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By Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji


I was on my bed  reading the dailies as done every night, which is the only period I enjoy and concentrate in reading newspapers, and normally have beside me my transistor radio to equally enjoy soul music.

However, as this was going on, the presenter of the oldies suddenly slot in one of the evergreen record of this famous musician, Michael Jackson right there the thought of writing this piece which I believe would serve as a lesson for those in the habit of trying to unveil the work of Almighty God and dare Him came to my mind, hence, I took my laptop.

Following this development, I had a flashback to the photographs of Michael Jackson at 50, as well as another showing him on wheelchair, and wept for him, for being a victim of youthful exuberance and Americans deceit to destroy and ruined him.

It would be recalled that, Jackson who is a black colour American started his fame at a tender age, and as early as in his 20”s he has been “swimming” in money, a development which to me beclouded his sense of reasoning.


As the popular adage in Yoruba says “Ayo Ni Pani” meaning it is overjoy that kills, Michael Jackson, a Jehovah Witness, rather than propagate, the work of God, as his religion denomination belief, he ventured into propagating Devil’s work.

He resolved one day to change his black and shine God given colour, to become a 100 percent white, a signal to the fact that, he was daring God. Before we know it, he was encouraged and fooled to embark on a now regret mission.

Today, our famous Jackson has become a laughing stock, and the bitter truth is that, his fame has become a mockery. From my own point of view, which I am of the conviction that would be the position of genuine people, it is only God miracle that would see him surviving another decade.

Don’t take me wrong, but the bitter truth is that Wacko Jacko as the pop singer is popularly known is today a walking corpse, who needs fervent prayer from all and sundry. I even learnt that at a point in time, he couldn’t walk under the sun.

His current ordeal in my own conviction, would likely be a source of joy, to those American racists, who by now be rejoicing to have fallen into the trap of destroying him, for been a black American with so much enormous popularity and wealth.

Ironically, having been destroy physically and health-wise, Michael Jackson is also bankrupt, what an unfortunate case of grace to grass. The lesson, I want us to learn is that we should be cautious of being spiritually strong and avoid any efforts in questioning God.

I don’t mean using this write-up to disparage him, but found it important and necessary for all to learn a lesson, that when God say yes, nobody can say no, and in addition, the Bible tell us that all what God created are done and created perfectly.

I wish the pop music veteran and idol best of luck, and pray that, he would still see the favour of God, in this his trying moment. I pity him and remain one of his committed fans.


Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji is the Zonal Secretary of Nigeria Union of Journalists{NUJ} based in Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital, Nigeria and sent this piece. He can be reached on e-mail ijesaguy@yahoo.com or gzonenuj@yahoo.com


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