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Plot To Kill Buhari : Threat To Democracy by Osita Okechukwu





Conference of Nigeria Political Parties {CNPP}, condemns in no uncertain terms the unfolding plot to elimlnate General Muhammadu Buhari and some opposition elements;which poses clear threat to democracy in Nigeria.This is the hand work of believers of the doctrine of Do-or-Die politics who are bent in converting Nigerian democracy into one party state by all means and keeping their loot.


The first phase of the plot, that is less than successful, was to plunder and destabilise the ANPP,AC and other political parties as they did in 1999, influence and buy up their leadership to consolidate a one party state.The second phase, as the Election Tribunals gather momentum accross the country and the glaring probability that some elections will be voided, is to eliminate opposition elements.


CNPP views this dangeruos plot to continue political killings as the fall out of the Do-or-Die doctrine of the leader of the PDP, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo and the PDP nest of killers, which unfortunately is anti-thetical to the growth of democracy in Nigeria.


Their sole aim is stop Buhari by all means, as allowing him back to power will lead to massive investigation of the crass looting that is the metaphor of the Obasanjo regime.They are more comfortable with a pliable leadership. 


It could be recalled that the PDP nest of killers first attempted to eliminate General Buhari in july at Abuja airport road, followed this time with mob attack on friday at Lafia.It is sad that up-to-date, no arrest has been made nor anybody being prosecuted.


What has Buhari done? In our considered view, the only offence Buhari committed was his refusal to join the so called government of national unity,withdraw his case from the Election Tribunal and legitimise the illegal sham elections.Their credo is  that to stop Buhari is a task that must be done to forestall total probe of all the crass corruption that characterised the Obasanjo regime.


CNPP is in solidarity with Buhari and all patriots who are committed to the defence of the sanctity of the Ballot Box,anti-corruption crusade and pursuit of the happiness of the greatest number of Nigerians.Nigerians deserve a better standard and quality of life,far from the outcome of the anti-people programme of the last eight years.


In this vein, CNPP congratulates and salutes the government and people of Sierra Leone, for conducting  free, fair and transparent elections.We are proud that there is no incident of any killing throughout the campaign in Sierra Leone.The outcome is that Sierra Leone has joined the few beacons of democracy in Africa.Is not a shame that Sierra Leone that is emerging from a ten year civil war,mustered the ploitical will to conduct a world acknowledged credible election to the shame of democracy pretenders in Nigeria?


CNPP also commends the Christian Association of Nigeria{CAN}, for their unalloyed defence of democracy, as reflected in the immortal address of President of CAN, Archbishop of Abuja, His Grace, John Onaiykan, last week.


Finally CNPP calls on the security agencies to arrest and prosecute the perpetrators of the mayhem at Lafia.To allow the felons and their ring leaders to walk away scot free is reinforcement, undue licence to further political killings and serious threat to democracy.


Osita Okechukwu

National Publicity Secretary


19th August 2007



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