Date Published: 05/14/09
Nigerians Betrayed Me
By Hakeem Babalola
Dear Nigeria,
I am writing this open letter because of my conscience as a Christian. It is imperative for me to tell Nigerians what actually happened in what is now known as Ekiti debacle (although I wouldn't use debacle to describe the event as it is the press invention). And before I go in perspective, I'd like to reiterate here that I am a Nigerian to the core; a patriot who loves you unconditionally. You will soon see why. I always dream of a great you, a country of re-brand (there's no other way than the re-brand enterprise). Well, I believe in revolt and you will soon see the trace in this letter. As a Resident Electoral Commissioner in Ekiti re-run election, I believe violently that I have done my own re-brand which our honourable Minister of Information, Dora Akunyili, is currently chewing like kola nut. Whatever grudge you bear against me, I'd like you to read and digest this letter with open mind. Also, I'd like you to remember that I am 74 years old; age of wisdom, courage, honesty, readiness for debt-death and what have you.
Although I am 74, I agreed to serve you and contribute to your development in whatever form because of my undying love for you. When I accepted to be the Resident Electoral Commissioner in Ekiti, I knew I was going to do something extra-ordinary in the history of Nigeria. I dreamed of being the first Nigerian to start it; to start what almost every Nigerian has been clamouring for. I have listened attentively to the hue and cry of my people and I had waited for years to start what I believe might put an end to the continuous rotten in our ways of life. I positioned myself around the corridor of power, waiting patiently for the right moment. Since I had heard several times that Ekiti people are among the most intellectual citizens of our dear country, I told myself it was time to strike. I spoke to God to give me the courage, wisdom and knowledge to know. I wanted to begin it. I wanted to do it once and for all. After all, I had read about one Rosa Park in the United States of America who stood for something that changed the lives of black people in that once segregated country. I may not be in the same league as notable Nigerian women like Moremi Ajasoro, Nwanyeruwa of Aba revolt, Funmilayo Ramsome-Kuti, Queen Amina of Zaria and others but I was ready for something spectacle.
I wanted to begin it, hoping that Nigerians were ready for it. At 74 I am not afraid of death or anyone for that matter. It was time for me to make a name for myself by starting what could put an end to the madness that has engulfed you. Honestly speaking, I was ready to visit the House of Hades in such glorious mood. I mean what is it that a 74-year-old woman has not seen. I know that Nigerians are suffering and there's no other way to describe it. That was the main reason I accepted to be the Resident Electoral Commissioner. I wanted Nigerians to know the behind-scene of our fraud elections. Oh, I was hoping Nigerians would read my mind and be as courageous as I am. I was hoping Nigerians are genuine in their loud and persistent outcry. I was hoping they would understand it was time for action and not talking or writing. I was hoping they would read my lips, but unfortunately Nigerians remain a bunch of cowards. Yes, I am saying it loud and clear.
Honestly speaking, I had thought that the protest would be the people against the politicians who have been totally incongruous in the manner they handle state affairs. But I was disappointed when Ekiti people and Nigerians at large allowed the opportunity to slip away. What other moment are they waiting for? They must be waiting for God, our saviour, to come down and fight their fight. Even a toddler in this country knows that our problem is still these yeye people disguising as politicians. I am absolutely qualified to call them useless people because of what I have seen and experienced as Ekiti Resident Electoral commissioner. Olorun o, I saw ugly thing in its form. What I saw in that Ekiti re-run gubernatorial election was shockingly cruel and inhumane. I saw barbarity in agbada, babariga, iro, buba, fila, gele; I saw atrocity in suit and tie, skirt and blouse. I watched the hypocrisy of Nigerian politicians and their components, including that of number one security provider. Ha, Nigeria is in pain and there's no other way to describe it. You are in the hands of vultures ready to devour your flesh of flesh. Oh, if I start to name names, many people will commit suicide. I would have embarked on that had Nigerians didn't betray me. But will Nigerians believe me?
Are you still wondering what I am talking about? My letter of resignation as the Resident Electoral Commissioner was a metaphor, euphemism for revolution or at least revolt. It was meant as a collective responsibility to spark a protest, a genuine protest. And what did I get in return? Only a few nude and clothed women induced by the same set of people killing us in disguise! Once again, Nigerians allowed the same people to hijack what could have been their moment. Instead they have resulted to what they know how to do best - criticising and blaming me for their lack of courage. Unfortunately, the press is somehow ferocious in this blaming game. Rather than find out the truth, the press boys are contented with rumour and fabrication. They have surreptitiously proclaimed me guilty without bothering to know the real me. I am sorry for Nigerians who actually deserve a better press. The media and its hypocrite practitioners is in fact one of the reasons you may not get it right. They often instigate news so they could have something to report. It reminds me of Mario Puzo's parody novel in which a journalist often breaks the news he provokes...
