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Date Published: 03/22/11

National Tobacco Control Bill: What you should know by Olatoyosi Onaolapo

The National Tobacco Control bill, eventually received Senate approval for its passage on Tuesday 15 th March 2011, after 25 months of its initial presentation. The bill seeks to regulate the activities of the Tobacco companies, as well as protect the lives of citizens, especially minors.

Some of the relevant provisions, which would form part of the harmonized bill, include the following:

  • The establishment of an all encompassing National Tobacco Control Committee, to ensure compliance with implementing the bill.

The committee would also ensure the initiation of strategic control policies to regulate the tobacco industry and protect public health.

  • Designated non – smoking places have been clarified and smoking has been prohibited in all these places, which include: schools and ALL institutions of learning, sports and recreational facilities, government buildings, and there shall be no access to tobacco products within a 1000 meter radius of any of these facilities.

Also parks, libraries, amusement parks, corridors, stairwells, lounges, eating and reception areas, elevators and escalators, hospitals, places of worship, cinemas, discotheques, factories, courts, any place where children converge, police stations, cells, public vehicles, trains, ferries, motor parks, market places and airports, etc, are all designated non smoking areas.

  • Legible package statements shall be inscribed on every packet of cigarette, differentiating cigarettes which have been manufactured for export only and those manufactured for sale in Nigeria. Also, clearly visible tax stamps, on packets of cigarette.
  • Promoters of prohibited smoking areas (e.g. night clubs, pubs, restaurants, etc) shall display legible, clear and prominent “No smoking signs” in these facilities, the signs must be in English and local dialects to ensure that it is easy to understand.
  • Sale to and by minors has been prohibited (minors, categorized as persons under the age of 18). Also age verification at the point of sales has become imperative.

Prominent and legible warning signs shall be displayed at every point of sale of a tobacco product, stipulating that “sale of cigarettes to persons under age 18 is prohibited”.

Conspicuous health warnings, in English and local dialects, done up in block letters and covering 50% of the surface, shall be inscribed on a pack of cigarette. The Minister of health is empowered to determine, graphic or pictorial warnings to be utilized.

  • Sale of cigarette by the stick has been prohibited. Cigarettes will only be sold per pack with the seals unbroken and intact.
  • Advertisement, promotion, sponsorship, brand endorsement, testimonials and subtle advertisement have been prohibited. These include distribution of promotional items and souvenirs/party favors e.g. tee shirts, fez caps, key rings etc.

Tobacco companies are not allowed to sponsor any event, which tends to promote their brand e.g. musical concerts, fashion shows, sports tournaments, etc.

The bill ensures that the provisions are enforceable and definite penalties have been set for defaulters, ranging from payment of fines, to imprisonment or both, in some cases. Authorized officers would be empowered to enforce the law.

It is important to note that the major purpose of this bill is to save lives of the citizens of this country, serve as a defense for public health and ensure that minors are not engaged in and/or addicted to cigarette smoking.

The tobacco companies have been forced to act responsibly in their own home countries, where stringent anti – tobacco legislation now guide their operations. There is therefore no reason for the situation to be different in Nigeria, after all the life of an American is just as important as that of a Nigerian.

On behalf of the Coalition Against Tobacco (CAT)


National Coordinator

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