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By Edoreh  Festus


As we celebrate Easter as believers of Christ Jesus, reflecting on our Christian lives is very paramount especially during this period. For sometime now, religion, particularly in Nigeria has become focus of our society. But because of what the season holds, I shall focus on Christianity alone.

Almost every open space, uncompleted buildings, and public schools stands church erections, scattered all over the places. Spiritualists spring up daily in the name of anointed ministers of God, yet in the face of growing iniquities and man inhumanity to man.

It is commonly said that a man and his wife with the attendance of family members can confidently make a church in the name of God’s calling. Living apartments have been converted to churches, while dinning tables have become alters for worships.

To sustain the church, shrines have been established beneath the dinning tables while charms have been buried underground to invoke powers for miracles. This is an era of miracles.

Nigerians too, in their desperate quest for breakthroughs in life have gone highly spiritual, and their lust for men of powers who can do miracles has posed some demands and challenges in the spiritual markets.

In one instance, the government had to intervene following the reported excesses of brutality, barbarism and cruelty of one acclaimed minister of God, Rev. Chukwuemeka Ezeagu King, popularly known as Rev. King, the General Overseer of Christian Praying Assembly, Ajao Estate, Lagos against unsuspecting church members who desired miracles and breakthroughs in their lives at all cost.

Until the law enforcement agencies caught Rev. King and made him to face the music in the law court for the reported criminality and carnage, little did we known of his atrocities. Yet, there are institutions supposedly embodied to regulate the Christian folks.

The Christian Association of Nigerian (CAN) is the umbrella body of all churches in Nigeria, while the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) comprises of Bible believing churches that professes Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. But membership is not by compulsion, either does its membership guarantee passport to Heaven.

Sadly, not even one of the so-called anointed ones ever received the ministration from God to reveal Rev. King and his ungodly exploits. Rather, it seemed business as usual as they were all busy rebuking witches and wizards, casting away demonic strongholds, breaking marriages and making more wives, causing discords, acrimony and apathy among homes and smiling to the banks from the profits and gains.

Worst still, the encouraging patronage and wide chase for miracles by the Nigerian Christians has made some ministers of God messiahs of our time. The poverty margin in the Nigerian context and consistent failure of successive governments had not help matters, as it is believed that our state of hope even as a nation can only be resolved through divine intervention. Thus, God’s good business of evangelism has been relegated to profits and gains by desperate businessmen and women.

Today, agreements are reached in a round-table conference before some churches are set up for miracles and the prophecy of prosperity. Congregations or members that are perceived to be unyielding to their selfish and stylish way of extorting the church are usually threatened in the name of sermons.

Such threats are usually in the form of gospel teachings whereby the ministers cunningly create the impression of fear and apprehension of allowing the congregation to be unprotected and vulnerable to principalities and powers and demonic attacks if they disobeying God’s will. And such references are usually scripturally supported and manipulated.

This situation has become so worrisome since there is no perimeter to screen churches and the so-called ministers of God for the ordinary believers to know which of them is truly an anointed man of God. Like it is commonly said, all lizards lie face down, and no one can predict correctly which of them has belly-ache.

Some churches had gone out of the vineyard of the Lord to seek settlement of church disputes. Others, too, are being guarded and convoyed by armed mobile policemen to ensure adequate protection. Yet, they claim to worship the living Jehovah God, the Alpha and Omega that knows all things, and that can do all things. If a minister of God cannot be assured of God’s protection, I really wondered which hands he may feel safe and be rest assured of protection.

Yet, the echoes of persecution and in-house fighting in the vineyard of the Lord have continued to re-echo. The fundamental aim to advance the course of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the words of God which is supposed to be the primary aim and objective of all acclaimed believers of Christ Jesus is now being relegated to the background while the so-called ministers of God are busy casting aspersions among themselves in a bid to grapple with cheap relevance and popularity like unbelievers still battling with the flesh.


I am particularly embarrassed and it is a sad commentary to read stories from the media like a raging war or rather to put it more directly the persecution of Pastor T. B. Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) by some renowned and highly respected men of God which from my parochial view I consider as envious and unwarranted.

For instance, leading Pentecostal Churches of Nigeria are of the opinion that Pastor T.B. Joshua cannot be granted permission to join their fold. Some even claimed he is not qualified to be their member. The reasons adduced are that Pastor Joshua could not identify at what point he had contact with Jesus Christ as to how and when he was converted or repented. Others have also questioned who tutored him before he encountered Jesus Christ. Some are reported to have claimed that they cannot even worship in Joshua’s church...and so many junks.

This controversy was heightened following the national honours awarded Pastor T. B. Joshua and others by President Umaru Musa Yar’adua based on their humanitarian services.

I know that the end time is near and the signs are becoming very visible by each passing day, but for Christ sake the church is of the Lord and not of man. Pastor T. B. Joshua can own the structure where Christians assemble to worship, but the church is of the Lord. However, whoever toys with the church and God work shall definitely meet his waterloo on the last day, for the Lord has specifically reserved judgment for Himself and Himself alone. We shall not therefore out of the abundance of our hearts allow our wagging tongues to drag us into sin.

As believers and even the various institutions of Christ Jesus, we are to gather flocks and not to scatter. We are to encourage souls to true repentance and salvation, except we are sure we are speaking the vision of God Almighty against anyone which in any case it must be pointedly clear and directed, and not an issue of mere presumption or just sharing selfish and personal opinions like unbelievers on the pages of newspapers for ulterior motives.

God is God, and we all know that nobody fights for God. We all remember the incidence of Paul in the Bible. God knew when it was right for Him to strike. So let Pastor T.B. Joshua be, if he is of the Lord, only God knows, if not, he shall inherit whatever he may have sown on the last day.

I must state here that I do not have the privileges, neither do I intend to act as an advocate of Pastor T. B. Joshua, either am I advocating for SCOAN. But what I do know is that Pastor T. B. Joshua teaches the gospel of Jesus Christ in truth and life, performs incredible miracles, and renders insurmountable humanitarian services to the down-trodden of our society which makes him somewhat exceptional.

I have taken the pains to critically watch and monitor the Emmanuel TV of the Synagogue Church of All Nations in which Pastor T. B. Joshua’s activities are regularly relayed. I dare say that anytime I tune to the cable network, I see people appreciating God to the fullest for the wonderful things he is using the man of God to do in their lives. The forum has brought many to salvation, those who seek the face of God through Pastor T. B. Joshua having experienced and witnessed the awesome power of God Almighty. That alone is enough privilege worth commendation in the sight of God.

This does not in anyway mean that I am blindfolded by his miracles, either am I being conclusive in writing as judgment like I have said is of the Lord and not of man. If Pastor T. B. Joshua is fake, his teachings and miracles speaks volume of the grace of God and has brought many souls to the vineyard of the Lord. Let us all therefore direct our energies towards purposeful Christian assembly. I wish everyone Happy Easter in Jesus name. Amen.

Edoreh  Festus

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