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Date Published: 05/07/09

RE: MOSOP: Where two elephants are fighting

By Ben Wuloo Ikari

Dear Anayo Onukwugha, thanks for your perspective on the Ogoni issues especially the current leadership fiasco between Messrs. Ledum Mitee and Goodluck Diigbo. The development is a sad one because it will set Ogoni backward even though the about 14 years of power usurpation by Mitee has also been a backward movement. Nothing tangible has been achieved because he was playing by the government and $hell's scripts until recently. The fact is that the Mitee's group didn't hold any elections in Bori, but the purported declaration of an emerging president (always unopposed) was announced surreptitiously by his cronies in Dec. 08. If this sit-tight local champions have any genuine and accurate record how come those who contested with the so-called president aren't published as was the case in the April elections? Why was the preparation into elections and the elections itself not made public?


The purported selection of Mitee happened after he vowed not to seek another term because he was said to be eying the position of the Minister of Niger Delta that went to Ekaette. The position was expected in return for his compromise (as the chairman of the Niger Delta technical Committee) as always in the demand for resource control by the people of Ogoni and Niger Delta. Unfortunately the government didn't trust him, knowing what he did to betray the Ogoni 9 during the botched Auta Military Tribunal that unjustly convicted the 9. Without mincing words, his freedom was tagged "cosmetic acquittal" even by the Civil Liberty group he once belong. In short, that story is still fresh with tails and he knows what happened. Therefore, his freedom wasn't a matter of "luck" as you opined. This betrayal disqualified and still disqualifies him from heading MOSOP or any progressive organization in Ogoni, as the issue of betrayal is a serious crime in Ogoni and all cultures.

The deal was to help kill MOSOP by silencing the affiliate bodies especially NYCOP, which Diigbo had led and was alleged by Mitee to have been responsible for the gruesome killing in Giokoo, May 21, '94. It's evident none of the affiliates which strengthened the mass movement exist under his irresponsible and devilish watch. He tried his best to bring $hell Oil back to Ogoni but to no avail, and also tried to stop the Ogoni youths from resettlement to the third country of asylum as merited in the resettlement plan that airlifted over 2,000 families-the youths in particular to the West after his plans with $hell and government failed between '96 and '99. Before the Ogoni exodus to the United States in 99, he relocated back to Nigeria from a flimsy self-exile in London. Since this time, and while he was on the international desk, he hasn't done anything that benefit the collective interest of the downtrodden people he claims to lead. Instead his selfish and family interest have overridden the masses agenda. He was said to have amended the MOSOP Constitution that stipulated a two year or two terms of four years for the presidency to his whims.

Mitee took a job with the Rivers State Government as one of the economic advisers in contravention of the MOSOP Constitution, which prescribed a nonpartisanship for active or executive members. This appointment means he's PDP. Yet, during his watch he hasn't rendered account of his stewardship to the Ogoni people. All money donated to MOSOP or Ogoni goes to him as the treasurer, president, financial secretary, etc. Although a treasurer or financial secretary may be sited as executive, this greedy man control everything. It's this kind of issue that also made him have problems with his treasurer in London before he was exposed. The so-called freedom center he collected millions from Obasanjo and Odili to build more than three years ago hasn't been completed. He even finds it difficult-maybe for guilty conscience or deliberate bid to obliterate Ken Saro-Wiwa's name-to mention Saro-Wiwa in any gathering or on anything even though it's obvious he's the founder and spirit of MOSOP/Ogoni. Worst still he isn't involved in the Wiwa, et al. v Royal Dutch Petroleum and Shell Transport and Trading Company lawsuit going to trial May 26, in New York. This is a case he should have been the front-runner as a lawyer and a principal witness who "escaped" the hangman if his hands were clean. But this trial will go on without him. These and many other sad issues in his palm have made Ogoni lost faith in MOSOP.

That lack of faith elicit the Ogonis when the elections that made Diigbo president emerged as they're already fed up with Mitee's gimmick so felt relieved and hissed, "At last a new dawn has come!" Mind you, this election was said to have been approved and duly contested by Mitee though he failed, according to the document available that will also be presented in court. The elections officer Rev. Sir Michael Ibira said he however turned around when the Federal Government announced over one billion Naira or dollars for the technical work before a proposed environmental cleaning exercise in Ogoni. It's therefore important to note based on this source that money or greed is the reason Mitee is against the newly conducted elections and not its legitimacy-after all he's illegitimate himself. This implies the said elections were duly planned and conducted and he was ousted with high margin as the undemocratic and despot ruler.

Finally, if Ogonis wants the truth, real change (even though Diigbo isn't a saint and can't rock overnight miracles), they must act peacefully, nonviolently with integrity now. If they want to get back to the Saro-Wiwa's MOSOP for freedom, justice, peace and development (killed by a man he trusted), they must come together and give Diigbo a chance. As it stands, a motion by Diigbo to stop Mitee from being inaugurated or to stop parading as president has been granted by a judge in Bori, Ogoni according to the Nigerian Vanguard on Monday, May 4. But because he's outlaw and believes he's lots of system's support and move that belong to the people, he's continuing against the ruling of the court even as a lawyer. This, as usual, is bad for most Nigerian courts because the judiciary lacks integrity, independence and credibility. But let's hope the dust will settle for the truth to emerge, for Saro-Wiwa can't die in vain as envisaged by Mitee, $hell and the Federal Government. His fierce fighting spirit and the spirit being he was has brought his prediction of a $hell's trial to fruition. His prophecy on if the peaceful way he's favored would prevail-depended on what the oppressors decide-has also come to fruition considering the advent of the Movement of the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND). The group has taken up arms against the oil companies and government for resource and environmental control. All we've seen unfold points to the fact that Saro-Wiwa don't lose fights, not in his death and so the movement he established and died for can't continue to wallow in the four walls of Mitee's house. Rather it must survive as a mass movement to better the lives of the people and bring back the respect Ogoni had but eroded my someone whose dream is to become a MOSOP lifetime president so as to kill the people's spirit and movement. God forbid, as 14 dark years is enough!

Ben Wuloo Ikari, (bariedoora@cs.com)

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