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Date Published: 05/08/09

Mr. Nwokoye’s Part 2, My Part 4c

By Hon. Chinedu Opukiri-Nkwonta


I cannot accuse Obi of fund embezzlement as I do need the evidence to raise such accusation. Such accusation can be very serious and I am not dumb as Mr. Nwokoye has tried to portray me. Be reminded that there are so many ways to embezzle funds. I do not want to deal with this issue now; I will deal with it when am ready, the boys are in the field.

“Now Obi is doing something with our money and still left the treasury intact”

Mr. Chukwudi Nwokoye finds it difficult to explain himself just like me sometimes. I guess he is trying to say that Governor Obi is using our commonwealth judiciously. As much as I will not dismiss his position entirely, I would need to know if Governor Obi is doing all he needs to do for the State and still saving us some bucks. I do not believe that money in the bank is better than money spent for the benefit of the people which remain the reason for the money anyway. Does it make sense that he has all the money in the bank while crime is going up and the people are unemployed? Has the Governor provided the State with all necessary facilities to encourage economic regeneration and now left us with some change in the bank?

Okwadike is a good man and I like him. I was not in Nigeria when he was the Governor but I have come to know him and really do like him. He is exuberant, intelligent and natural, great man he is. I love his trade mark white bia bia.

“Even Emeka Etiaba to his credit, even if grudgingly, acknowledged that Gov Obi performed well but that he (Etiaba) would take it to the "next level".


I am glad Mr.Nwokoye recognises the position of Emeka Etiaba and his statement though Nwokoye said it was “grudgingly” made. He must be a part of Emeka Etiaba’s “Next Level Campaign Team”.

If Nwokoye must be told, Governor Obi is of APGA, the same political family as Nwakibie Emeka Etiaba, it has no wisdom for Emeka to condemn a government that he has been indirectly involved in. I hope he remembers that Eneka’s mother is the deputy to Okwute. The bigger and better statement Mr. Nwokoye should analyse is Emeka’s coming out, does that represent doing well for Governor Obi his man?

“The truth is that no governor wants to conduct an election when the federal government is not on their side”

Mr. Chukwudi Nwokoye is a politician and knows more than I claim to know. What does he mean by the above statement, can we get some clarifications from him as I do not want to assume. While waiting for his clarification, did the Federal Government support Chief Theodore Orji in Abia or Fashola in Lagos States to conduct and win their Local Government Elections?

“The last bye-election that Mr. Nkwonta talked about was rigged as usual, and everyone knows it”

I am not aware that the last bye-elections were rigged. If Mr. Nwokoye needs my opinion, I shall give it free of charge, the two bye-elections in the State were properly conducted and results declared accordingly. I am happy for Anambra South for the quality of the Senator that they have voted in. My position is that Senator Ikechukwu Obiora should be vying for governor because he is a good man. I respect his intelligence, his humility; his articulation and the general spirit surrounding him, there are not a lot of people like him in my dear State. Mr. Nwokoye should be reminded once again that APGA has no political structure in Anambra State today. The members are scattered like lost sheep waiting for a messiah to help them which I believe is what Nwakibie Emeka Etiaba is trying to do. If Mr. Nwokoye insists that APGA is on the ground, why did they allow PDP to rig them out? Why couldn’t PDP rig in Abia and Lagos States? Let Mr. Nwokoye not make a fool of himself in the name of bravado by playing to the diaspora gallery? Can he not for once find it necessary to admit areas that his subject has made mistakes? Does Mr. Nwokoye not see that most of Governor Obi’s problems are self inflicted?

“I did not know that Mr. Nkwonta was a friend of Gov Peter Obi. He confirmed to me in my discussion with me they know each other years ago. He maintained that Obi is “selfish, arrogant and would not listen to anybody but himself” It happens among friends and you normally hear this when the going gets rough. As some would say, “there is a thin line between love and hate”. Your best friend maybe your enemy and your enemy may be your best friend”.

I have always made it very clear that I know Governor Peter Obi one on one; it does not mean that he was or is my friend, he has never been. Obi is arrogant and does not listen to people, I do not remember saying that to Mr. Nwokoye but the statement is true, therefore I accept. I have never been a friend to Obi so is not bothered about anything with him tomorrow, if he talks to me after power that’s ok by me, if not, do I sound like I care?

“He called me a sycophant but he did not know that I have never seen or met Governor Obi in my life”

Mr. Nwokoye is faking ignorance this time, does he need to know Governor Obi to become a sycophant. If I were Governor Obi, I would at least call him to thank him for defending his State. As for meeting the Governor, there will always be a first time. Hope Mr. Nwokoye does not get too disappointed.

“It surprises me when strangers write me and ask me for the Governor’s phone number or e-mail address! Their take is that if I am writing about Anambra state and speak well of the governor, then I must be one of his advisers or close associates”

Bros, do not let yourself down; I shall forward him all the Governors contacts via his email if he promise he will not publish them as usual. Igbo man, Mr. Nwokoye would not want to be that stupid. On a serious note, if Mr. Nwokoye asks nicely I shall send him those details, no problems at all.

“I also criticized the government when the Health Commissioner threatened to ban condoms in the state”

To be very honest, I never heard this before, thank you for shouting out. Please do not publicise this again as other people are reading these, we are not that disconnected to reality. I can assure you that such an idea definitely did not come from the Commissioner, if it did, it must have gotten clearance from the Governor for the Commissioner to publicise such, viewed differently, the Commissioner must be cuing into the thinking of the government, Peter Obi’s government. Does this not tell you how disconnected the government is to the realities of today? Does it not make you panic? If you must know how I feel right now that I am writing, my heart suddenly started jumping, no, I am not doing exercise, it is just the implications of such an action on the entire vision of this government Mr. Nwokoye, why are you arguing blindly with me? There must be something in this that I am not seeing. Are you a part of a conspiracy? Ok, I will find out.

Mr. Nwokoye’s argument on roads is appalling; I do not have a word to say. Let it be for him as he has said. Every where you are, brothers and sisters please do always make efforts to come home. Do not believe me and please never anyone believe the likes of Mr. Nwokoye, he doesn’t get it.

I understand Mr. Nwokoye’s argument that Anambra State has been in existence since 1999 and that none of the previous governments has done anything about Awka, his argument is that we should leave Awka like it is or go back to the previous governors and get them to start working; I cannot believe this, Mr. Nwokoye, you have won.

We are very glad to Obi for the master plan but he is still constructing the Zik’s avenue which did not need rocket science to do, Ngige awarded the contract. What part of the master plan is Governor Obi implementing at the moment?

Mr. Nwokoye makes me laugh, he dismisses my “okada man” story as “manufactured” and then tells us that the governor gave them free helmets, Governor Obi accredited the hospitals and gave the okada riders free crash helmets, that’s his campaign slogan for his man, the whole thing has became a big joke, my concern is that the destiny of a race is dependent on this Governor Obi and Mr. Chukwudi Nwokoye’s big joke.

“I want you to tell me that your offer of going naked to “Nkwo Idengeli” market at Nawfia is still valid”

We do not have any Nkwo at the world famous Idengeli market, it is AFO IDENGELI. The offer is still valid and I am glad Mr. Nwokoye has booked his flight. Please let me know the airline that took your booking as the WORLD ACCLAIMED NAKED DANCE is for March next year if your man comes back, God will not let that happen. Are we sure Mr. Nwokoye is not writing from Nri? I shall get my boys out on the field and confirm his location; I really suspect he is at Nri with his cousin Potoki Poses, smoking pot.

Bros you are too much.


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