Nigeria at the Mercy of Sahara Reporters
By Joshua Ocheja
I decided to take this audacious step to examine Sahara reporter’s news coverage of Nigeria. This is not a witch hunting exercise, but a critical analysis of the activities of Sahara reporters in line with the development and underdevelopment of Nigeria.
Visiting Sahara reporters is somewhat a religion to me, when I need to relish stories and pictures of Nigerian leaders in their elements. I marvel at the source of their stories backed with pictures and videos. I also like their slogan which states thus: Sahara Reporters, Report yourself
It’s really worth reporting one’s self; hence yours truly decided to engage the hideous bull by embarking on a journey into the activities of Sahara reporters, its possible function towards the change we all desire and what they have achieved in the course of freedom of expression by all individual as contained in their mission statement. I wrote my will and distributed my estates amongst media houses in preparation for rejoinders from concerned parties.
I got stuck somewhere along the line as thoughts were fighting a gulf war in my head. Suddenly I returned back to consciousness and wow! I was in front of my Pc scanning through the dreaded Sahara news.
Phew! The light is gone and my system down as it was running on direct current. This was not a deliberate act. I knew the consequences of running my Pc without a UPS, but what do you expect when the previous one I used was blown up when PHCN decided to outpour voltage to show us they are capable if they want to. Same goes for our leadership too. You will agree with me that it’s even more catastrophic for me should my system blow up, but guess what? I am a Nigerian I will always find a way out with quick fix or at worse I go to computer village and get a clone.
Up NEPA! Abruptly woke me up from my slumber, my rickety fan was back to work once again. Oh how sweet as it felt like amazing grace how sweet thou art that saved an infant like me!....... from mosquito surgeries and procedures.
Back to Sahara webpage, I continued my search for positive news item about Nigeria. My internet time was running up as I subscribed to the lowest package offered by starcoms.
My search was fruitless. I encountered all sorts that I almost wept, but guess what! I frowned at what I saw. Why? They painted a picture of government business as the best in town immune against global economic meltdown because they bought the best of houses, travel business class, and own private jets with Sahara Reporters monitoring their schedule like protocol officers.
The psychological implication of these news items on the lives of thousands of future leaders that besiege internet sites is left to be imagined. Yeah, they sure are doing a good job, kudos to the management team that consists of mysterious investigative reporters, which translate to a potential Sahara reporter in every gathering of 5 people.
I have longed liked being mysterious and in excitement, I wanted to be a Sahara reporter. I scribbled down an application letter and sent by email, in a minute I got a reply to my mail.
Dear you,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your application to the organization
As part of company policy, eligible candidates must possess the following:
- A penchant for government dirty news
- Ownership of a covert camera
- Ownership of dual passports
- Ownership of a face mask
- Ability to pick up arms and revolt
- Ability to incite the public against the government
- Guerilla warfare experience will be an added advantage.
If you meet the above mentioned qualifications, please feel free to give us a call.
The Sahara team
I was speechless to say the least, my mind was ringing the alarm, and my soul was muffled at the thought of lacking majority if not all of the above listed qualifications. But why such is listed as benchmark for news reporting is exclusively Sahara reporters. Yours sincerely was expecting to see Educational qualifications and years of experience as a yardstick for admission into an enviable organization like Sahara reporters.
I know that you reading must be wondering what this essay is all about. It’s this simple. Why do Sahara Reporters take delight in negative news about Nigeria? This is not to say they aren’t doing a wonderful job of exposing corrupt government officials in line with its mission statement that states thus: “ Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers"
Splendid mission statement I must confess. Freedom to hold opinions, to seek, receive and impart ideas! Yes wait a minute. Did I just hear impart ideas? What manners of ideas are they imparting or have imparted? What one is saying is too much of negative news is not good for our nation at this critical point of our existence.
Sahara reporters is not the only online medium, we have the likes of,, and a host of others. Their news reporting should be balanced and open for interaction. It should be viewed as a medium for exchange of ideas and paramount information dissemination like other online forums. I bet you that if you write an article with irrelevant words as long it contains paragraphs criticizing government and its policies, it will be posted on Sahara site.
My fellow Nigerians, yes we know all is not well with our nation and Sahara reporters is not doing us any good. We need to focus and re strategize not with the likes of Sahara reporters exposing our weaknesses like a cancerous growth. Corruption and bad leadership is not exclusively Nigerian. The industrialized nations of Europe and America have their short comings and challenges too. This phenomenon is universal, it knows no boundaries.
Our leaders have to rise up to the challenge and cause a turnaround in our fortunes. We are tired of waiting!!
What is happening in Nigeria is but a transient process that will give way to abundance. Whatever part we have to play let us do with all sense of patriotism. We shall get there and Nigeria shall be great again to the admiration of the industrialized nations of Europe and America.
You can call me miscreant, idiot or any name; I really don’t care as I love my country!
Nigeria Good people……. Great Nation……..