Date Published: 06/30/10
29th June 2010.
Press Release
Lagos AC condemns London Jamboree
The Lagos State chapter of the Action Congress has added its voice to the growing condemnation on the frivolous and unnecessary jamboree embarked by the President, PDP governors and ministers to London to celebrate the country’s fiftieth independence anniversary. The party sees the needless jamboree as another indication that the PDP is confused on the needs and priorities of Nigeria after eleven years of fruitless governance by the PDP.
In a release in Lagos, signed by the Lagos State Publicity Secretary of the AC, Joe Igbokwe, Lagos AC contended that the PDP is a party that thrives on such reckless wasting of the country’s scarce resources in wasteful exercises that do not have any positive value for Nigerians. It says that the jamboree proves that the PDP is finished after finishing Nigeria in a binge of misgovernance and gargantuan corruption this past eleven years.
“Coming after the awkward rebuttal by the Information Minister that the federal government has budgeted a hefty sum of N10 billion to spend in celebrating the nation’s fiftieth independent anniversary, this trip goes to further prove the truth in the allegation that this government wants to waste N10 billion on a very unnecessary reveling when Nigerians are dying in their thousands everyday from hunger and preventable want. That a government faced with challenges of providing the most basic facilities to its long suffering citizens is now indulging in indecent revelry while those services are non existent shows that Nigeria is floundering in the hands of witless mediocre and clowns whose understanding of governance does not transcend the satiation of base means.
“It would have been apt to think back and see whether Nigeria is a success or failure in fifty years of independence. A cursory glance of our past and present and a prospect into an uncertain future will prove that Nigeria has nothing to celebrate in fifty years of ceaseless suffering for the masses of this country. Even as the PDP and its members measure success of the country on how much they have pillaged the resources of this country, we do not feel that Nigeria has scored any high marks to warrant the type of bare revelry the PDP is painting the world red with at present. We see the frivolous jamboree in London as both a mark of the mediocrity the PDP has used to waste the potentials of this country but a wasteful country a country, operating on the fringes of poverty, disease and want can ill afford.
“Nigerians are scandalized that eleven years into the PDP stay in power, their living conditions have worsened even as the country has made so much revenue from its natural resources. We wonder what the PDP is reveling about in a country where there is no light, no good roads, no jobs for its teeming citizens, no potable water, no food and where hunger, disease, want, armed robbery, kidnapping, insecurity, hopelessness, and all other negative ennui have completely taken over. Nigerians are aghast that the PDP continues to thrive in profligacy and wasteful misappropriation of Nigeria’s resources thereby sentencing Nigeria to a worsening state of poverty.
“We call on Nigerians to start preparing to do away with this PDP cabal before they completely ground Nigeria into one huge enclave of grinding poverty and corruption. We want Nigerians to use the golden chance of the coming 2011 elections to throw away this PDP nuisance, which carries on as if Nigerian resources are their personal property to raid and misappropriate. We want Nigerians to rise with one voice and insist that Enough is Enough!”
Joe Igbokwe,
Publicity Secretary,
Lagos AC. |