By Hon. Chinedu Opukiri-Nkwonta
I had taken a position not to say a word ever again on Governor Peter Obi and his style of governance in my State. The reason for this position is basically that I feel I have said all that are.
I had also made a decision to approach our next governorship election in an academic formation, critically looking at all political parties and realistically dealing with their issues and chances. All these I have abandoned because it is beginning to look as if there is no one at home anymore so Peter Obi and his publicists have all gone to town drumming into our ears the unparalleled achievements of Governor Obi and the reason why he should be allowed a second term. Odenigbo Chidi Anyaeche has been crying singularly in the wilderness and some weak minded converts are almost getting lost in confusion.
Let me say it very clearly to all these hired propagandists including Peter Obi, if he manages to win a local government election again in his life, I will assure Peter that I would go naked to Idengeli market in Nawfia and proclaim him the Christ to come. I am not bothered about how he wants to do it or how much money he suddenly decides to spend and the so called power of incumbency, the associations and journeys for tomorrow are measured on how we have fared yesterday.
Peter Obi has very recently lost two by elections in the State.
The civil servants are on strike.
The doctors are all complaining in these accredited hospitals of Mr. Peter Obi. He has gotten them accreditation therefore the hospitals do not require any other support, accreditation is enough for them to go to head bridge Onitsha and collect medicines from the traders on credit. He cannot accuse them of asking him for the State treasury as they are not politicians and that would expose his wickedness to the people.
The well publicised Onitsha Stock Exchange is not stocking any exchange, it is clearly a glorified council estate now rented out to Peter Obi’s bank. I wrote at the time that this man does not give a hoot about anyone except himself, now he is shamelessly going about applauding and amplifying all his failures as success as to confuse us, it will never happen, not in Anambra State.
A man that pays back loyalty with disdain and callousness, pure evil, without Dame Etiaba, there is no Peter Obi. There are things that we do for the buzz of the moment without actually knowing that we are destroying ourselves, it is now show time.
It is unbelievable how shameless people can be, Peter Obi that destroyed APGA as a political party is today expecting the same people that he abandoned not too long ago to forget all that he has done to them and expressly allow him a second term as their candidate, tufiakwa!!!!!!
Anambra man can be accused of so many things but not stupidity, for Peter to believe that such would happen explains the delusion he suffers, we shall all see.
The great Ngige has recently started occupying his time with inspection of some State projects he claims he awarded as a governor, who is in-charge?
Dame Virgy Etiaba was our governor for only about three months and the difference was and is still clear. Some indigenous contractors in the State up till date still have the tooth pick in their mouth for the opportunity that Dame Virgy Etiaba gave them which is what the dividend of democracy is all about. The best Peter Obi could do was to accuse Dame Etiaba of emptying the treasury of the State, money he has been saving for a long time to buy us all Christmas clothing.
Most members of APGA are till date in the appointments and boards that Her Excellency appointed them though Peter may have useless-ed them by denying them the necessary financial support to function for the benefit of the State. He will rather go to town telling anyone (in one hell of an irritating voice) how every one is on the cue to share the State’s resources. Peter has literally called the entire State criminals.
Is this the type of man that APGA shall give another chance? How many APGA members are actually in Peter Obi’s cabinet? He has the record of the man that had most resignation from his cabinet till date and we are still counting. Let him keep deceiving himself but I do know that he has no single one around him that is loyal to him, not because they cannot be but because he has used and abused them and he is lost in the self delusion that all these people are fools, we shall see.
I had written in the past that Peter is the equivalent of a man that went to the land of the unknown and fetched water, only for him to break his calabash on the step of his home, he can never go back again, nature does not allow such opportunity second time.
There are times some crazy wisdom become absolute foolishness and pure stupidity especially in this case where the man knows he still needs the people, what if they are all dead now?
Victor Ume the APGA national chairman is not stupid and also does not lead his party in a vacuum, if political score card and relevance is the qualification to select party candidates, Peter Obi I can guarantee is not in any way a name up for consideration. Being Anambra State, it will be unnecessary for Peter to be told all these realities, it is important that the few people still hanging in there at the party should follow Peter to know if he can drop anything, dry corn is better than nothing, nothing being what he has given them all these while. When it becomes very clear that the man cannot pay for yesterday anymore, they should then line him up for the political slaughter of the century, option A4. Empty Star beer bottle will win Peter hands down in his own party, at least shine shine bobo has made a few guys feel good. It is crazy that Peter should be considering second term.
While Victor Ume and his mal-treated executives are waiting for this dry bread from Peter, I would suggest that they engage immediately in searching and bringing in a candidate that will immediately start the process of resuscitating the party and it’s members that has been in coma for very long time, some one that can inject new life and credibility into a party that has great potentials but wickedly denied the growth opportunities that are glaring in it’s future.
Let me at this point, respectfully ask Nwakibie Emeka Etiaba to please stand up.
Is there anyone in the house that is still sitting down or not clapping? Let the process begin.
I salute you all.