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Date Published: 09/24/10

New Army Postings..By Brig. Gen. Chris Olukolade


The Nigerian Army has carried out a posting exercise which resulted in the redeployment of some senior officers.

The posting which affected principal staff officers, formation and corps commanders as well as commandants of training institutions and some staff officers at Defence and Army Headquarters led to a reshuffle whereby Major General JO Shoboiki becomes the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 1 Division, Brigadier General MD Abubakar GOC 2 Division, Major General SO Idoko GOC 3 Division, Brigadier General KTJ Minimah GOC 81 Division, Major General SY Bello GOC 82 Division, Brigadier General MA Nasamu Commander Army Headquarters Garrison and Colonel EJ Atewe Commander Brigade

Similarly, Major General CO Onwuamaegbu is now commandant of the Nigerian Defence Academy as Major General MA Yerima moves to the Defence Headquarters as Chief of Training and Operations. Major General CO Omoregie is the new Commander of the Joint Task Force.

New principal staff officers at the Army Headquarters includes Major General O Akinyemi the Chief of Policy and Plans, Major General LP Ngubane Chief of Training and Operations, Major General BS Usara Chief of Army Standards and Evaluation, Major General BC Azunrunwa Chief of Logistics, Major General AB Maitama Chief of Administration. Other positions affected by the posting are a few staff appointments at the Defence and Army Headquarters.

The posting was carried out to cater for deployments in the force following recent retirements and appointments in the Nigerian Army. Affected officers are expected to resume at their new posts immediately.

Brigadier General


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