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$50Million Polio Loan: Matters Arising!

By Adekunle Theophilius

For a while,i have been monitoring the progress of the Nigerian ship on the high seas of development and prosperity with binoculars, compass and associated gear! I have ominously observed the rudderless of the direction, haphazard nature of the sail and comatose nature of the ship!, i wondered if the captain and crew have any iota of idea of how to run and manage the ship effectively and the fact that the ship is already navigating on quandary ocean,retrogression sea and the rivers of extinction! Inarguably, the ship is in dire straits!

The nexus with the above?, well whenever the West looks down on us, the US makes bland statements like the one recently made by Senator Feingold lumping us with the likes of


Somalia, Sudan, Congo,  Zimbabwe,the Middle East does not give us our dues and even our African brothers snigger derisively at us, despite our much flaunted epaulet as the Giant of Africa, do not blame them, it is because we do not respect ourselves, we make a mess of ourselves and we espouse ideas and actions incompatible with our purported status and conceptualized potentials!

This brings me to a recent statement in Dutse, Jigawa state where the Minister for special duties, Ambassador Ibrahim Kazaure declared the intention and inexplicably defended the resolve of the Federal Government to collect a $50Million loan to battle Polio! How can Nigeria be collecting polio loan( whether foreign or local)?, isn't it unfathomable and unimaginable?, isn't it the height of denigration, inanity and absurdity? How can a country that made billions of dollars from crude oil sales in the past ten years resort to this kind of flimsy loan for such domestic issue?. Why do we like ridiculing and making a mockery of ourselves in this country?.

In the first place why should we even have polio cases when less endowed and literate  nations have eradicated polio?.To add insult on injury our minister is gleefully announcing to the world that we are borrowing $50million!. Why should we secure loan to buy ordinary polio vaccines when we are not some backwater country? What happened to our oil revenues? What kind of signals are we sending to the global community? Why must Nigeria despite our chutzpah and resources still be among the only four countries in the world with polio cases? Are we really the Giant of Africa?  

I think the Federal Government's ill advised move and the Minister's statement has further dimmed our sun in the comity of nations and among the world's peoples!.I wonder why the federal government should approach and collect the loan and matching grant from international development partners in the first place?, trust those partners, definitely they will always give us but with disguised disdain and sleight of the hand! Is this the best step or appropriate direction to tackle this issue?.Just when did it even become the function of a minister for special duties to focus on health issues when we have two health ministers? is this not an example of our legendary square peg in round holes and hollow solutions to salient issues?.

With this kind of approach, should the present comatose state of the health sector and the deplorable condition of the country surprise anyone?, That despite earning more than $250Billion dollars in the past ten years. the standard of living, life expectancy, quality of life etc of Nigerians has been on a free fall within the same period! How can we have such a huge severe deprivation in

health by the proportion of people who are not expected to survive the age of  40? How can Nigeria have a huge proportion of people without access to improved water source and children under the age of five who are underweight? How can majority of Nigerians not have access to qualitative health care in this day and era? What did we use all the huge resources and revenue earned for? Quoting Fela, how can a country be making huge money and the people of the country will not see either the money or what it was used for?

What kind of self inflicted morass and socio-economic quagmire have we gotten ourselves into in this country?, why is it that little things that we can and we should be able to do effortlessly have become Herculean for us?, why is it that basic necessities that other smaller and less endowed countries take for granted are beyond our purview and reach despite our magnimous array of intimidating

manpower, material, mineral and financial resources? Why is it that we are curiously and uniquely lethargic, stagnant and nonchalant in most things that pertain to our socio-economic,political and psychological well being and progress?. When we cant get simple things done despite all we have why wont countries like Ghana, Burundi,Lesotho,Malawi and Guinea ridicule us?

I just developed serious migraine and need to get to the nearest pharmacy or clinic!

Adekunle Theophilius is a Italian based Mastercode scholar



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