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By Hon. Chinedu Opukiri-Nkwonta


Most of us that appreciate democracy especially the Nigerian style do really feel great when some of us fearlessly challenge the norm and finally get success out of it.

It is a dangerous process that does not permit the weak hearted to even dare.


It is saddening to see great fighters that have taken so many risks start acting in very erratic and politically insensitive manner especially against self.

Bigger worry for me in such act is that precious time and resources that would be used to move the State forward is then diverted into ego and senseless fights that not only creates instability in the State but also deny the people the dividends of democracy which is the main reason that we are elected in the first place.

I had the privilege of being in the London launch of Governor Mimiko’s campaign and really liked the man that I met. The likeness was not because I felt he is politically sound as I did not have those details on him therefore could not make that judgement, I saw a nice looking man. He acted humbly, courteous and ready and I had the privilege of taking a picture with him. This meeting for me acted as my initiation into his political watch. I have religiously followed his progress just like I did with Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and Fayose. I became very connected to his travails with OBJ and the EFCC. I have also since met some good friends that are ardent believers of Mimiko.

Without sounding important, I am pretty sure that I must have gotten phone calls from my friends from his State and three of them were on their way to the airport as to be live in his swearing in. I was very happy and excited.

His winning for me became an opportunity to follow his carrier first hand and make my judgement of the man.

My immediate verdict on Mimiko is concern, great concern. I think that we as a country should be tired and actually fed up with individuals that use our magnanimity against us. I feel duped that I should support someone and bang, he is not all that I hoped, the equivalent of supporting Nigerian Eagles or Arsenal, painful disappointment.

Yes, some fools will ask what my business is with Ondo State, they would question why I have to open my loud mouth in a State that is not mine, I have immediate answer, it is a Nigerian State and I am a Nigerian, fellow Nigerians live there and there is no reason what-so-ever that I would not settle there tomorrow if I decide, I do not need to explain more than this.

Why would Mimiko feel that sacking the Local Government Authorities in the State should be his immediate priority? Why does he need to freeze the accounts? As far as I am concerned, it is a clear evidence of a man that has come in to pursue vendetta at his and the people’s detriment. He has clearly not considered himself, his carrier and the people.

Mimiko has just arrived brand new as the governor of a great State, my thought would be that he should settle down and acclimatise with the position. This would enable him understand what is what and who is responsible for what. It would have enabled him try to build some political bridges and reason with some political hands that would definitely be extended to him from all sides most importantly the members of the opposite party. He would naturally have equipped himself with better and sound information that would result to better decisions.

Let it be very clear, I am not in anyway saying that he should not have sacked the councils, he can sack the entire civil service if he so wishes but the reasoning and timing both for himself and the people he has just come in to govern should be considered.

Political position, as far as I am concerned is not the same thing as being in opposition or campaign. When one is elected the governor, all the noise making immediately disappears and the situations become real. The appetite and the expectation of the people have been wet and high but I am not sure if the people are actually better of. How far and how long shall we continue like this, when are we really going to set our people free, it is very frustrating.

Governor Mimiko shot himself on the foot by this singular action. My voice may be a singular voice in the wilderness but I cannot see how this would benefit the people or him except to create chaos and unrest that would follow his administration for a very long time, does he need this headache for God sake?

He took this action from a very disadvantaged position against himself, the equivalent of following your enemy all the way to your house and suddenly start shooting without aiming, in your own home, what the hell is that, the equivalent of dipping your hand into a bee nest inside your mother’s bed room. What is the argument and who really are advising this governor?


My friend Governor Mimiko should realise that the people he has removed have all tasted power, so they know the taste. They have tasted it more than him and are much more acclimatised to it. So many of them have fought their ways in their own circles the way Mimiko fought and may have spent all that they had to get there, does Mimiko think sacking them will be that easy?. Sacking a Local Government Chairman is not as simple as that, he has at least five people he may have employed directly, there are some friends that are hoping and positioning to benefit, the first ladies and first husbands are settling down to start hosting mega owanbes, their new outfits are ordered as to befit such positions, does the governor think that they will all just bite their fingers and all walk away?

I do understand that the governor needs to settle his own people; I do understand he needs to take charge, I understand he needs his people to work, I think he may end up not having any job for anyone and then fighting for his political life through out his tenure. This would mar his positive agendas as most shall end up in the drawing boards as mere dreams and he would have no one to blame except himself. The State and Nigeria would be worse of.

With due respect, I am not interested in the legal argument that he is putting up, I am not a lawyer and never dabble into legal issue as not to expose my ignorance, I look at issues from the human angle, the common sense angle. The courts can give judgements but that is the starting point of a problem or otherwise for another. If a court gives a judgement that the cup the chimpanzee has is mine and that I should collect it immediately, I am not that stupid to start running after the monster unless my name is Jesus or Mohammed.

In our dear country, we know it is very possible for two people to get contrary judgements from different courts in a day, the courts are Nigerian courts therefore have Nigerian characteristics, I do humbly think that common sense was not in any way consulted in this decision.

Mimiko is fallible and can make mistakes; the beauty is that he can correct them too, for his sake and the sake of his people.

I want Mimiko to last and be successful as I do like him as a person, which is why I have taken some time to shout.

A friend of mine got married to a lovely girl and when asked what made him marry his wife, his answer was that she is a beautiful girl and that the beauty is constant in every aspect of her, I am still very hopeful that Mimiko’s handsomeness shall reflect in his style of governance and that all my expectations and respect for him shall be vindicated, God pleeeaaassseeee!!!!

I congratulate His Excellency and wish him well.

I salute every one.


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