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Date Published: 08/01/09

By Temple Chima Ubochi

Bonn, Germany

Where an opinion is general, it is usually correct. ( Jane Austen)

For me every ruler is alien that defies public opinion. ( Mohandas Gandhi)

The public is the only critic whose opinion is worth anything at all. ( Mark Twain)

Public opinion is the thermometer a monarch should constantly consult. ( Napoleon Bonaparte)

The good opinion of mankind, like the lever of Archimedes, with the given fulcrum, moves the world. ( Thomas Jefferson)

An incompetent governor that thinks banning of okada in his state will be the answer to the crimes going on unabated there, needs to rethink. An inept governor might think that banning okada will stop the spate of kidnappings in his state, not knowing that he has succeeded only in creating more problems for himself and the people of his state. These morons occupying the state houses never weighed the pros and cons of any policy before its initiation and implementation, they never thought about the “big bang” effect their policies would have on all the facets of life in their state before they were implemented. It is too bad of them to think that they have succeeded in solving one problem with a policy, not knowing that they have created many more with the same policy. This writer wonders why the hundreds of advisers and special assistants are there in the first place, milling around the governors without calling them to order whenever “they miss the road”. They chose to bury their head in the sand like the ostrich, without telling their boss the truth, unless their advices are not sought or taken. The point is that some of these governors are hollow; they are so overwhelmed by pressures from right, left and center, that they need people to bring them back to their senses.

When Gov. T.A. Orji of Abia State banned okada operation, all he had in mind was to stop the spate of kidnappings in the state, but, did he think about the ripple effects of the policy? Did he think about the problem the policy would create for the operators, commuters, motorcycle importers, motorcycle components manufacturers, dealers in motorcycle spare parts and complete motorcycles? Did he know that these people will run out of business and might be forced to close shop? I hope the government is making alternative arrangements to provide jobs to those this policy made jobless.

This writer read that the ban in the south east so far has sent about 15,000 Okada men and over 5,000 motorcycle mechanics to the labour market while over 18,000 dealers in motorcycle spare parts and complete motorcycles have closed shop.

Any government that does not think about the welfare and interest of the people, cannot claim to be the people’s government. The governors who banned okada operation in their state should know the ban would definitely increase unemployment. The rate of kidnapping, armed robbery and other violent crimes will increase. This writer agreed with Mr. Humphrey Ngonadi when he said:

“No fewer than two million people stand to lose their sources of livelihood and their families put in excruciating pain in the South East if all the governors decide to ban the operations of commercial motorcyclists popularly known as Okada in the region. Governments in the South East states and Nigeria should understand that there is hardship; no jobs for the secondary school and university leavers. Some students even use Okada business to finance their education and take care of themselves. Banning it will therefore, be counter productive. What I think the South Eastern governors should have done is to have separate identities for commercial motorcycle operators and private operators and restrict Okada operators to the local government areas where they are registered. This would help the police and even the Okada operators know when the bad eggs get into their midst from other source. In as much as South East governors want to reduce crime in their state, they should not beam their searchlight only on Okada operators as records have shown that most violent robbery incidents and kidnappings in the recent past are done with exotic cars and sport utility vehicles like Jeep and not Okada."


This writer is asking all those who love Aba Town to please note the constituencies’ phone numbers of those representing the town/state at the National Assembly, posted below, courtesy of Olayinka Yusuf. We all need to inundate those senators/representatives with calls and questions (if they will pick up the phone), asking them why they allowed the governor and the chairmen of Aba South and North LGAs to keep Aba in such a mess.


Dear Chima,

How are you doing and how is life with you? I must be honest with you, I wept when I read through your article even though, I have not been to any part of  Abia state, but it's very sad with the pictures I saw. It appears to me then that there is nobody in the senate and the House of Representatives, representing Abia state. If there are, they must be blind or dead in those houses, if they claim not to see how their home state (Abia) looks like. I found it so difficult to believe that these dishonourable people know the main reason why they are in those Houses.

