this will bode serious dangers for the country. We want to align our great party with the position of the former envoy that nothing must be done to prevent the conduct of a free and fair election in 2011. We therefore see the envoy’s position as a clarion call to all to ensure that the process and conduct of the coming election is made credible to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.
“Even as we know that some people have grown trenchantly impervious to demands for an improvement in the conduct of elections in Nigeria, we do not feel it is right and proper for them to openly express discontent with a harmless expression of concern about the conduct of the forthcoming election. That expression of discontent is enough to warn most Nigerians that most people in positions of authority do not want a free and fair election in 2011 presumably because of the treat it in such farcical manner as our recent elections were treated.
“Lagos AC charges all to take the warning of Mr. Campbell seriously and use it as a launch pad for a free and fair election in 2011. We want to add our voice to his and those of other agitated Nigerians and members of the international community that 2011 is a make or mar year for Nigeria and that the failure of the coming election will inflict serious consequences on Nigeria. We therefore charge all to ensure that everything is done to make the election free and credible.”