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Date Published: 10/03/10



The Federal Government of Nigeria is Unserious and Insincere.


We have once again noticed the insincerity and undue favouritism of the Federal Government as was recently demonstrated during the Award Night of Nigeria's Golden Jubilee.

We hereby express our strong but usual disappointment in the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan, for allowing him self to be pushed around by giving awards to UNWORTHY PERSONS.

We condemn in strong terms the selection of OLUSHEGUN OBASANJO, AND ALIKO DANGOTE for such award as they should be made to face the LAW in a some serious nations.

While OBJ is over due to answer questions for several HUMAN RIGHT VIOLATIONS, DANGOTE is also due to explain his very recent improprieties in the NIGERIN STOCK EXCHANGE. Which led to his sack. Yet they were both celebrated.

It is now no secret that most of the recipients for the AWARD are ment to raise funds for PDP in the forth coming election.

Otherwise very credible and deserving states men such as HAROLD DAPA-BIRIYE and Gen. MURTALA MOHAMED, Chief MELFORD OKILO, among others would have been appreciated for their visible contributions to Nigeria.

The inconsistency and nepotism of the Federal Government in the last Four months is an indication that OUR COUNTRY is in dire need of a Pragmatic, Progressive, Objective, Responsive and Responsible Leadership.

Sequel to the above, the South-South Youth Leaders Forum shall within the month Announce our candidate for the 2011 presidential election. In our bid to put an end to the playful attitude of our current leaders. Because we have grown above Ethnic,Zonal,and Tribal sentiments, our candidate may come from the any part of Nigeria.

Finally we consider, the award of most of the recipients, as running contrary to the "fight against corruption".


Comr. AMACHREE ODIEDIM,Esq. Chairman;

South-South Youth Leaders Forum.

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