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Date Published: 05/12/10


11 th of May 2010

Office of the Chairman of South-South Youth


Mr. President : Dissolve the Entire Management of NDDC, as the Serve their Pockets and not the Region

We have observed with total shame the performance of the current management of Niger Delta Development Commission, and their lack  of developmental initiative.

The entire board of the NDDC as headed by Mr. Chibuzor Ugwoha considered their call to serve the Niger Delta as a buccaneering expedition for self enrichment and development personal of their private estates, as a matter of facts they all seek to develop their pockets and not the Niger Delta region.

As youths we have met and resolved that it is our duty as trustees of posterity and direct beneficiaries of Sustainable Development in our dear region.

Sequel to this we are making an unequivocal call to our dear son and President Goodluck Jonathan who  in his capacity is also curious to see the Niger Delta develop as much as other oil producing regions across the world.

With calls for quick intervention in the development of or region we believe that men like Chibuzor Ugwoha are not supposed to be in the helm of affairs of an interventionist agency like the NDDC.

It is our dire appeal that the President Goodluck Jonathan swiftly act to this call and replace the NDDC, management with responsible and responsive technocrats that will bring the quick and much needed development that to our people.

However, we are making this call on our dear President hoping that he is like predecessor he will listen to the call of the youths of Niger Delta.

May we also add that we have concluded arrangements to flood the streets of port Harcourt with youths to press home our demand, where we shall via an international press conference bring to the notice of the world the lapses and self centeredness of the commission management members led by Mr chibuzor  Ugwoha.


Barr. Odiedim Amachree

Email:     ssylfnational@gmail.com

Tel    :     08038983890

Website: www. southsouthyouthleadersforum. org

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