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By Prof. Chike I. D. Anamdi, M.D.  


The Benue Mafia conssts of Senators George Akune and Senate President, David Mark, in the legislative branch, a couple of Justices of the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court, recently re-enforced with Justice Ogede, all under the spell and machinations of the irresistible Federal Minister of Justice and Advocate General for Fraud in the executive branch. Since Mr. Aondoaaka fixed the election victories of the other members of the Mafia and the Servant Leader, he has beome the effective power beyond the throne..

I had resolved since 2004 to keep from commenting on events in Nigeria. But, the Guardian and the Sun report that the Attorney General Michael Aondaaka had hired three SANS of the Benue Mafia to move against the multinationals, Siemens, Haliburton and Wilbros seeking $5 billion for damages is simply too much for right thing Nigerians to stomach! You cannot read the Nigerian press any day without reading about Mr. Aondoaaka.

Campaigning for the presidency, Alhaji Musa Yar'Adua had promised zero tolerance for religious bigotery, no sacred cows and adherance to the rule of law. This was a magnate after the lawless Obasonjo years. But, there seems to be a bug in Aso Rock that changes its occupants after only two years in residence.

Then he announced as his Justice Minister and Attorney General one Michael Aondoaaka. Nigerians had expected one known civil rights lawyer: but, since he was practically unknown to the general public, everyone was prepared to give him a chance: afterall, he was a SAN (Senior Advocate of Nigeria) equivalent to the Queen's Counsel (QC).. The only initial reservations were about the spelling of his name!

His self introduction was his announcement he intended to emasculate the only effective anti-crime bursting agency of the government (EFCC).

Henceforth, the EFCC was not to prosecute anti-fraud cases; only he had the constitutional authority to prosecute crimes in Nigeria. Hell was let loose and he retracked:the public breathed a sigh of relief thinking that the minister had learnt a lesson.

Next, Mr. A. made headlines in the drama leading to the deposition of the chief of EFCC, the trial of former head of State Gen. Abubakar in the States and his appointment of another scion of Benue state, the son of Justice Ogebe as a redundt legal consultant to the Federal Government. Next he was alleged to be the link man between Ogede Sr. and the President in arranging for the later's victory at the Supreme Court in the then lingering challenges to his election 'victory.' For this the scion of the former was named a redundant legal consultant to the Federal Government in the US. two weeks before the judgment, Justice Egede, his kinsman, who was chairman of the court of first instant in the same case, was promoted to the Supreme Court of the Federation.

We next heard that our Federal Minister of Crises had written a letter to the Prosecuting Authorities trying Chief Ibori in the United Kingdom that there was no case against the accused in Nigeria despite various matter hanging on Ibori before the EFCC. Using Mr. A's letter Ibori's lawyers in the Uk were able to triumph initially in the court. In a second letter to same agency in the UK, Mr. A.. objected to the admission into evidence in the crown court evidence from EFCC as not coming or authorised by him. A third letter from the Crown courts is currently being dodged by the chief law officer of the Federation, who went on overseas jamboree untill after the return date. A reminder awaiting his attention upon his return is still in limbo.

This is the same Chief Onafeko Ibori who was convicted in Abuja for stealing building materials. Nigerian courts found he was not a proven ex-convict. This is the same Ibori who had been proved to have been convicted twice in the United Kingdom for among others of stealing building materials with his wife a decade earlier in the UK. In 2003, I had cause to write on the mystery of Onafeko Ibori in the internet.

Then I remembered that this gentleman, Minister of Justice, Mr. A. has had expertise in debt recovery for Nigeria in the Abacha episode! Till date, Nigeria has paid more on lawyers' fees, than it actually recovered from the Abachas foriegn accounts! It struck me that the Minister of Justice is beeing true to his colour.

