419 workers, Keep Your Brothers & Show Respect
By S. Njokede
What is this pull that is chucking and pushing Nigerian 419workers to sending scam letters to co-Nigerians with the intention of ripping them off? About six months ago, I opened an email ad as follows: www.punchbadleaders@yahoo.com ., with the name Njokede. Since then, I have received more than 250 scam mails from Nigerian 419workers. No Nigerian or African could have mistaken Njokede to be an Asian, Caucasian or a strangers´ name. Why’d any Nigerian want to make his or her way so easy through the total ruin of another countryman? Nigerian scammers who are 419ing other Nigerians need to pump that brake! They are making their ways too easy.
You are all damn too dull otherwise, how could you not know that no Nigerian alive today would cave in to your bait. I Q is one thing, emotional intelligence is another: it takes emotional intelligence to love your countryman as yourself. If you are dying-hard to scam your fellow citizen, you are a psychiatric liability. I will suggest you guys are shipped to Uselu psychiatric home in Benin City for correctional purposes. All the playboys and playgirls in Abuja faking as licit leaders should join the Benin madhouse medication team. Occupants of Aso Rock who are taking secret oaths as if they are members of the Gambino crime family should also make their way to Usele mental home for purification. Without any sense of malice, I pray Senate to change Aso Rock’s name to “Gangsters Paradise” in this era of writing a new constitution and re-branding Nigeria project. Yes, Aso Rock is where corruption heavies meet: election riggers, fake airplane crashers, assassins, kidnappers, treasury looters and suchlike. If not for the luck of the Devil on their sides, how could playboys and playgirls be governing the giant of Africa?
This is time for national rebirth. Leave aside, madam Information Minister’s national re-branding singsong. Not until our mentally incapacitated leaders have been taken to Uselu to correct their psychopathology, national re-branding is wishful thinking. They should not forget to take those who sex their children’s wives along.
Unlucky me, I am digressing a whole lot as I need to go back to the heart of my topic: What in the name of conventional wisdom is this PULL and PUSH goading Nigerian yahoo boys into scamming their countrymen? Could this have been caused by the same fact for which Adolf Hitler was looking for more living space for teeming German population? Or, is the new pull and push that has now gripped present-day Nigerian 419ers the kind that made Scandinavia Vikings to go on looting spree abroad when in about A.D. 600, there was no opportunities and arable land in the Scandinavia to keep them afloat? Is this mad urge ravaging Nigerian rippers nowadays, the kind that pressed Europeans have-nots of bygone eras who drove to the Americas to seek opportunities thereby, wreaking havoc on the local Indian natives?
Our 419workers stands out for mismatchingly targeting fellow countrymen. Abovementioned plunderers from other climes meted their crookedness not upon their citizens but upon faraway strangers whereas.
Truth be said, the gap between the rich and poor is well documented in Nigeria today, like never before. Those who feel they have no living space in Nigeria would go all the hog to get themselves a breathing space as a matter of the Darwinian survival of the fittest. But does that include bewitching your townspeople out of their hard-earned wherewithal? If 419ing your homeboys is your understanding of ‘survival of the fittest’ – then, there is an awkward ‘natural selection.’ You guys should see the wayward greed in your actions and walk away from it. For modesty sake! Stop cold-calling fellow Nigerians and African with scam mail intent on scamming them.
I owe no one change or apology to proclaim that I have no qualms were Nigerian 419workers busying themselves with foreigners who equally nurse the tendency to liase with Nigerians to fleet our wealth. There is always the corrupter and corruptee in this unholy alliance. It would have been tragedy of the Nigerian commons, had it been for real that in each of the documented cases – there actually existed those rip-offs upon Nigeria by foreign dupers. But come to think about it, is the Halliburton and Siemens cases and suchlike not some of the instances where both insiders and outsiders worked together to do us in, in Nigeria?
Leave euphemism aside, is it not rightful to say that it is the blinding greed of scammers, and not their need, that egg them on, into pitilessly wanting to steal from their countrymen by trick?
The starters of 419 in Nigeria did not scam their homeboys. What is this dire straights and firing line that is tormenting the new set of Nigerian 419workers into this un-nationalistic show of shame? There is this local wisecrack that is native to my village, which goes this way ‘you do not hunt big games close to home.’ Big game hunters have to go far into the forest if they are hell-bent on hunting lions, elephants and co., you can’t game wild beast in neighbourhoods close to home.
Nigeria is bedevilled by plural problems, we all need to put our hands on deck to rescue her from the crossroad she is now lying low presently. I appeal to 419workers with the bent of ripping their fellow citizens off, to give it up as their contribution to upping Nigeria in the right direction in this age and time of re-branding Nigeria. They have the legroom to take their trade to other kinds but not on their homeboys and home-girls. This behaviour is lowlife from ceiling to floor. This is the core of aberration.
As a nationalist I am always in my glee each time I see citizens coming together to rescue their countries from difficult straights. Therefore, it is a matter of National Service for our lowlife rippers to steer clear from sending scam mails to their co-nationals on the Internet.
Yes, in all countries citizens donate their quotas to uplifting their ailing countries from whatever doldrums. In 1990s, during the Asian Tiger financial palaver, South Koreans lined up to donate their all and all, plus their gold jewellery to government so that government could melt it down to pay their national debts. Nigerian 419workers doing their country people in, via Internet scam should show some sense of respect, nationalism and brotherhood and leave co-Nigerians out of their scamming careers. I am not asking for much. The whole world is their playground and plaything but they should for goodness sake excuse Nigerians before our native Gods back home call them to the evil forest. Forget about the self-appointed potency in monotheism of the three most prominent Middle East religions; those ones have been over-marketed. We shall call Ogun, Olokun, Ani and other African Gods to deal with them if they would not desist from the wicked crave of stealing from their homeboys via Internet fraud.
Woe betides whoever heeds any call to bailout Yar´Adua´s Nigeria from the by-now worldwide economic palaver. Modesty forbids, that there is someone who’d donate his or her personal effect to rescue a government that lies and rig elections. Yar´Adua do not give a flying piss about the ordinary man. In all countries where collectively responsibility for national good is commonplace, there has to be trust upon its leadership.
I read in the Vanguard newspaper that there is an ‘Inspiration Radio FM’ in Victoria Island in Lagos aimed at upping moral ethics, sound value and to reconstruct our national value system. The said radio has a very daunting task in its hand. To start with - I would request Inspiration Radio FM to play the song: (we are family, I got my brothers and sisters with me) for 419workers. Our long time existence as Nigerians is a family affair. We might destroy ourselves before any natural disaster if the Nigerian and African hospitality of being our brother’s keeper is torpedoed by wayward self-greed and disrespect for our beloved countrymen.
Just steer clear from cold-calling your homeboys and homegirls with suspect mails with the bent of turning their hard-earned wealth to yours by dubious ways and means. Any time you see a Nigerian or an Africans´ name on an email address, please, look the other way around. “Dog no dey chop dog!”
S. Njokede writes from The European Union
My email: www.punchbadleaders@yahoo..com