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Date Published: 09/18/10

Seven Salient Questions for Mr. President


By Chris Nwaokobia Jnr

Friend,here is my take on Mr.President's Speech..Mr.President I have read your speech with the most dispassionate refrain imaginable and a few issues bothers the carapace of my mind..1.Your achievements are basically policy papers..2.You sa...id transformation will begin 2011 whilst you are in power,does that suggest that the 3months you spent as Acting President and the 1yr 3weeks you have as the Executive President are for the locusts..3.How can you fight corruption when the sacred cows,the POWER PROBE SCAMMERS and the Haliburton Scam Perpetrators are your Godfathers,we saw them with you..4.Jega is credible yeah,but his program is presently raising questions,do you really think that free and fair polls is achievable in January??5.Have you given thought to the fact that God may have brought you this far to berth a NEW paradigm,conduct free and fair elections and not surround yourself with election riggers and those whose essence,and reason for being in

politics is lucre,greed and graft??6.Have you truly prayed and you forget that IF THE FOUNDATION is broken\faulty what can the builders do?With OBJ,E.K Clark,Ewuga,Mantu,Ndudi Elumelu and the likes as your main backers what can you do?7.Since you took over after the demise of President Yar'Adua will you truly say that your regime has not snuffed out the little fire that the fight against corruption had under him???...Mr.President please check the drummers machinating this dance of yours and heed the Counsel of the true men of God....Conduct free and fair polls and depart the stage honourably..May God grant you the courage to tread wisely 

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