In the 1990S officials of Halliburton, now Kellog Brown and Root LLC, had confessed to paying $182 million to Nigerian officials indicating that the then President and Vice President were involved and that the bribes were paid into the USA account of one of the Vice President's wives resident in the USA. This wife has in the meantime moved to one of the Gulf states. Watches worth millions of Naira were distributed to "P" and "VP".

Siemens top officials, Andreas Kley and Horst Vigener plea bargained and received 9 months suspended sentences on October 24, 2007.

In the Siemens case during the trial in Munich, 410million Euros were alleged to have been paid to the cabals of Prof Jubril Aminu, Chief Cornelius Adebayo, Major General Tajudeen Olarwaju and Dr. Bello Mohammed.


Initially the Federal government blacklisted Siemens company. As is usual with Nigeria, Siemens curiously was picked by same Federal Government of Yar'Adua to handle electricity projects under the power reform project! Afterall, a company which so ready to grease hands cannot be easily dispensed with in the mercantile atmosphere in the governance in Nigeria. Who discards the goose that readily lays the golden eggs!

The Wilbbros case is currently on trial in the United States. Two British nationals , Mr. Teslar 60 years old of London, IBB's infamous lawyer and fixer as well and one Wojciech Chodan 71 years old of Maidenhead, England have recently been arrested for being the contact men to Nigerian officials in the bribery matter.

According to the internet website: Saharareporters.com. Mr. A.is involved in a new series of frauds and bribes involving the Cross River Government over the Tinapa Project.. According to same website Mr. A. collected $2,5 million from the former Oil Resources Minister, Mr. Dan Etete in respect of the oil block OPL 245 to write to the French judge handling the former misiter's bribery case. ' This office (the Ministry of Justice) is not aware of any complaint against ,,(Etete) wrote the minister to extricate the accused.

He also wrote to INEC to ignore the order of the Appeal Court, the cour of last instance in an election petition case as he claimed to have information that the order was improperly obtained. He advised INEC to refuse to issue a certificate of return as ordered by the Appeal Court, a court last instance, thereby encouraging lawlessness. What a way to demonstrate the rule of law!

Mr. A. is alleged to have collected $6 million from the Indian Global Holdings on a contract from the government. When the contract was rescinded the company naturally wants the bribe paid back. The case is on going.

I must admit that I am not privy to all the information available for instance to the Sahara Reporters. But the fact the Dishonourable Minister has failed to dispute the publications, encourages me to quote same sources. Besides, the old adgate says that where there is smoke, there is fire.

The Minister has failed to pursue the Nigerian accomplices, but has elected instead to pursue the multinationals. He is an expert at debt recovery from his Abacha days and experience. Pursuit of international companies would be more lucrative using the Benue Mafia. He now deals only in billion dollars affairs, only giant multinational companies guarrantie such heavy duty booties!.

Why is our Justice Minister not interested in pursuing Nigerian bribe takers? They say that charity begins at home. How does he think that he will be taken seriously by foriegn authorities, if he is not interested in prosecuting the Nigerian bribe demanders?. Nobody pays bribe unless, it is demanded! If Mr. Michael Aondoaaka were acting on altruistic reasons, he would have prosecuted the local Nigerian bribe demanders long before now. He has had two years to do this. Poor Nigerian state will end up getting nothing from his chasing of foriegn geese. Mr. Aondoaaka will in any way soon be laughing to his banks once again. Either the foriegn multinationals grease his hands, or he and his Benue tripartiate SANs will bill us tax payers again for their fees. Head or tail the Benue Mafia wins!

One wonders why this man with all these controversies still enjoys the confidence of the 'Servant Leader' who made those lofty goals his administration's heart and soul.

Well, Michael Aondoaaka is the king maker! Afterall, without him there would be no Servant Leader-whatever that means. And Nigeria has now an improved Mr. Fix It, as in the person of Anthony Anenih in the OBJ days. Only in Nigeria would such a controversial man be charged with fighting bribery and corruption!


Prof. Chike I. D. Anamdi, M.D.

Owelle of Awka-Etiti


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