Date Published: 07/08/09
By Lucas TOGAN
The aim of our individual self assessment is to align our thought process to reflect our end goals. Equipped with the new consciousness of our brand, we can begin to understand what actions are necessary to repackage our country and sell it everywhere and at every time. As was stated, we are the country and if we begin to cultivate a belief system, then we can identify with the brand movement. Truth be told, most Nigerians do not encourage us to pursue this line of action but if we say there is nothing we can do, then nothing will be done.
In the United Kingdom, there is a national slogan “God save the Queen” and “God bless America ” is for the United States of America. “Proudly South African”, “South Africa: it’s possible” and “My South Africa”, are all South African brand slogans. The moribund “Proudly Nigerian” movement failed before it began because we just jumped on the idea and edited the “ProudlySouth African ” to “Proudly Nigerian”. You do not take another product, repackage it and expect a concrete result from marketing it. The new initiative “Nigeria: good people; great nation ” is a better concept. Finally, some creativity!
Before you say that the brand “Nigeria” is bad or corrupt, it is critical to consider some great brands (countries) with less than perfect systems. China is a communist state constantly accused of human rights abuse but that has not changed the growth of their brand. Chinese products are everywhere. South Africa has one of the highest crime rates in the world. The underdevelopment of black neighborhoods has plagued the country for decades. Instead, what do they celebrate? - The beautiful places. They market their beautiful environments and make a lot of money from tourism.
Let us take a cue from these nations. We are Nigeria! A brand is only as filthy as its contents. We are not filthy people, so let’s celebrate the goodness of our people and culture. Here are a few things to consider amongst so many others… Let us confess positivity about Nigeria without equivocation everywhere and every time. Let every region, state and local government, identify unique, positive aspects of its land, people and culture. Let us celebrate our cultural diversity. In the United States, certain states are identified with certain things like California – Hollywood, New York – Wall Street etc. We need to get to that point. Re-branding isn’t that difficult, it is a deliberate effort at presenting things in a more attractive manner. For the national brand to stand the test of time, the re-branding message has to resonate with the masses. Every member of society must understand this simple process (BRANDING).
I hear in daily conversations that people are concerned about the image of the country. I have endless tales of airport (in fact all-ports) harassment because of the “green” passport. Silently, they let me know the sun sets on every good idea at its dawn.
seeks to change that.
We might not effect the change but we intend to, at least, spark the chain reaction that will. “And so my fellow Americans (Nigerians), ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” – (JFK Jan 20, 1961 )
NIGERIA: Good people; Great nation.
SPARK! Let’s change it