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Date Published: 05/07/09

United in Error


The political legitimation process comes in two varieties. The first and preferred method is through the ballot box and the second and last resort is through affirmation by the Courts when and where the first instance has failed. It is understood that political legitimacy is not derived by how many warped criminal social formations one has or through the invention of some arcane political theories or strategies or by conflating issues. These social formations are useful only as long as the problem persists. They are disbanded when the problem is resolved or when they are no longer needed.

Members of these social formations are hardly objective and are simply tools for propitiations and ingratiation of the master. Oftentimes, they cannot explain what the issues are or advance solid arguments for their position. They have no basis for speaking on behalf of anyone and are too often subservient, accepting, obedient, acquiescent, docile, differential, and meek. They lack the gravitas to lead or speak on behalf of anyone or group. These individuals want government contracts and an opportunity to expropriate the commonwealth for private purpose. It does not matter to them whose ox is gored. Often and conveniently, without the slightest compunction, they align themselves with whoever has the trump card at any given point in time. Tu-fia-kwa.


These self-appointed do-gooders do not and cannot comprehend the harm they do to their people, the democratic experience, and to society at large. These are pacifists who believe nothing is worth fighting for and that you have to always kiss up to the aggressor in the interest of peace. They are generally afraid. This is their general characteristic albeit they want you to believe otherwise and that they know what they are doing. Sorry, they have no clue.

An article in the Daily Sun Newspaper on April 10, 2009 titled ‘Ohakimania and Imo 2011’ reported that some self-styled Owerri Elders Council (OEC) paid a visit to Governor Ohakim and pledged their solidarity. The newspaper further reported that Owerri Elders Council literally disowned Chief Martin Agbaso over his legal offensive against the governor.

First of all, Chief Martin Agbaso did not bring a lawsuit against Governor Ohakim. Chief Agbaso has a lawsuit against the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for cancelling the April 14, 2007 Imo gubernatorial election which if successful would have ramifications for the governor. This point has to be clearly understood. And even if Chief Agbaso brought a lawsuit against the governor; what is wrong about his action that would prompt such a public upbraiding by OEC? Is Chief Agbaso, as a citizen, not entitled to legal redress as enshrined in the 1999 constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria?

If the basis of the Owerri Elders Council’s decision to pledge solidarity with Governor Ohakim is as reported by the newspaper; for misstating the issue, we must therefore conclude that either this council (OEC) lacks the necessary intellectual firepower to understand the games played in modern politics or that they have other superseding motivations. In either case, they are simply united in error. Nde Owerre is now being played like a samba by other groups. We are pitted against each other in a struggle that would have long run implications such as damaged relationships and loss of cohesion.

It is an accepted maxim in politics and in every other life endeavor that if ones fundamental beginning assumptions are wrong, then their solution to a particular problem cannot be right. In other words, if you know that Governor Ohakim may not have won the Imo gubernatorial election as you all do, and you allow yourself as a propaganda tool and stand in solidarity with him; and in the same breathe, chastise Chief Agbaso for protesting an egregious wrong that may have been done to him, then, you have no explanation that can be satisfactory. It is all about telling the truth. If you begin by sweeping the truth under the rug, then you cannot be credible no matter how exotic your rationale.

We ask that groups such as OEC retreat and melt away so as not to further embarrass themselves and nde Owerre. They lack the political sophistication called for by the time. If they choose to hang around and carry on their hatchet work of misstating the facts, then we must as a prudential matter, intellectually liquidate their quaint positions and call them out for what they are. The OEC is paradigmatic of another one of these social formations that may have been midwifed and given impetus by Governor Ohakim in his public relations battle to save his job. The OEC risks becoming irrelevant if they continue with these kinds of activities.

It is indubitably the case that Chief Agbaso has done nothing wrong and has followed the rules established under the law. If for whatever reason, you cannot support him now, smart politics demands that you allow him his political space until such time his legal options are exhausted or he emerges victorious. The OEC or similar groups should not be in the forefront of undercutting him. We cannot and should not accept the argument that the governor is doing a good job, that Chief Agbaso will not, and therefore it is unimportant whether or not the governor is legitimate.

The true Owerre son or daughter should under no circumstance upbraid Chief Agbaso publically because he has gone to court to seek redress. The true Owerre son or daughter should not be in bed with those who has a greater interest in seeing Chief Agbaso’s effort fail no matter your political party affiliation. It is not kosher to allow anyone to use the Owerre man or woman as a pawn or to pit us against one another to achieve their own goals. Members of OEC must collectively and genuinely repent and atone for their transgression. They have harmed the collective good in a very serious way.

Nde Owerre, your political opponents have a strategy to isolate you individually and decimate you. Chief Agbaso is fighting the battle today, tomorrow - it will be someone else doing the fighting. Please shine your eyes. You have come to the point where the rubber meets the road. Definitely, there is now a fork in the road. What you do is as important as ever. Circle the wagon and achieve. The PDP political party rigged the 2007 Imo gubernatorial election and we completely reject their bread and butter, guns and roses, all knowing, triumphalist attitude and worldview.

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