Date Published: 10/21/10
Re: Credible Elections
The National Union of Ogoni Students’ USA has been monitoring events in Ogoniland. The recent publication entitled “An open letter to National/State Chairman and leaders of all political parties 2011: Ogoni leaders insist on credible elections" dated 10/06/2010 credited to Ogoni Leaders Forum was no surprise. NUOS International, USA is not against free speech but we stand against deception, manipulation, and injustice by any group. An impeccable source revealed, members of the Ogoni Leaders group, particularly Dr. Bennett Birabi and Mr. Ledum Anazor Mitee are using the group to pave way for their wards in the 2011 election.
- We use this opportunity to inform Ogoni Leaders Forum not to serve as puppets to Dr. Birabi and Ledum Mitee in their personal aspirations. We reliably gathered they are fronting their sons and brothers for endorsement by the group. Ogoni is not a personal fiefdom, and the political process in this democratic dispensation is a pool for all qualified Ogoni sons and daughters.
- Although, NUOS International, USA is non- political, we would continue to stand at the intercession of the political process as watch dogs so that all Ogoni enjoys an open, free and fair election.
- In fact, Ogoni Leaders Forum should not only raise eye-brow at the political issues above, but other staggering cultural matters that confront the Ogoni nation. Nigerians home and abroad are interested in hearing their positions on creation of Bori State and EXONERATION of Ken Saro Wiwa and eight Ogoni environmentalist murdered with him.
- It is also a challenge to Ogoni Leaders Forum to explain why Mr. Ledum Mitee continues to lay claim to the Leadership of MOSOP unchallenged and yet the group is talking about credibility in election. The world expects this group to take a central stand against the continuous claim to MOSOP Leadership by Mr. Ledum Mitee.
- We also gathered, the call by the Ogoni Leaders Forum was the handiwork of Governor Rotimi Amaechi, who has penciled- down his political surrogates to either remain in office to siphon the peoples’ wealth or others who are political dregs in Ogoni. NUOS International, USA frowns at such undemocratic scheme and political godfatherism in any form in furtherance of selfish political agendas in Ogoni.
In view of the foregoing, NUOS International, USA, call on Ogonis to embrace the political process, resist impositions of candidates on them, and also Ogoni Leaders Forum should do an internal evaluation to rewrite the status quo in MOSOP before calling for credible elections.
On behalf of NUOS International, USA, We are:
Mr.Pius Barikpoa Nwinee Mr. Sampson Npimnee
(President) (Secretary)