Where is Maurice Iwu & Nuhu Ribadu’s Shame?
Ikenna Ellis-Ezenekwe [JP]
Without mincing words, it has become pertinent the two key notorious criminals of the 2007 election be brought within the firing range of the critical masses angered and unforgiving by the authoritative manner with which Nuhu and Maurice aided the looting of the collective voting rights of Nigerians without regard, all in exchange for stolen monetary gains by way of Obasanjo’s highly sharpened skill of thievery. And it has come time simple acidic truths be spoken to the two criminal lackeys of Obasanjo without fear or care of retributive measures that may follow. This is because these two criminals in the persons of Maurice Iwu and Nuhu Ribadu utilized by the Olusegun Aremu Obasanjo to sabotage the civil rights of over 140million innocent citizens of the giant of Africa, Nigeria - cannot and should not be allowed to go unpunished as the electioneering exercise of 2010/2011 draws near.
And here are reasons why the two notorious thieves must not escape severe punishment for their legendary and unscrupulous shenanigans still fermenting unabated in the corridors of power in Abuja. For most, it is not difficult recalling the heartless hypocrisy of Nuhu Ribadu while he held sway at the realm of affairs at the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission [EFCC], nor is it difficult recalling the monkeyshines of the ever slimy Maurice Iwu at the chambers of the Independent National Electoral Commission [INEC]. And to most Nigerians, there is no need for a refresher course on the rubbish orchestrated by the duo. But sadist orders emanating directly from our evil and democratically elected dictator in the person of Olusegun Obasanjo to his lackeys in the persons of Nuhu and Maurice can never be overplay or overstated.
It is no secret that it was our evil dictator Olusegun Obasanjo who tapped on Nuhu-boy to dubiously and selectively harass many of the would-be political aspirants via nebulous indictments of financial wrongdoings - thus blackmailing them out of exercising their civil rights while simultaneously robbing 140millions of their civil rights. Most remember in 2006 when Nuhu-boy boastfully averred while at the National Assembly that 32 out of the then 36 seating governors were being investigated - and soon to be indicted on financial wrongdoing of which may lead to possible arrests if the governors do not drop their political aspirations. As a result of his not so hidden threat, behind the curtains dealings between Nuhu Ribadu and the said corrupt governors resulted to the historic electoral mischief of all time. It saw the withdrawal of many governors from seeking to vie for the presidential seat in 2007, or for re-election. And of course, large sums of monies exchanged hands between the governors and Nuhu Ribadu. The words of a prominent Senator summed up Ribadu’s play card. He adds that “ Ribadu did the job the man that hired him, and that is expected as long as Nigeria continued living in PDP style of democracy. He went after those fingered by his boss and those in the grace book of his boss are declared of good behaviour”. The question becomes where then is Nuhu Ribadu’s shame as he parades around the media houses in search for his dignity? Who is to bell the cat?
But Maurice Iwu’s shame is without bounds as many in Nigeria already know. He has proved himself a mock. Maurice Iwu did exactly what he was hired to do for Peoples Democratic Party [PDP]- was to rig the election the hard way and he did not disappoint and that was why he still retain his position till date despite the fact that it was the most fraudulent election since Africa started looking at democracy. And that is not to downplay Maurice Iwu’s near criminal backgrounds – where he was found to have lied about stealing $50,000 from Citi Bank of Maryland [ click here to see background report on Maurice] along with many other shameful shenanigans that should have deterred any right thinking President from appointing Maurice Iwu to the head of INEC. But our Olusegun Obasanjo did.
Careful examination of the character exhibited by Prof. Maurice Iwu from both his backgrounds and current activities as the INEC Chairman strongly points to a man who habitually makes false promises and failed promises. His grandiose utterance that he has found the cure to Ebola messes with his latest promise to have the candidate register available to the Nigerian public. Both have turned out to be broken promises in the past. Other indicators such as his dubious escapades with Citibank and his other creditors point to the same trait of making promises that he can fulfil. For the elections of 2003, INEC registered about 60million voters but in 2007 was only able to register 57million. The concern is whether Prof. Maurice Iwu would be able to deliver a free and fair election as 2010/2011 comes around.
The ball is now in the court of everyday Nigerians to determine whether Maurice should be allowed to remain at the top of the affairs at the INEC. And whether Nuhu should be allowed his continued delusional quest to seek his dignity in the hallways and corridors of media houses remains the other question.