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Date Published: 11/19/10


A Press Release by "Igbo Emancipation and Rebuilding Forum".


After a thorough study and analysis of the political and economic situation in Imo State by the general assembly of the above named association at a meeting held recently in Owerri, the Igbo emancipation and rebuilding forum came out with the undisputable and clear conclusion that Imo state under the present Governor Ikedi Ohakim have destroyed the state. The once dynamic, progressive and vibrant state is now a mere shadow of its original self.

This is because of the kind of government in the state. In a period of three years and about six months, Ikedi Ohakim succeeded in destroying the state which Dr. Sam Mbakwe of blessed memory suffered to build due to enormous corruption and other leadership malpractices that are prevalent in his (Ohakim) government.

We therefore see the frantic effort being made by distinguished Senator (Chief) Ifeanyi Araraume to assume the leadership of the state and correct this abnormally as a most welcomed development and a plan by God almighty to bring this pride of Igbo land, back to glory and by that save the people of Imo State from protracted period of abject suffering and excruciating pains.

The time is long over due for the liberation of Imo State and her people from years of bondage by people who are only interested in filling their pockets instead of rendering selfless services to the people. Imo people are tired of this injustice and the time for this much desired change is now.

We consequently, assure you “His Excellency Chief Ifeanyi Araraume that we shall do our whole best to ensure that nothing will stop you from actualizing your dream of becoming the Executive Governor of Imo State come May 29 th 2011. we believe that you are the saviour the people of Imo State have been waiting for and the masses are solidly behind you.

As is in our character, we always go out of our way to support and ensure full realization of the political interest of well meaning, illustrious prominent Igbo sons and daughters and we offer and assure you of our total and absolute support towards the actualization of your dream of becoming the executive governor of Imo State in 2011.


This is because of the fact that you are the most qualified for the job. Your credentials is unequalled by any other candidate and your political record is enviable. You are also highly respected in and outside Igbo land and this makes you the best for the governorship seat of Imo State.

The people of Imo State have suffered very long enough and they hunger for change which you are about to bring to them. His Excellency, Chief Ifeanyi Araraume, you are already the executive governor of Imo State because it is already impossible and too late to stop you. The people of the state are already waiting for your government which shall be people oriented and full of dividends of democracy not the draconian and dictatorial regime we have today in the state.

We believe that you are the light; we know you are the light.

You must shine on the land of Imo State so that the people will smile and laugh once again.

Bravo! His Excellency, Chief (DR) Ifeanyi Araraume, ride on!

The hope of Imo State come 2011. The sky is only the beginning of your limit, not your limit.


George Oraeki Comrade Chijioke Nwankwo

Secretary General president General

Peter Royston Ogoke

Publicity secretary


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