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Date Published: 04/24/09


By Fr. Emmanuel Ogundele


The battle between the forces of light and darkness is as old as mankind. In our age, this has continued on so many fronts. In our political life, this battle has resurfaced as a fight between the progressives and the forces of ‘business as usual.’ It is in this light that I will describe the coming re-run governorship elections in Ekiti as a battle between the agents of darkness in Nigerian politics and the forces of light. These contending forces have been having a field day in Ekiti State campaigning for the leadership of that state that has been needlessly immersed in crisis by Obasanjo and his co-travellers in his PDP. In the first place, the south-west Nigeria has been the bedrock of progressive politics. This assertion is beyond contention. Due to the determination and doggedness of the people, all efforts made in the past by the forces of darkness were rebuffed by the people the last being in 1983. To be honest, progressive politics has brought us all we have: education, roads, hospitals, enlightenment and so on. The return of Obasanjo to power in 1999 was the beginning of the bastardization of culture of progressive politics in the south-west. Between 1999-2003 Obasanjo strategized on how to woo or force the south-west into what he called ‘mainstream’ politics. The slogan then in my home state of Ekiti and the rest of the south-west was that ‘it was imperative to go to the Federal or go to the centre-ground of Nigerian politics.’ Unfortunately, due to the naivety, foolishness, selfishness, narrow-mindedness of the governors of the south-west states, Obasanjo and his ruling PDP were able to ‘capture’ or overrun all the states of the region with the exception of Lagos who stood firmly against the arrangement. This is why you must give it to Asiwaju Tinubu for his political wizardry, foresight, vision and clout. He saw the dangers ahead and while the then AD governors sold out due to some petty tribal considerations, he remained consistent knowing that Obasanjo had a script he was acting out to erase the political legacies of Awo and enslave the people of the south-west. It has taken our people some time to realize that while they criticized those within the AD for not doing enough, their dead bodies is far better than the living bodies of the present PDP governors. The PDP laced the entire south-west with criminals and dubious characters in all elective positions a position which they reinforced in 2007.

The entire region since then have stopped moving forward. It has abandoned it former place as a bastion of justice and of progressive and enlightened politics in Nigeria. What is therefore at stake in the coming re-run governorship election in Ekiti State is that the people have suddenly woken up to the fact that they have been short-changed during the April, 2007 polls and those who did the horrible did are intent on doing it again. Having spent two years under Oni’s un-performing government, they have come to the conclusion that this is not the man they voted for and so the fact the he is not affecting their lives positively means that he did not have a blueprint on which to run his government and so was not ready to lead. Ekiti people are saying it loud and clear that: It time for us to return to what they are used to which is progressive politics. In doing this, they are only representing the position of the entire Yoruba race. They are tired of the politics of deceit and backwardness which is the trademark of the PDP. Let us face it, Governor Oni has not performed and the PDP upper echelon is aware that if they leave everything to the people, Oni will not come back to power. The same way Oni has not performed is replicated at the federal level where Yar’Adua has had no concrete achievements for the last two years. I seem to have come to the conclusion that if Yar’Adua should remain president for ever, he will have nothing to show for it in terms of leading Nigeria to the promised-land. A second term for Oni is like rewarding indolence and lack of visionary leadership. In the same vein, a return of Yar’Adua in 2011 will be like rewarding a last athlete in a race with gold medal.

Let all Nigerians know therefore that the re-run gubernatorial election in Ekiti State is a battle between light and darkness. For so long now, darkness, evil, fraud, deceit, incompetence have become the order of the day in the state. But the lovers of the state are now saying enough is enough. They are saying their votes must count and that they are ready to defend their votes even with their blood. Whether the PDP would deploy its arsenal of war to the state or not, there is no way they can bend the will of a determined people. The fear of the PDP is clear: In a free and fair contest, it cannot win a councillorship election in Ekiti state at the moment. This fear is true about the PDP all over the country. This is why they are prepared to use all underhand means at their disposal to win. All progressive elements in Ekiti must be vigilant and not allow these riggers and vote stealers to have a field day again. Ekiti people must take their destiny in their hands. For one thing, after all said and done, victory is reserved in this great battle for the forces of light.

Fr.Emmanuel Ogundele is with the Department of Philosophy, Ss. Peter and Paul Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan
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