Date Published: 01/11/11
A New Year Message to All Nigerians
The Year 2011 is finally here and we give thanks to the almighty God for granting us the grace to be living witnesses to the continued existence of the entity called Nigeria.
As it happens to be the year when general elections will be held, Year 2011 is exceptionally significant to Nigeria in her transition to a truly democratic system of Government. It therefore becomes imperative for all true sons and daughters of Nigeria to get actively involved in determining the right course of leadership by working together to make the coming election a success regardless of tribe, religion, political beliefs and other affiliations.
The overriding interest that must take precedence over all partisan and personal interest is the Nigeria's National interest.
The New Year presents a brand new opportunity to do things differently.
We see this year as the year to make real changes happen.
A year for all Nigerians to jealously guard and protect their votes.
A year for all well meaning Nigerians to roll up their sleeves for the service of the nation so that this coming general election will not turn out to be another general selection process.
Nigeria must get it right this time for the sake of the long-suffering electorate that have endured decades of disenfranchisement and become so accustomed to being discounted that they have become apathetic and disillusioned about their role in the Nigerian polity.
We reaffirm our belief that Nigerians are able to carry out a free and fair election under the right stewardship underpinned by a patriotic political will.
This year presents a unique chance to end the unfair and unpatriotic practice that precludes free and fair elections in Nigeria in the interest of perpetuating self-serving politicians and maintaining the status quo.
We urge all eligible Nigerians to ensure that they participate in the registration process and verify their registration within the stipulated period.
The registration process is an extremely important initial part of the electoral process that must not be missed by any eligible Nigerian of voting age. It gives you a say in the electoral process on polling day when we expect Nigerians to vote with their conscience.
It is about time Nigerians elected capable candidates that can deliver in the interest of the Nigerian public. Let us be mindful of those candidates that throw dirty money around as a form of inducement that lead voters to sell their franchise at every election, only to find that such unscrupulous candidates get into public office to represent themselves.
For information purposes, the important dates to keep in mind for the registration process are listed below:
- 15th to 29th January - Registration of Voters.
- 3rd to 8th February - Display of Register of Voters for claims and objections.
- 2nd March 2011 - Publication of official Register of voters for the elections.
- 2nd April 2011 - National Assembly Elections.
- 9th April 2011 - Presidential Election.
- 16th April 2011 - Governorship/State Assembly Elections.
More details on INEC website:
The keen eyes of the world is set upon Nigeria as she prepares for the next general election hence it is absolutely crucial for all Nigerians to engage with the next electoral process to ensure that it is conducted in a free and fair manner.
Be vigilant! Your vote is your voice
As part of your New Year resolution, include a commitment to register to vote and a determination to actually vote.
Check the INEC publication on the 21st of March 2011 to ensure your name is on the register.
Turn out to vote on the elections dates as listed above.
Encourage every eligible Nigerian you know to exercise the same civic responsibility.
God bless Nigeria in the year 2011 and beyond.
Citizens For Change
Citizens For Change is UK charity working to promote good governance in Africa. |