Ha, the press boys are destroying the democracy they had helped build. They praised me to the high heaven when I did their bidding but lampooned me when I rescind my decision. As far as they are concerned, it is not about finding the truth but about doing the bidding of their publishers who are involved in this "Ekiti Debacle" (my apology). They even went to the extent of suggesting that I am currently involved romantically with my brother in Ota. Well, for the record, let me make it public my type of man. I don't fancy owala (one with tribal mark) and heaven actually knows that. O jigbijigbi I simply like good-looking men. So there's no way I could have fallen in love with him. Besides, I don't like men without principle because they are failure as far as I am concerned. Our relationship was/is based on pure love we both have for our dear country. And is it not the same press that started the rumour saying, Tinubu promised me N200 million? We also need to fight this kind of ngbati press if we are determined to get there. I repeat Nigerian journalism is not what it used to be.
Actually I had prepared my head for the coconut to be broken by my courage to tender my resignation letter instead of being pressurized to act against my Christian conscience. I ask, how many public officials have done that in the history of our dear nation? The only thing I know I am guilty of is my desire to eat from the coconut that had been broken on my head. But who will cast the first stone in this regard? Oh, I had expected my resignation letter to trigger a gun to kill election fraud in my country but no one was willing to join me in this crusade. I hid for some days in order to see and test Nigerian reactions but eventually they betrayed me. If Nigerians had followed up my action by taking to the street, I would have had the gut to tell the entire nation the thing that actually went wrong. No one protested except a few rented naked women. O ma se o (It's a pity). While I appreciated the professor's announcement that nothing must happen to me, I expected something more serious than the usual talk. Although the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAF) was proud of my action, I expected a very big protest once and for all. Now I know better.
So I had no choice than to dance to the drum of fraud. No one should blame me for joining them since I can't beat them. And here I am talking about left and right wings of political manipulation. No party is exempted in this regard. I was not actually concern about which party would win, for I had determined to let Nigerians win by letting Ekiti people win that re-run election. But their cowardice got into me at a certain point, especially when my children and grandchildren started begging me to forget dying for you. Their cry had reached me where I was hiding like a timid rabbit. No, I was not hiding for I was in full control of my conscience. And it was this short and poignant letter with the fact that I had convinced myself that Nigerians (or let me say Ekiti people) are cowards that eventually changed my mind. How could they have stayed at home after my historic revolutionary resignation letter! Yes, I have since realised that my people like talking about heaven but none of them actually wants to die.
My grandchildren letter: "Grandma, please don't die for her," they wrote. " Nigeria or Nigerians are not worth dying for as you have already seen in their action after your courageous resignation letter. See grandma, what happens to MKO and June 12? Nothing grandma! Nigerians are people who may never know how to put up a genuine protest. Grandma, are Nigerians not rallying round those destroying them as each day wax? We need you grandma. We are proud of you because we know your intention but unfortunately, Nigerians do not know, and may never know. It is their cross to carry".
And I cried. And I came out of my hiding to surrender myself to the Inspector General of Police who later assured me nothing would happen to me. And later later I met with my boss, Dr. Maurice Iwu, who told me to act according to my conscience. Of course I understood what he was trying to say. I decided to rescind my decision having saw Nigerians in their vague mind. They didn’t impress me as a people with revolutionary blood. It really didn't matter who won, you will remain the same unless Nigerians themselves are fully ready for a genuine protest - in nude or fully clothed. But for now, and for what I have seen and experienced, I am more sceptical, even cynical as never before. When I declared Segun Oni as the winner of the re-run election, I was not worried. Why should my conscience worry me? It could not because it's all the same. The only thing I regret is my people's lack of courage that is eventually killing them before their death. Yeparipa, they have won again. And we, the people have lost again. We will always lose unless and unless we understand the power of genuine protest. More importantly, wait for my memoir in which I shall tell the truth nothing but the truth.
I shall end this with one of my favourite quotes by Elizabeth Bowen: No one speaks the truth when there's something they must have. Let anyone challenge this.
I am a patriot who means well
Ayoka Adebayo (the heroine of our time)
Copyright 2009