Date Published: 09/12/10
Press Statement: Gov. Amaechi With The Naked Ogoni Girl
3046 W. 77Th. STREET (Annex)
Chicago, Illinois 60659
Ph. 773.832.1115 ~ Fax. 773. 452.4544
September 6, 2010
Press Release on Gov. Amaechi and His visit to Dae Community in Ogoni
The National Union of Ogoni Students’ USA attention has been draw to the recent picture posted on Rivers Connect Group, a social networking group with ties to the Rivers State governor, Rt. Hon Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi. The picture which is believed to have been taken by the governor’s cameraman during his visit to Dae in Khana local government area of the state for media events and published online contains the images of Gov. Amaechi posing with a naked 4 year old girl. Although the people of Ogoni are fully opposed to the relocation of the Zamani Lekwot cantonment to Ogoniland, sources close to the administration told NUOS USA that the main reason why he went to Dae where the picture was taken was to view another proposed site for relocation.
NUOS USA is not only concerned about this endless efforts by the governor to impose a military camp on Ogoni when it is already home to a naval base, but condemned in entirety the governor and his entourage for posing and taking picture with a nude little girl. The wide spread publicity given to this shameful and despicable act by the government of Rivers State is sad and further demonstrate how insensitive and disrespectful the governor is towards Ogoni like all his predecessors since the Ogoni struggle started.
In light of the foregoing, NUOS International USA viewed the photographing of the child in nude as a total humiliation to the child, family and the people of Ogoni in general. Moreover, NUOS USA saw the photographing of the little child not only unlawful, but a crime against the little child as well as a gross violation of the United Nation resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989. We therefore, reiterate that since the psychological, mental and emotional harm done to the child, parents and family could not be recovered in the course of her life time, the governor should apologize to the child, family and the Ogoni people with immediate effect.
Furthermore, NUOS also noted that in recent time the governor has continued to rain abuses and insults on the people of Ogoni. One particular incidence happened at a church service in Bane where Gov. Amaechi demonstrated his lack of respect and ignorance as he went on to trade words with the Bishop of Anglican diocese, Rt. Reverend Solomon Gbenegbara on the issue of creation of Bori State. If the likes of Amaechi do not know that the People of Ogoni, Andoni, Opobo, Eleme, Oyigbo and Ndoki have a right to make a demand on the government of their country then his democracy is death on arrival. We also note that while other Governors and Senators are leading delegations to Abuja for the demand for more states from their present states for rapid development and equal representation, Gov. Amaechi is comfortable and busy championing clannish violence from Okirika to Kalabari and from Omuku to Ogoni, which is absurd.
In addition, NUOS USA has being reliably informed that Amaechi is the muscle behind the publication that recently appeared in pointblank online news that tends to run Hon. Senator Lee Maeba down because of Hon. Maeba's support for the creation of Bori State. The interview which was credited to nobody bears the print of Amaechi’s sycophants (Ogoni elders) who are too afraid to air their identity. We therefore, call on Amaechi to stop renting crowd from Eleme and stop travelling to Abuja or sponsoring some selfish, disregarded Ogoni elders to Abuja to derail the creation of Bori State.
Finally, NUOS USA hereby call on all people of good will, the federal government of Nigeria, the People democratic party of Nigeria and the Ogbaka Ikwere to stand up and defend the dignity of the innocent child whose nude picture was taken as well as support the creation of Bori State irrespective of where the border line is drawn because it will benefit everyone. Let us not forget the opportunities created by the creation of Bayelsa state which Gov. Amaechi is a direct beneficiary.
Pius B Nwinee Sampson B. Npimnee
President Secretary