Date Published: 05/26/09
Hypocrisy as an act carried out by Hypocrites: Joshua Ocheja, My Side of the divide
By Joshua Ocheja
In my wondering state, I tried to come to terms with why; my person has been unduly attacked by some proponents of Sahara reporters.
I stand by my article in every sense of it. My point still remains, Sahara reporters should be responsible enough to admit that it erred by insulting the President. Good and fine, an assessment of the President in the last two years, Good and fine, he underperformed, but bad and uncalled for, the insults which was irresponsible and attracted my earlier response.
I liked the assessment as it was an insight into Yar’adua’s administration, but they blew it when insults came into the picture.
This piece is not intended to exchange words with my friends in the Diaspora, who have in the spirit of solidarity to Sahara reporters responded to my article, but to tell them Joshua Ocheja is just seeking cheap popularity, true to their assertions, which their rejoinders have given me. I say a big thank you!
My friends did not have the patience to read through my article and dissect properly before hitting the headline. For those that have followed my articles, I have never denied the leadership and administrative challenges Nigeria is going through, and I have on a number of occasion charged those saddled with the responsibility of preserving our rich cultural heritage to rise up and do things right as we are tired.
Sahara reporters have been in existence for long disseminating their kind of news, but let us be fair enough to ask what they have done to bring about the change we so desire. We are not fools in this country.
I have longed wanted to be a government functionary by election or appointment, because Sahara reporters have made me see why government business is the most lucrative business in town, it’s on the spot assessment is wonderful and their protocol services cannot be equaled by any country. Oh yes that’s my orientation courtesy Sahara reporters, but I pray millions of future leaders have not been infected with the Sahara reporters syndrome.
I write in defense of my country! I write in defense of my president that has underperformed, but very lenient to issues when insulted. PAUL ADE, JERRY MADUKWE, PIUS FASINU AND ADENIYI FADUHUNSI will do worse if given the chance of governing this country for eternity! Hypocrisy has many meanings but patriotism has one meaning! Well to some but not me, it could mean leaving the country in the face of tribulations and sounding like prophets from afar prophesying about change in the country.
I sat in the solitude of the four walls of my room and could not help but reminisce about the way forward for Nigeria. How can we go about the change we so desire, were paramount in my crowded mind. Options were hanging; solutions were far as I could not think properly.
Ok, I thought of an idea, continue to criticize government and its policies. A Knock at my door! The time is 1 am, who could my unholy visitor be? I pretended not to hear the knock. Gbam! Gbam! I quickly jumped to my feet, with the courage of a Nigerian living in Nigeria, I opened the door! Pause for a minute, I did not ask for the identity of my visitor before opening the door, why? I had a clear conscience, as I was not a government appointee, contractor or have been a recipient of fraud. PAUL ADE, JERRY MADUKWE, PIUS FASINU AND ADENIYI FADUHUNSI please note. I welcome your comments and disparaging remarks for my person in good faith.
My visitor walked in and sat down politely, I could not place the face but the voice seems familiar. Emm! Can I help you was all I could utter. With a warm voice my visitor said don’t you ever become a hypocrite, always stand out of the crowd and believe in what you believe. My confidence came back to me and I asked, please who are you?
Young man, you don’t need to know me, but I know you. You know me I asked? Some say you are seeking cheap popularity, some say you are a government propagandist, some say you have been slapped with naira notes, but I say you represent a noble cause, a cause that grew out of your love faith and belief in your country, despite tales of corrupt practices and maladministration. But please be warned, do not exchange words with those that accuse you falsely, those that are far away from the country, relying on online forums to keep abreast of happenings in the country, which in most case is highlighted in the negative.
They are hypocrites I tell you, members of the bandwagon constituting a nuisance in foreign countries that will always hide under the umbrella of apostles of change. If they know so much, then what are they doing outside the country?
It’s on this note that I rest my case; my position on Sahara reporters still remains. Journalism should be practiced in a responsible way. Sahara reporters is not holier than thou, stop deceiving the polity, you guys are part of the problem we are facing in Nigeria.
Act as agents of change, that Nigeria may be great again. And for your followers, verify your news items before hitting the headlines.
Nigeria is going through trying times, we have to come together and build this country. I won’t do it alone, while you sit and do armchair contribution.
Change is a psychological warfare and not guerrilla warfare.
My position still remains. Sahara reporters went too far by insulting the President!
Nigeria Good people… Great Nation….