Date Published: 07/21/09
Obama´s Worldview: Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Is Equal To Holocaust
Written by S. Njokede
Obamalogic. To compare Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade to Holocaust is lowlife behaviour. Not that I’m belittling holocaust but to compare it with slave trade is either the height of booming stupidity, ignorance or well-studied deception. While both are fat crimes upon mankind, their apartness is miles away. Holocaust is a cakewalk, trounced by the satanic dealership of live Africans as article of trade that spanned 300 yearlong plus still counting. Obama has done everything right since inception as president except that he married holocaust and slavery as husband and wife in his Ghana speech that’s already legendry.
Okay! Lets say slavery and holocaust are coequals ála Obama, when in the name conventional wisdom are the Europeans and Americans going to pay compensation to Africans for the crimes of slavery, like they’ve done to Israel on holocaust plenty times over? It has become incumbent to pay the African-kind of mankind their due for slave trade since Obama has synced both calamities together as one and the same. To pay Jews their just due for the crime of Holocaust while stifling all efforts to make Europeans and Americans accept their culpabilities for slavery how much more paying Africans for it, is double standard. Any recognition by President Obama to make both crimes likewise should also mean to pay for both crimes likewise - not one without the other.
Germany in concert with other Caucasian countries has found it fashionable to pay hugely both in-kind and cash to the Jews for the crime of holocaust. They’ve no qualms in buying and selling Africans as commodity of trade so it isn’t worth accepting as ill, let alone compensating the African-kind for it. Caucasians will do well to compensate Africa the same way they did Israel to let the sleeping dog lye forever for the sake of fairness and equity.
Mind you, upon loads of money and material doled out by Germany to the Jews in the past, she’s still paying to Israel for holocaust and despite this. From time to time, Israel is asking for more reparation from Germany. Few years ago, Israel commandeered Germany to send them military weapons for free whether they liked it or not. This particular incident did raise a hell of a dust between the two countries. It didn’t end there. Anyone who badmouths or contests the holocaust is digging his own grave with his own hands. A British man was jailed in Austria few years ago for implying in his book that holocaust never took place. As an African, one gets jealously bitter that the Caucasians have made holocaust the big draw in international relations, while slave trade an equally more surpassing criminality than holocaust, is the scorn of European and American conspiracy theorists.
Aside from France, which did apologise for the via-Atlantic slave crimes few years ago, others, plus America are living in denials as if nothing had happened. Fact is that, Africans slaved for more than three hundred years to make Europe and America the economic and military superpowers they are today. The fear of compensation is the result of their denials. France has every reason to apologise even so, they’ve to step up and pay Africans – mouthing an empty apology isn’t good enough. One-quarter of France’s wealth as per today came from her former colony of Haiti then-named French Saint-Dominique. Haiti was the richest colony in the-then New World of slave era.
The Haiti story is the same as the larger Africa continents´story. I’ve seen and heard people who in an attempt to make their points that Africans are an accursed brand of humanity hence anywhere you see them worldwide, there are confusion and anarchy in their attempts to self-rule. They’ve cited Haiti as an extension of the African curse. They contended further that despite Haiti being outside of our continent, their incapacitation to govern themselves is reason enough that Africans are as lazy as they’re endangered species, not minding where they’re found in self-rule. What most people didn’t know is that Dominican Republic and Haiti were at one time in history merged under one country by France and Spain who swapped both countries to and fro as either one country or diveded into two. What happened was that after both countries got independence, Dominican Republic was given a large chunk of monetary head start, while Haiti got no dime from the colonists. The reason for this was that while Dominican Republic area of the colony was populated by fair-skinned and people of European descent, people of African descent populated Haiti. Supposing that you’re wondering why Haiti is such a drawback in contrast with its progressive Dominican neighbour!
Most of Africa’s erstwhile and extant leaders are old dirty bastards no doubt about that, with president Yar´adua not better off. That’s not enough for Obama to say that holocaust is the same stuff of which slave trade was made of. Only a fool would claim that Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade is not a palaver in the wheel of progress in Africa. Compensation is long overdue. With whichever modus operandi used in paying Jews, they should use same to pay Africans up. All reasons given by children of slave traders as to why they’ll not pay Africans isn’t watertight in the aftermath of paying Israel for holocaust.
Have you ever wondered why Israel partakes in the European Champions League and the European Music Contest done yearly in Europe? Look at the world map and tell me if Israel is in Europe. Israel has a way of making Germany and Europe-wide to pay for their sin of holocaust by all means necessary through their noses till eternity.
Obama should kneel down and pray to Modesty and History for forgiveness in the aftermath of comparing holocaust to the satanic Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade that spanned three hundred years when put side by side with holocaust that lasted for a period of four years in Adolf Hitler’s country. It’s the sweats and bloods of African slaves that built the European and American powerhouse of today. They owe Africa the whole world and everything therein. Slave trade is everything that Holocaust isn’t. Slavery is far bigger and damager of all. You might want to debate it! Even when Africans suppliers weren’t ready to supply, the European slave masters organised the raid themselves.
S. Njokede writes from The European Union