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Date Published: 06/15/11

Boko Haram import Militias from Somalia, vows fiercer attacks

Alleged members of Boko Haram
IG Ringim

Boko Haram, the Islamist sect terrorising and orchestrating deadly attacks in Northern Nigeria has said that it associates from Somalia have arrived Nigeria to orchestrate fiercer and deadly attacks in the country.

“Very soon, we will wage jihad...We want to make it known that our jihadists have arrived in Nigeria from Somalia where they received real training on warfare from our brethren who made that country ungovernable...,” said the group in a handwritten statement.

The group which recently demanded a full Sharia Law implementation in all the 19 Northern States in Nigeria as one of the condition for a ceasefire has also foreclosed further negotiations with Government. They revealed that the group had long recieved logistical support from Islamists group in Somalia known to have ties with Al-Qaeda.


“Dialogue with President Goodluck Jonathan has collapsed,” because of the statements made by the inspector general of police and governor of Borno State,” the group said.

It said it was angered by the police chief, Hafiz Ringim’s declaration that “the days of Boko Haram are numbered.

“This time round, our attacks will be fiercer and wider than they have been,” it said, adding it would target all northern states and the country’s capital Abuja. The statement in Hausa, a widely spoken language in the North, was anonymously delivered to journalists in the North-eastern city of Maiduguri, capital of Borno State, where the attacks were concentrated.

Also known as the Nigerian Talibans, the group launched an uprising in 2009 which was put down by a brutal military assault that left hundreds dead. The sect, which had pushed for the creation of an Islamic state, had been blamed for shootings of police and community leaders, bomb blasts and raids on churches, police stations and a prison.


Boko Haram, a Wahhabist organization, hails from among the poorly governed areas from northern Nigeria into Chad. Boko Haram, meaning “Western Civilization is Forbidden”, seeks the imposition of fundamentalist Islamic law into the region through two crusades: wage a holy war in the existing Islamic provinces of Nigeria and overcome the secularist presence, and secondly to expand that operation into the rest of the country in order to defeat the non-Muslim entities and establish the Emirate of Nigeria.

The group, headquartered in Borno, has allegedly been in existence since 1995, though under many different names. Boko Haram, as it is known today, did not come to prominence until 2003 when Muhammad Yusuf was elected the new leader. Since then incidents have been sporadic.

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