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By Kenneth Uwadi

The Appeal Court in Port Harcourt has given its judgment on the Imo State gubernatorial election petition. Governor Ikedi Ohakim retains his seat as the Imo State Governor.This is no more news but “dika anyi si ekwu” truth has finally displaced falsehood in Imo State, Nigeria. The Appeal Court verdict was good news to the faithful. It was lucid and devoid of partisanship. It affirmed the neutrality of the hallowed temple of justice and boosted public confidence in the arbiter. Mma mma diri Chineke.

Sources confirmed that there were wild spread jubilations across Imo State. The jubilations across the state were understandable. The judgment was a tribute to truth which is what Imo state has stood for. Governor Ikedi Ohakim won again. As Imo people were jubilating, those trying to unseat the Governor, sulked, grieved and scampered into their homes as their plan was finally dashed by the verdict. Anwuri juru ebe nile na Imo State. Imo government house was not left out in the jubilation when Governor Ikedi arrived from his Okohia country home. We heard that there were joyful display of fire works from Ohakim’s security personnel, friends and aides while the Governors of Abia and Ebonyi state were the first to arrive the government house to congratulate their colleague.


May I also join Imo people nationwide to say “congratulation” to Ikedi Ohakim for the affirmation of his election by the appeal court in Port Harcourt. I also congratulate the Hon Justices for affirming the decision of the election petition tribunal in Owerri, thus serving the cause of justice, demonstrating uncommon courage in rekindling the hope of Nigerians on the Judiciary. I also salute the good people of Imo state who remained law abiding in the period of this electoral court struggle, evidenced by the wild jubilation that followed the pronouncement.

Nigerians can now see that Imo people are proud to call Ohakim their Governor. Nigerians can now see that Imo people are proud of the commitments Ohakim has made in the last years to strengthen the state and to create jobs for the youths. The policies that the Governor has enacted are good and very soon Imo state unemployment rate will be among the lowest in the nation .We are now beginning to see the benefits of good governance for we are back on the path of prosperity and Imo people understand that we cannot afford to turn back.

All those who have been spreading lies about our Governor should repent now, for we will not allow anything to distract him again as he continue to give Imo people the tools, skills and training to succeed. It is God that saw the need for good governance in Imo state that choose to crown Ohakim as Governor.God wants Imo to have a leader who is committed to working tirelessly to better Imo State and who knows how to create jobs and grow our economy. No matter how the enemies of our state plan against our Governor,Chineke aga ghi ekwe, they will fail ,for God is on his side. Ohakim is a peoples welfare conscious Governor.

I have never been opportune to see Ohakim with my eyes, but I admire his developmental strides in my State,Imo. If I have a one minute audience with The Governor, I will tell him that Imo people look to him for more understanding and compassion. They look to him for more reasoned actions and more responsive governing. They look to him for more good leadership and inspiration, leadership borne of a desire to make things right in Imo state, to truly make a mark that Imo will never forget. And as the people of Imo State look to him, he should look within himself so that he will not lose sight of or waver from God’s sincere reason for putting him in public service.

I will tell him to unite all Imo people through a policy of political inclusion .This means that every part of Imo State should be represented in his government. This objective can be accomplished by using a quota system to recruit people into important administrative positions in government. No single legislative district or clan should dominate government service in the state. I will tell the Governor that it is ripe time to commence the Local Government election in Imo State since the Local Government Reform seems to be over.

I will tell the Governor to pursue a policy of non partisan politics. I will tell him to not load his government with only PPA stalwarts or PDP stalwarts. He should make efforts to recruit people from other political parties into the government. When people are recruited from all parts of the state as well as from other political parties, the citizens will continue to identify strongly with the government as their own, thus unity will be strongly enthroned and conflict will die forever.

I will tell the Governor to decentralize government institutions and installations .I will tell him to make sure that every local Government of Imo state gets a State government project. Decentralization of infrastructural development will most likely lead to a reduction in population pressures in owerri. It will also lead to the gradual development of the entire state.It will enable people to work in their Local Government area, save money and invest in business activities in their towns and villages. I will tell the Governor not to depend only on the opinion and advise of his cabinet advisers/administrators concerning matters relating to the state.He should occasionally pay surprise or unofficial visits to various communities in order to hear directly from the people.Likewise pay regular visits to developmental project sites in order to see things for himself and not rely exclusively on reports of those in charge of such projects. Ka Chineke Mezie okwu.

-Kenneth Uwadi is from Mmahu-Egbema in Imo State,Nigeria

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