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Date Published: 07/20/09


By David Needam


Thereafter the recompenses judgment of the supreme court that changed the prayer of Amaechi,  from annulment of the 2007 election in rivers state,  to Amaechi , been sworn in as the governor of rivers state, Amaechi has recurrently found the supreme court, a place, where an unconditional miracle could always work for him. Their where lots of buzz about the decision of the Supreme Court then.  But within split seconds, every body put it to rest. Reason was likely because, it stopped Dr Odili which lots of the first, second republic, and junta age politicians saw as inexorable. Peter Odili, attracted lots of political and social enemies, because of his temperament and political ideology. He was a man who was too full of quest to succeed against all unusual. He invested so much in being first president of Nigeria from the south south, against the betterment of his people. To be fair to Odili, he did some conspicuous development in rivers state, but mathematically failed when compared to the numbers of years he ruled rivers state. Odili was a noninterventionist. Not only to those he thought may help him gained national political power, but people that may protect his political empire. They were recruited from Motor Park, opposition parties, and all works of life, bundled into one super PDP in rivers state. He empowered and created hundreds of millionaire from within rivers state. He was the architect of a brand new set of millionaire and leaders in rivers state. He systematically took away all the old wine and annihilated their cartel.  Amaechi was his number one strong man. Matter of fact, Ribadu, in 2007 found #20b in Amaechi's account. Ribadu was so enraged; he vowed to keep Amaechi from Rivers State government house (the K-leg saga). Amaechi was so powerful in Rivers state that he doubled to be speaker and Deputy Governor in disguised, leaving Tobby, to be a rubber stamp second in command for eight straight years. Tobby was allowed to continue to keep his weak office for the benefit of Amaechi and Odili. Amaechi was untouchable in the assembly, fervently protected by Odili for eight years, again in the interest of both of them. It is this past propinquity that later made Amaechi changed his mind about nailing Odili’s ass through a judiciary committee which was to execute the Eso panel recommendation. People that was closed to the two men said, such judicial committee would have emits such revelation that could have shock the Nigerian society,  and probably,  smeared the image of the supreme court judges that handed Rivers state back to Amaechi thereafter. Practically speaking, Odili, Amaechi are still the same people with the same tendencies but separated by their political drives.

Chunk of the supreme court argument that ordered the swearing in of Amaechi in place of Omehia in 2007 was; ( (1) It was pre-election matter, the supreme court has no jurisdiction over an election matter and therefore can not annul an election that has been precisely conducted. (2) Best and only option to them was Amaechi to take the place of Omehia by being heir to all the pros and cons of the election (3) appeal court has the constitutional power to adjudicate on this matter, if it is brought thereafter. From justice point of view, this was a good judgment, considering the circumstances at that point in time. From a rational stand point, you will think that, the Supreme Court was done with this matter, and has delivered judgment on the pre-election. It is amazingly preposterous that, the same Supreme Court has again assumed jurisdiction over an election matter they said they would not.

On November, 26 th 2008, the judges of thee appeal court tribunal ruled that Amaechi’s substitution for Omehia is automatic and from now henceforth, Amaechi be reflected as the 1 st respondent in the appeal cases before the Appeal tribunal in Port Harcourt. It is absurd to see that contrary to s.246 (3) of the constitution which states: ‘the decision of the court of appeal in respect of appeals arising from election petition shall be final”. Amaechi again decided to go to the Supreme Court to challenge the ruling of the court of appeal, asking the Supreme Court to upturn the substitution of Omehia made by the appeal court. Even when people will think that this is madness, the supreme court again, headed by justice A.I. katsina-Alu, with Justice C.M Chukwuma-Eneh (sitting), on June 2 nd 2009 surprisingly entertained the application from Amaechi challenging the ruling of the court of appeal, in a governorship election matter, and adjourned the case from June 2 nd 2009 to October 8 th 2009, given Amaechi four full extra months. Identifying what seems outrageous abuse of court t process, June 22 nd 2009, Femi Falana, Chief Soberekon’s lawyer, relying on s.246 (3) of the constitution, alerted the Supreme Court about jurisdiction problem. Justice A.I katsina-Alu, with Justice C.M Chukwuma-Eneh (sitting), held that the matter still be delayed and adjourned till October 8 th 2009, exercising unadorned authority, notwithstanding any legal precedence.

