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Date Published: 05/20/09


By Hon. Chinedu Opukiri-Nkwonta


I read Mr. Chukwudi Nwokoye’s position on Dr. Andy Uba’s Supreme Court case withdrawal.


First of all I have to declare my position. I am not an attorney and do not have any legal background except the beer parlour legal arguments that we politicians and ordinary people engage in now and then most times under the influence of alcohol and goat head.

The legal citations made by Mr. Nwokoye to buttress his learned position were clearly expected, he is an attorney.

My interest in this matter is purely civil and also because it has to do with four entities that I have contact with, Dr. Andy Uba, Governor Peter Obi, Mr. Chukwudi Nwokoye and Anambra State.

I must not have a word in anything that Mr. Nwokoye says but we have our opinions on issues bothering on the mentioned entities, he makes me jitter most times I read his positions. I have became very suspicious of his motives and my worry is that the more he does these, the more he is gradually, like cancer spreading and biasing so many minds. We owe the people the truth and we need to provide them with alternative arguments as to allow them make informed judgements. Mr. Nwokoye comes across like a baby crying for help, what he has up his sleeves, I am trying to figure out.

Mr. Chukwudi Nwokoye obviously has a phobia with the name Dr. Andy Uba and is only advising the Supreme Court judges on the best way to deal with this issue as to avail his fears. He has carefully packaged himself as a legal master that has genuine concerns, sort of trust me am a doctor kind of approach. He has packaged his own concerns and the concerns of his political family to look as if that is the genuine fears of the good people of Anambra State, it is not.

I have in the past tried to give free guidance to Mr. Nwokoye as not to expose his pomposity which can be interpreted to mean either arrogance or ignorance. I do think that as an attorney, Mr. Nwokoye should realise that he does not get up and address senior learned colleagues as if they are freshers or legal paupers. To become a Supreme Court Judge is definitely not an easy fit especially in a complex legal and political environment like Nigeria. My understanding of the profession from my friends is that it is a very traditional profession where respect for hierarchy is strictly applied and reprimanded when breached, it is surprising to me that Mr. Nwokoye would throw caution to the wind as to address these most senior and most respect Supreme Court Judges with such professional reckless abandon.

My concerns about Mr. Nwokoye again, the same judges he wants to listen to him, he is telling that there are criminals amongst them. By implication, all Supreme Court Judges are suspects in this his blanket allegation until either some of them take some legal process to remove themselves from the blanket or Mr. Nwokoye saves them the embarrassment by naming the corrupt ones so that the free ones can be free indeed.


Being a Supreme Court Judge in Nigeria is obviously a very respectable and prestigious position and I agree with Mr. Nwokoye that they would be exposed to different levels of interference which does not only come from the likes of Dr. Andy Uba but also from the Governor Obi’s. Arguing without conceding that Dr. Andy Uba tried to sort them out which ever way, is Mr. Nwokoye sincerely saying that Andy is the only person that may have done such? Suddenly Dr. Andy Uba is in the scene, Mr. Nwokoye wants the Supreme Court Judges to go back and do a proper job by citing some legal examples to buttress his position. Mr. Nwokoye reminded me of the story about an English man that went to Jerusalem with his nagging wife on Christian pilgrimage. The woman fell ill and died while stile in Jerusalem. When the husband went to the funeral directors to enquire on the cost of burial, they told him that it will cost him something like $200 to bury his wife in Jerusalem and about $7,500 to send her body back to England. The English man opted for the more expensive one, his reason being that he did not want to take any chances, the last man that he knew that was buried in Jerusalem woke up after three days, Mr. Nwokoye obviously does not want to take any chances. As far as Mr. Nwokoye is concerned, it does not matter how the Judges feel or how they are cajoled, the most important thing is that he gets the result that he wants which is let Dr. Andy Uba never emerge the Governor of Anambra State under any circumstance, period.

Mr. Nwokoye’s desperate and nerve rattling actions exposes his lack of belief in the legal system in Nigeria that is the reason that Governor Obi is the governor today. How come suddenly they do not trust the courts or is it the situation of a killer that is always suspicious of anyone that walks behind him with a knife.

This brings me to the question that I have really tried so hard to avoid; does Mr. Nwokoye have any personal grudge against the person of Dr. Andy Uba? I do not see the reason why he must be on Andy Uba’s watch 24-7. I also think that this fascination with Dr. Andy Uba seem to be making him behave in erratic ways that he does not mind knocking every other person so far Dr. Andy Uba is counted amongst the knocked. He is not damaging Dr. Andy Uba by these actions but himself.

Let us look at this differently, if Mr. Nwokoye meant to advice the Supreme Court without any bias, would it not have made sense if he had written to Peter Obi via his lawyer Dr. Onyechi Ikpeazu and taken a more friendly approach to introduce his suggestions instead of telling Dr. Ikpeazu that he is no good as a defence lawyer? Mr. Nwokoye comes across to me as an attention seeking man that wants to be recognised, he ends up ridiculing himself. I do not intend to question Mr. Nwokoye’s professional integrity but I do hope that such arguments that he presents in his articles does not reflect in his profession duties, is he a practising attorney?

I have become weary of Mr. Nwokoye because he has become very predictable as far as I am concerned. He has made me predictable too in terms of following him about as if he is a small baby; my position is that, like small babies, Mr. Nwokoye needs to be put in check as not to get himself into trouble but more importantly, one needs to give an alternative view to most of his positions which are very uninformed, un-expatiated and full of mis-chiefs packaged under a disguise. I wrote in my earlier mail that my own mother read his article and told me she did not find anything wrong in what the young man said, he nearly caused a family feud between us but my mother, after reading my reply was able to understand my position, she is an educated mum, do not mess with her. She clearly understood how misleading Mr. Nwokoye’s articles are, typical 419 like the stories Governor Obi has told us in the diaspora all the time, “there are five people in Nise town, if they are not five , how come they are called Nise” My mother is a very educated young lady and a retired matron and nurse of over 50 years experience. Being a Bayelsa lady as well, I can never intimidate her to believe my crap; she is more independent than I, I no dey fear face?

Mr. Nwokoye seems to display the same Mr. Know-It-All tendencies that his ally Governor Obi has. He is trying to make himself the nigh mare in Dr. Andy Uba’s life, he does not have the capability.

I only hope that people learn how to come to equity with clean hands, Dr. Andy Uba instituted a case in the court of the land, Mr. Nwokoye shouted, he withdraws his case, Mr. Nwokoye is not happy, what does he want of Dr. Andy Uba. I am of the opinion that the eagle and kite should perch, if any does not want the other to perch, that is pure wickedness, Mr. Nwokoye should allow Dr. Andy Uba get on with life, they will never perch near each other, I am sure.

How is your cousin Potoki Poses?


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