Date Published: 05/11/10
Press Release: As Bill Gates visits Imo State!!!!
Not too long ago precisely on the 4 th of December 2008, the SUN publishing company (Publishers of the SUN group of Newspapers) held its first economic summit in the south-East of Nigeria. The occasion took place in Imo State at the Imo CONCORDE HOTEL. The guest speaker at the occasion was the governor of Imo State, Mr. Ikedi Ohakim. The governor advocated that corrupt leaders should be stoned to death. It is on record that this writer responded with an article published in numerous newspapers and magazines entitled “CHARACTERISTICS OF A CORRUPT LEADER”. (see the attached article). This article in question became imperative because Ikedi Ohakim who was pointing one finger at corruption has his remaining fingers and toes pointing at him.
Another economic summit will take place again in Imo State on the 8 th of June 2010. In a bid to attract credibility, dignity and integrity to his fraudulent and already dwindled leadership, Mr. Ikedi Ohakim has invited a one time richest man in the world to be a guest speaker in the so called economic summit. His name is Mr. Bill Gates. He will be the “guest speaker for the economic summit” coming on the 8 th of June 2010.
It should be noted that whenever the Imo State Governor is under the heat of critisms (either for non-performance, looting of state resources, money laundering, involvement in kidnapping activities, sleeping with girls in the Governors office or flogging a citizen in the office of the Governor), he will either run away from the kitchen of leadership in the state or he would invite people to the state for one programme or the other in order to divert attention. So far, he has exhausted using prominent people in this country hence his going global. What do I mean? The latest embarrassment and critism the Ohakim leadership is currently facing is the scam of providing “10,000 jobs” for Imo youths on the condition that the same unemployed youths parts with the sum of N2000 = excluding other variables. Therefore having realized that he has been exposed once again in his scheme to defraud helpless and confused Imo youths, his leadership has now devised a face saving strategy which is to invite Mr. Bill GATES to be a guest speaker in a so called economic summit, where he will give Imo State a blue print on how to “develop” our economy.
Probably, after the summit every available space in the state will be used to display bill boards showing faces and pictures of Bill Gates discussing with Ikedi Ohakim. Already there are over 500 bill boards in Imo State showing Ikedi Ohakim advertising unavailable 10,000 jobs for Imo youths. If each bill board costs about N300,000 = to erect, then it means that the Ohakim leadership has so far expended the sum of N150,000.000 = on that “jobs for youths” bill boards alone. This is different from over N100,000.000 = expended on newspapers and magazines advertisement on the same “jobs for youths”. This is equally different from the resources wasted in sponsoring the same “jobs for youths” in radio and television announcement across the country.
The only blueprint to develop Imo State is good governance which the Ohakim leadership totally lacks. The only economic summit which Imo needs is the economic summit to discuss how to re-activate our industries which DEE SAM MBAKWE built for us, some twenty – seven years ago.
Rather than waste public funds to host an unprofitable economic summit, the funds budgeted for the summit should be channeled to meaningful programmes. For sure, MR. BILL GATES will be received in Imo State with placards exposing the atrocities of the Ohakim Government in the state. He will be told in clear terms that OHAKIM means “ONE HUNGRY ANIMAL KILLING IMO MERCILESSLY”.
Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha
Facilitator – SLAP Initiative
Plot 98 Ikenegbu Layout Extension
Owerri – Imo State, Nigeria
10 th may 2010