Date Published: 05/21/09
Ekiti saga and Akunyili’s rebranding
by Okwuchi R Uwakeme
Permit me to use your widely read newspapers to congratulate Akunyili former Director General of National Agent for food and drug administration control, (NAFDAC). Indeed she is a woman I so much respect but now she has betrayed or failed many Nigerians.
My reason for saying this is not unconnected to the fact that she had left her profession. She is now re-branding. How do we reconcile this: Is Nigeria a product that she thinks she can re-brand? If there is any product to re-brand; she should start her much-touted re-branding project by first re-branding PDP and herself.You cannot re-brand a product successfully when all you do is stand the truth on its head.
For Akunyili to try to pull the wool over the eyes of Nigerians shows she cannot be an agent of positive change for Nigeria. Her re-branding project is dead on arrival.
``Maybe the late Ibadan politician, Lamidi Adedibu, was right afterall when he said the only reason that Akunyili moved against his people, in her days at NAFDAC was because he refused to support her lobby to become minister under Obasanjo.
People Democratic Party is the only problem Nigeria has and I pray that God Almighty will one day deliver us from this Devil incarnate party. It has no vision for Nigerians. Who knows if the Devil wants to use PDP and their agents to destroy Nigeria. God forbid! Nigeria is more than PDP. The entire PDP chieftain should realize that there is God in heaven that hears the cries of the innocent.
Dora should search her conscience before she says anything again in this country. She and her party should know that the end of everything is death and after death comes judgment. Yes PDP today in Nigeria has power but they do not have life afterall. Death could come at any time. It amazes me that some times it looks as if some of these our so called rulers not leaders forget easily or you may permit me to say that the money they loot has blocked their sense of reasoning. If not how come that none of them want to ask themselves this simple question: WHERE IS ABACHA TODAY WITH ALL HIS LOOTS? Dora should go and bury her face in the ground.
May you permit me to extend my sympathy to Ekiti REC, Mrs. Ayoka Adebayo, who at seventy four (74) sold her conscience to these visionless rulers. In this case, the truth is that she was pressured by the powers that be to act against her conscience and Christian belief in declaring the PDP candidate winner of the Ekiti re-run. She has sown a bad seed to her generation. She is in indeed a disgrace to womanhood. At her old age she still got herself tangled with PDP mess. The result she earlier told Nigerians that in accordance of the rule of law, the on-going election will enhance the image of INEC, electoral process in our dear country Nigeria and the whole black race. Unfortunately, the circumstances changed in the middle of the process, therefore my conscience as a Christian cannot allow me to further participate in the process..” It was that same result that she used to declare Oni winner. Ekiti re-run was one controversy too many for Nigerians to bear.
To Oni that emerged a winner through stolen mandate. I say Congratulations but remember that he that sows corruption will also reap corruption.
To my fellow Nigerians I say, the battle is not for the swift. We should re-strategize; for a bird says that “since men have learnt how to shoot without missing, he has also learn how to fly without patching …”. It is time to cry onto God. He is the only one who can deliver Nigeria.
Okwuchi R Uwakeme