Date Published: 07/12/09
‘Honourable’ P.C. Appiah Ofori – a Modern Day Absalom or a Mole in the NPP?
By Daniel Danquah Damptey
In the Holy Bible, we read that Satan was one of the highly rated Angels in the kingdom of God. He felt so big that he thought he could overturn the status quo and become head of God’s Kingdom. Through deceit, lies, guile, intimidation, misconception and misinformation, he was able to woo some gullible angels to take up arms against the established order. A bitter struggle ensued between the forces of light symbolized by the established order and that of darkness symbolized by misinformation and misrepresentation. The coup data was decisively crushed and the aftermaths of those futile attempts are yet to abate.
We also read of fruitless attempts by Absalom, David’s son to use guile, deceit and outright falsehood to unseat his father from the throne. With the connivance of some of the king’s men, he was able to win the confidence of most of the people who came to the palace to seek redress. His populist views endured him to the people so much so that he won their hearts and souls of the people. Later he waged an open campaign against his father. The end result? That rebellion was crushed with disastrous consequences. The architect, Absalom lost his life. The lesson? You cannot weigh a battle against the established order.
In the Eighties, two members of the Popular Front Party, Messrs Kweku Baah and J.H. Owusu Acheampong breezed the trail which P.C. Appiah Ofori is following. They attempted to mislead the populace into believing that they were part and parcel of the masses. For example, the populist posture of those two MPS like taking a ball of kenkey to Parliament and referring to “yoko garri” as the poor man’s food net a brick wall. Instead of earning them the accolade they expected, it resulted in their expulsion from the party on whose ticket they were elected to Parliament.
When later parties were formed during the Fourth Republic both men found themselves in the National Democratic Congress. Owusu Acheampong became the Majority Leader while Kweku Baah [until the beating up of Frances Essiam and the near lynching of Obed Asamoah] was one of the Vice Chairmen of the NDC. So it must be stated that “honourable” PC Appiah Ofori is not first person to have travelled that route before. Others who were his betters had done a similar thing and failed.
I have been compelled by P.C. Appiah Ofori’s posture to dig into the archives and come up with some of the sentiments I had expressed in one of my earlier articles titled, ‘Those who invent God’. I therefore seek permission of readers to reproduce some of the sentiments I had expressed in that feature which was and is directed at the proud, the arrogant and those who live in the fools’ paradise and believe that they are better than others.
Many a time, we see, meet or read about people who like P.C. Appiah Ofori value themselves so much that they have no regard for anybody else. It may be their fine complexion, their penchant for telling lies or their strength and courage in fomenting troubles. P.C. Appiah Ofori unfortunately, appears to have fallen into the clan of such people who in their lifetime try to invent God.
In all walks of life, proud people abound. But frankly speaking, a man has no good reason to be proud. If we analyze man’s achievements, his worth or his possessions, we see that he is deficient. The genius is still ignorant of many things. He is still untutored in many aspects of life for no man is all-knowing. The beginning of all knowledge is the realization that “I know nothing”. There are always people who are much wiser than we are and whom we should consult or seek their opinion in order to improve our knowledge and understanding of the universe. Knowledge is an endless pursuit, a life – long journey. Mr. P.C. Appiah Ofori should take a look at a woman’s body and answer this poser. Should she be proud because of it? No, is a borrowed garment which will soon wear out or tear away. Like a flower, this beauty blooms in the morning or during her youthful days but will surely fade away in the evening or during her old age. No woman maintains her beauty till the end of her life. Therefore no women should bluff people because of this uncertain perishable commodity. “Honourable” P.C. Appiah Ofori should ponder over this and come to the realization that his bravado, tantrums, self-edification, disregard for other peoples’ opinion or reputation, holier than attitude, and always wanting to be the centre of attraction will one day come to an end. When his maker comes calling, where will all his strength and courage in fomenting troubles and controversies be?
