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By Hon. Chinedu Opukiri-Nkwonta


I have never taken any interest in any politician in Nigeria the way I took on Ayo Fayose when he emerged the governor of Ekiti State till date.

My attention was drawn to him during his tribunal days and the questions concerning his academic qualification. Knowing Ekiti and the volume of PHDs and Professorships on display, I was really curious to know if the problem was that he did not have either of the two. My people are so fixated to passing six instead of passing sense. My curiosity was increased tremendously when I saw a face cap lining shirt wearing governor that exhumed confidence with ting of arrogance on the television. I was in Abuja in my hotel room with some friends; I forgot my friends, sat up and listened, I became a big fan immediately, since then, he has been on my watch.

I am one of those guys that really do not have any guts what-so-ever; I then replace such bad side with admiration for those that have. No matter what any one may think of Fayose, we cannot deny him the fact that he has courage.

A crime Fayose committed was his determination to fight the old political order replacing it with a more liberal, compliant and more inclusive political system. My take was that the old established political cabal was under great un-announced threat by an uninitiated uncircumcised pauper that defied all logics and refused to listen to any order, marching on at very great speed. Who is his father? It was really important to stop him before so much damage is done, stop him they must, and they did.

I still compare that battle till date with the boxing bout between Watson and Chris Eubank at Tottenhan Hotspur Foot ball ground some years back. The winner and the looser of that fight were all trashed, completely trashed. I still remember Chris Eubank shouting after winning, “Take me to the hospital, I am dyeing”. For every one that remembers that fight, Watson never recovered, Fayose, the African tiger is still fighting and fighting hard.


The respect I have for this man is his audacity, his political articulation and how he has managed to defeat, bluff, ignore or dare all odds and still make himself relevant in the politics of Ekiti State, South West and the entire country till date. His other name should be African Never Die even at the glaring risks and dangers staring him in the face. Some may ask where such confidence comes from, God only makes such possible.

Fayose in a relatively small period has mastered the act of politics and has built formidable followership. Like Adedibu, he has nurtured dedicated, reliable and trustworthy followership where the leader is very in-sink with his people.

Some people may call it tuggery, hooliganism, gangsterism or some other unmanufactured negative words; it is the same process that religions, revolutions and other groups gather their people. Fayose has tasted power and recognises the benefits of such and is playing the game, the power game.

It does not make sense for the government to withdraw his security or put him in jail, that would endear more people to him as they would see him as being oppressed for fighting for them, he will become their rallying point.

Let us face the facts, Fayose never made Oni neither did he tell Oni not to work for the people. If Oni had gone in as an un-popular candidate and still worked for the people like Ngige did in Anambra State, he would not need Fayose. This is what I call `pure Oni mess`.

I heard the story of how Adedibu’s gates were open 24 hours every day and literally every one got in there and got fed. I heard of so many cows slaughtered every day and how he handed over money to people with problems, most he was meeting for the first time, I had no choice than to respect him no matter the way he has been portrayed; I respected this man of honour. It does not mean he never has his excesses; we all have ours and most times much more disgusting, he was a human being for God sake.

Fayose’s group can be strong headed as their leader sometimes, which basically means they draw strength from each other, they are not bad people. Such energies can be positively harnessed for the benefit of all and when not properly utilised can lie fallow just like abandoned live bomb, it can explode and we are all aware of the South West political explosions of the past, not very palatable. It will be grossly unfair to see all members of Fayose political group as tugs, I am sure he has a few of his own Profs and Docs.

As far as I am concerned PDP was right to engage Fayose and his group on the governorship election re-run. Former Governor Oni acted in complete vendetta and arrogance when he ignored Fayose. He may have thought it the best way to deal with the man but it has not worked at all, absolute disaster that is very likely to cost PDP another State. I really do find it difficult to understand some political miopics, why would I load a gun and shoot myself on the head when I do not want to commit suicide?

Fayose can be a hand full and intimidating for political babies, I understand that but not unreasonable. He recognises that he is not the governor but recognises that he has followership which means he is not just any other ex governor, he has something that he is bringing to the political table, it is not normal to treat a man that is bringing something, another that is bringing nothing and the other that is taking something the same way. Oni did not recognise that, PDP did, but it may have come late, very late for Oni. Fayose has nothing to loose, it is Oni and PDP and as far as Fayose is concerned, the people are more important than the two, I think that is fair enough.

I do not know either Fayose or Oni but I do not need to know any of them to have an opinion, I am a politician and political observer, what do you expect.

The acting governor was gracious enough to release Fayose’s cars, simple gesture, huge advantage; Oni did not see the advantaged side, he was happy to punish Fayose. People like Oni should know that Fayose on Okada would be a much stronger and dangerous person than when allowed to be, Oni miscalculated the person of Fayose therefore shall deal with it.

Fayose is not God and can never be, he is not above mistake as I do feel that he was a loose canon at a time but the thing that is there to his advantage is that he is real, sensible and reasonable. He can be very exuberant and some times careless, disrespectful and insulting, all these prove that he is human with loads of ideas and energy and can be fallible, the earlier that his strength is recognised and harnessed for the benefit of Ekiti State, the better.

I sincerely hope the new government that shall be coming in shall work in tandem with Fayose and his people for the general progress of Ekiti and Nigeria.

Would the old political order allow him, it depends on whether they see themselves as Watson or Chris Eubank, one of those guys retired and the other went on to rule the world of boxing for some time, I wish Fayose well and Oni also.

I am humbled.

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