Date Published: 07/07/09
By Emmanuel Y. Kwache
For a long time I have contemplated the desirability of the former Vice President Atiku Abubakar to be absorbed back into the fold of the Peoples Democratic Party.
The formation of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) had its philosophical underpinning in the urgent and national need to negotiate the military out of power. After many years of failed governance under the military, the nation was palpably in the mood of moving on the path of democracy. So a party that would serve as on umbrella big enough to accommodate all shade of political opinions became an imperative. PDP became the name of the new party. It has the following as its core values and objectives.
A credible, nationwide, people arrived and principle political party enjoying the widest support throughout the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
It was also to ensure a speedy restoration of genuine democracy and good governance to Nigeria , building a qualitative better society based on the principles of democracy; human rights and social justice under rule of law. To evolve a liberated, secure and developed nation with faith and confidence in itself and distinguished by sustained pursuit of a culture of excellence.
To facilitate a rapid and sustained development process through sound education, basic health care, abundant food, housing, full employment, improved infrastructure, efficient transport, regular power supply and basic services. To restructure Nigeria in the spirit of true federalism so as to achieve a just and equitable distribution of power, wealth and opportunities. To promote a system of good governance characterized by fair open, competent, honest and highly respective public administration.
There are many others reasons which culminated into the civilian coming into power in 1999. Democracy has crawled to this point.
And if the present dispensation is to achieve its aim of justice, equity and fairness, then all founders, all founding members should be allowed.
We cannot abandon and waste the experience of former Vice-President, Atiku Abubakar.If All Nigerian Peoples Party Governors and other stalwarts can go back to the PDP, there is no need not to allow Atiku Abubakar not to go back to the largest party in Africa . Reading through the book Atiku: the Story of Atiku Abubakar, one can see the forgiving spirit of the Turaki Adamawa.
It was with this in mind that he went to Ota to seek reconciliation with his former boss. This forgiving spirit is the base of Atiku Abubakar’s humility When that trait exists then leadership quality is established firmly.
Again, to quote from Barrack Obama’s Great Speeches: A primer by David Olive, page 244 “In the struggle for peace and justice, we cannot walk alone. In the struggle for opportunity and equality, we cannot walk alone. In the struggle to heal this nation and repair this world, we cannot walk alone.” Unquote. To this end to push this Nation forward, others cannot do it alone, even if they belong to the greatest party. We must come together as a people – in spite of varying differences of opinions, ideas and religious and lift up the nation together. If we cannot embrace the differences together and United against the forces of oppression and repression, then all our efforts are going to be in vain. A tree cannot make a forest. There are certain persons in this country that we cannot do without their participation, no matter how insignificant their contributions. One of them is Atiku Abubakar; the space is still open and there is large space and the room is still open. It is not necessarily he has to gun for presidency.
Let his wealth of experience help the afflicted fractious Peoples Democratic Party.
Those that are well known for their unguarded statements and pronouncements should mature by the day and become statesmen and patriots.
We should not hurl insults at each other and particularly at some persons even by the virtue of positions they held. As for Atiku Abubakar, we urge you to continue to be disciplined as you have been and not reply those who are known to insult. Like you mentioned in one of your numerous interviews, the current President, Alhaji Umar Musa Yar’adua is your younger brother.
Today, this nation needs diverse right ideas from every corner, if it can help us to move forward. We do not have to recall his contributions to the headquarters where at one time, he donated a N100 million and at another period he off-setted the rent bills of the office for a certain period.
He is said to be a great mobilizer and can easily reconcile aggrieved factions and individuals, on top what others like elder Alex Ekwueme has been doing.
Turaki Adamawa is not garrulous, but whatever he takes to do, he does heartily, wholeheartedly and with a single mind. If he is accepted into the PDP without hassles, without too many obstacles and obstructions, he will be useful to building a virile nation.
He can in the long a run sort out himself with Action Congress at a later date this is my opinion.
By: Emmanuel Y. Kwache
Freelance Journalist and Commentator on
National issues writes from No. 30 Gambia crescent,
Bekaji Estate, Jimeta-Yola, Adamawa State
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