We should judge a man’s wisdom. Even Solomon, with all his glory still wanted more wisdom. Why not? After all, wisdom is a spark which a man borrows from God. Look at a man’s wealth. This comes and goes and has no lasting value. Many wealthy people turn poor and miserable by sheer change of fortunes. “Honourable” P.C. Appiah Ofori, I learnt is not honourable after all. I have it on authority that during one sitting of a parliamentary committee of which he was chairman during the previous Parliament, a member of the committee went out on permission. When the sitting allowance came, he, Appiah Ofori, as chairman of the committee refused to give that parliamentarian his sitting allowance. Neither did he pay it back to chest.
Was it not this “honourable” Appiah Ofori, who accused his lawful wedded wife of infecting him with gonorrhea? Was it not this same “honourable” Appiah Ofori who brought his woman friend to live with him in one part of the house while his legitimate wife lived in another part of the same apartment? Was it not this same “honourable” Appiah Ofori who moved from station to station and said many unprintable things about the woman whom he had sworn before God and mankind, to cherish, love, honour or respect all the years of his life until death do them part?
And come to think of it. This “Honourable” member continues to immense himself in controversies from different radio station. In one instance he claims, when he heard of the rumour that his colleagues in the NPP had been given the $5,000.00, he asked Honourable Doe Adjaho who confirmed that he too had heard of it. He said two MPs had confirmed it by saying that they were beneficiaries. When asked to mention their names, he claimed he had forgotten who they were. How can a person forget such an important issue in less than eight months after the incident? And if he had forgotten their names why should we attach any value to such allegation.
He wrote a letter to the, then Chief of staff, Kwadwo Mpiani. But when Kwadwo Mpiani told him there was no truth in the allegation, he wrote a letter of retraction with apologies. How can we attach any value to anything that this man, whose mind vacillates like a tickling clock, says? And if he is a decent man worth his sauce, he ought and not to have written a letter to retract his allegations.
Just listen to this funny man trying to play funny antics on matured Ghanaians. What does he take us for? Mummified dummies? Oh no, he should better revise his scale of values about Ghanaians. We are not as stupid as he thinks. According to “honourable” P.C. Appiah, if he had been given his share of the money, it would be referred to as “development fund”. But since he was not given part of the non-existing money it was bribery. And this man calls himself an “honourable” member of the honourable law-making chamber.
P.C. Appiah Ofori has over the years through deceit, falsehood, misinformation and intimidation, attempted to carve a niche for himself as a man of “high moral principles” and an anti-corruption crusader. But this is not true because the man himself is not honourable. The word used to describe him is a misnomer.
Do you know what he did during the NPP primaries? This so called anti social crusader gathered a few of his supporters whom he tagged NPP delegates to a classroom one Sunday to give him the acclamation to enable him contest the December 8, 2008 Parliamentary Election as the NPP candidate. Of course the other contenders protested, but the party leadership stepped in and the threat to send the case to court was halted. This was not a good solution and was a contributory factor to our losing some parliamentary seats during the last election. What do you call such a “deft” move by our dear “honourable” member of the honourable law-making chamber? Dishonourable! You might say.
Has “honourable” P.C. Appiah Ofori taken time off to observe a man’s might and strength? A soldier, regardless of anything, mows down lives on the battlefield like a farmer weeding his farmer. Sooner or later, he too is mowed down not withstanding his strength. What then is “honourable’ P.C. Appiah Ofori’s strength, pride and arrogance when he cannot conquer death? He should know that so many people, indeed his betters like Absalom and Goebbels, have lived before him. They tried to invent God. They failed because they could not possibly change nature. This should be a lesson to all such people. They should take their time and spend it better in building themselves.
I entreat “honourable” P.C. Appiah Ofori to have some moments of reflection of the pride and power that was Great Britain. She used to rule the waves, the skies and everything. Where is she now? A shadow of her former self, living on its past glory! What about Napoleon Bonaparte? He wanted to conquer the world just like what “honourable” P.C. Appiah Ofori wants to do with his populist posture. What happened? He crumbled. “Honourable” P.C. Appiah Ofori and his think a likes will surely meet their waterloo and Armageddon in their efforts to stifle the truth with their lies, misinformation, and falsehood.