Twice Katsina-Alu has twisted justice for Rotimi Amaechi; (1) made him the governor of Rivers state, an office he never contested for (2) Assumed jurisdiction over an election matter, and unduly gave Amaechi four extra months as a governor. What is the bond between Amaechi and Kastina-Alu? Strong phony chitchat says Amaechi being bragging, he has the Supreme Court under his belt.


The first puzzle here is, how come the same panel headed by justice A.I. Katsina-Alu that asked Amaechi to be sworn in to take the place of Omehia in 2007, is also use to judge Amaechi’s appeal in the supreme court. The panel now frustrating the effort of the appeal court for Amaechi to take the place of Omehia in a governorship election matter, after Kastina-alu in 2007 asked Amaechi to be substituted for Omehia? Is it legally deduced that a man could be asked by the highest court of the land to occupy a house but should not earn any liability that comes with it? Why is A.I. Katsina-Alu not understand that Amaechi brought this application just to buy time, and why did Katsina-Alu decided to give Amaechi as much time he wanted? Is Katsina-Alu mechanizing another mean to maneuvering another short-cut for Amaechi? Are all this a coincidence or is their something more to this than mere Supreme Court panel? What is actually happening in the supreme court of Nigeria? Are panel made and headed by members who has interest in a particular case or financially indebted or committed to a particular case? Why was some other justice not chosen to head this case, but was given to the same justice that committed the first mix-up in 2007. The big question here is not why he entertain the application, but why did he adjourned the case by four more months (even when an application alerting the Supreme Court was already instituted by Falana)? Technically speaking, Kastina-Alu already assumed jurisdiction over a total election matter by sitting twice, adjourned it once, and affirmed it later. Anything he says on October 8 th will be totally immaterial and inconsequential. This is a shame, the judiciary system need to call him to Oder.

Out of hundreds of precedence already yelling at Katsina-Alu, the recent case between Bassey Etim vs. Hon. Emmanuel Bassey Obot & Ors, five justices of the supreme court (Niki Tobi, A.M. Mukhtar, I.F. Ogbuagu, J.O., and C.M.Chukwuma-Eneh) gave a clear ruling and declared “I’m satisfied that it is an election matter which come within the provision of section 246 of the constitution. By section 246(3), the decision of the court of appeal in respect of appeal arising from election appeal shall be final. This court though the final court of appeal can not be hungry for jurisdiction. This court can not struggle with court of appeal for jurisdiction. In the circumstances, the preliminary objection succeeds. The application filed on 3 rd February 2009 is struck out…..” delivered by Justice Niki Tobi. Also, the Supreme Court recently reprimanded Andy Uba in Anambra governor election appeal and warns him not to return to the Supreme Court any more. The million naira question here is, are the Supreme Court justices in denial of each other, the constitution and legal precedence? Their are bogus rumors that Amaechi paid as much as #16b to settled the deal that made him the governor of Rivers state. The money was paid in full after he assumed office as the governor of Rivers State. Omehia’s blunder was that he was not smart enough to engage the Supreme Court while Odili was nervous and battling to stay out of jail in 2007. The anecdote is unsubstantiated, yet the events told in this piece are corroborated. I’m not interested in the third coming of Odili to Rivers state, neither am I a fan of the dishonorable Amaechi who got his training from Odili. My interest is, Amaechi should allow the court to have his way, just like Omehia did.

I personally think Nigeria is heading to a point of no return, already; the world is avoiding us as most corrupt in Africa, recognizing Ghana and others as icons of democracy and civilization in Africa. Little by little, the intelligent report, of the united State, about the collapse of Nigeria is gradually skulking in. The North wants no evenhandedness, politicians are notorious, judges and justices are exceedingly corrupt. I see revolution creeping into Nigeria; Niger delta militants may probably be the bad eggs, but may drives changes through Nigeria. But I see blood flowing from the north to the west and the south.

David Needam

23 ohamini St

GRA, phase iii

Port Harcourt

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