Remember Julius Caesar and his arrogance. “Danger knows that I am more dangerous than he (danger). We were two lions littered in a day and I the elder and more terrible”. That was arrogance at it extreme. Yet our own arrogant Caesar was stabbed to death by his own best fiend.
Surely the Tsunami and Hurricane Catherine which “honourable” and self acclaimed anti corruption crusader, P.C. Appiah Ofori has unleashed on his fellow parliamentarians through lies, deceit, falsehood, misinformation and misconception will surely sweep him (P.C. Appiah Ofori) off the political limelight into the political dungeon and oblivion where he righty belongs.
It is in this wise that my humble appeal goes to the two “honourables” P.C. Appiah Ofori and Twumasi Appiah who feel that they can warm themselves into the affection of Ghanaians through lies, deceit and misinformation to beware of the power of God Almighty for the Creator of the universe and everything in it abhors lies, deceit,, violence and cruelty to fellow human beings. They should reflect on the fact that they are not the first to possess such crude and inhuman traits of lies, falsehood, fabrications, deceit, and misinformation which make people run helter-skelter when they chance upon such apostles of untruths. The tag of anti-corruption crusader will fade away and the real face of P. C. Appiah Ofori and Twumasi Appiah will bear their wrinkles in their own time. It is only a matter of time.
Now, to honourable Twumasi Appiah, MP for Sene. In the early Seventies when the late Dr K. A. Busia was Prime Minister of the Second Republic, Mr Samuel Okudzeto was a Member of Parliament on the ticket of the National Alliance of Liberals (NAL) headed by Dr K. A. Gbedemah. In the course of a parliamentary debate, Mr Okudzeto was deemed to have made a remark which was deeded unparliamentary. He was asked by the Speaker to withdraw that statement and apologize, but he retorted, “Mr Speaker, I will not withdraw” whereupon the Speaker ordered the Sergeant at-alms to walk him out of the chambers. But before the Sergeant at-alms could get to him, Mr Okudzeto had packed his papers and left the chambers.
Honourable Twumasi Appiah’s refusal to adhere to the Speaker’s ruling was an act aimed at bringing the office of the Speaker of Parliament into disrepute. Yet, many commentators are not looking at the issue in its proper perspective but are blaming the minority for staging a walk-out from Parliament.
Sometimes, I begin to wonder what these two honourables, P. C. Appiah Ofori and Twumasi Appiah have in common. After some period of reflection, I realized that both have Appiah as one of their names. I am not therefore surprise at their behavior since birds of the same feathers flock together.
Now, to the substantive issue. Did the NPP Members of Parliament receive any financial inducement for voting for the Vodafone deal? My response is a categorical no! Why should they be bribed for voting for a deal which was the baby of the party? And why should the money be paid after voting had taken place? If two football teams want to engage in a fixed match, will the inducement be paid before or after the match? Commonsense will dictate to you that it is before the match and not after. ROPAB was the baby of the party. Is somebody going to tell me that members of the NPP were given money before they voted for ROPAB? And if, indeed money was to change hands, wouldn’t it be logical to attempt to bring some members of the then opposition on board through bribery?
In concluding this piece, my advice to the two Appiahs, honourables Appiah Ofori and Twumasi Appiah is that they should please cool their heads, for they cannot invent God and overthrow the world tomorrow. There have been their betters who tried this feat and failed. They should not suppress the truth with their lies, fabrications, falsehood, misinformation, misconception and threats of mayhem because they are not sure how long their attempts to foment troubles through misinformation will last.
We live in a wonderful world where the unexpected can happen at any time. Man is not all that sufficient. Honourables P.C. Appiah Ofori and his sponsors should take not of that.
Daniel Danquah Damptey (0243715297)
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