Chima, let me see if this is going to work, I have the constituency phone numbers of some of Abia state representatives in the senate and house of reps. I wish I have their contact phone number so that you can talk and spit in their disgraceful faces, but I don’t. You can schedule an appointment with them through their constituencies and see if they will respond. If they do, then please ask them if they can come home to see all those mess.

1. Sen. Abaribe Harcourt     0803-312-9452

2. Sen. Nkechi Justina N.     0803-659-0220

3. Sen Uche Chukwumerije  not enlisted

4. Hon. Nkiruka Onyejeocha   0803-330-7519

5. Hon. Nnanna Uzo Kalu    0803-349-0286

Chima, let see if that is going to work, I hope they will respond to you, because half the time they will not respond if they get to know the nature of your call.

I was at the PDP convention last April in Abuja, then I was at home in Nigeria and happened to sit with one of the Hon's. I asked her as per the reason why they are here, she told me that "all I do know is that we come here to vote" vote for what I asked "I don’t know, all I do know is that when our governor gets up to vote we are all going to follow him, then he will tell us what we are going to do when we get to the front" Chima, this is a Nigerian so-called honourable, she does not know the reason why she was at their party convention, the party that gave her a ticket of representation in the house, common. This is just a guide for you that when you get to talk to them, if ever you happen to get to talk to them, you know what to expect. They don’t know anything but sit in those houses and make money. Is all about money to them! I will keep in touch with you for more information later, Take care. 




Dear Mr. Temple,

 I have always admired your comments and the high level of intellectual discourse in your articles. Your research and fact based claims is the hallmark of your reports. However, I see a different you towards the end of your article titled {The condition of Abia State makes Okada riding very imperative (Pictorial) 2}. Your joke about Yar’Adua is off color and very stereotypical. While growing up in Ibadan, we had worse jokes about northerners. But I wonder, if you live in Germany and with your experience in the West, you should know better this type of joke should be kept to yourself. You only narrowed your readership and many will only see you as a bigot.

 I've always wondered if Nigeria is still being controlled by the "uncivilized north" because the "civilized south" think they are "all that". Anyway, maybe you don't care. I'm sorry if you feel offended.






I read Part 1 of your article:  ABIA:  A STATE WITHOUT A GOVERNMENT IN THE REAL SENSE OF IT and noted your response to Kevin Ani.  The main issue goes beyond environmental.  We as Ngwa people have consistently been very cheap political actors, incessantly selfish and unmindful of our strength.  Individually, we are politically rugged but as a group, we remain politically incoherent.  Agreed, Aba has become a shame not only to the Ngwa people, but, to the entire Igbo race.  Who do you think will be in a better position to develop Aba Ngwa?   You can not divorce political power from the debacle that is in Aba.   Aba issue can only be solved by solving the Ngwa political question. Thanks and may we live to witness a better Ngwaland.

Eric Egwuibe



Dear brother, Uncle and friend,

I never knew people can speak the truth and still live. Nigerian state is bleeding and even the dead are weeping for Nigeria, because all we have here are Money Mongers and not servant leaders.

They prefer to spend billions of Naira to do editorials on non-existing projects and zoom the shortest distance to be as long as Mississippi. They spend more to kill than to keep life.

Could you please advice all these Men to attend the Primary school of governor Fashola, where people at the centre are allowed to even smell the good things of life. Fashola listens to the yearning of Lagosians and is doing great things to ameliorate their standard of living. Imo State Governor read fine and applied arts, and he is busy painting Imo Municipal Council, while all the other Local Governments are deserted like leprosy settlements.

The Mother of Orji is still in control of Abia and will be until Mr. Death pays her a courtesy visit, if at all it will be in our own time, because these people have bought live from God and deposited them in their bank accounts like funds.

Anambra State is still in contest of who is who, we may likely have more than 100 people contesting for Governorship election come 2010, because they all believe they can rule and cannot be ruled.

Enugu State University cultists are still intact, ready to work for the Governor for a second term and our amiable and fun loving Minister is there against all odds in Ebonyi State.

We have problems, as most of these politicians do not use the funds themselves or for the good of their people, rather to pay for their terms or appointments in the nearest future. We have so many things to talk about in Nigeria and more in the eastern geo-political zone. We need prayers and revolution. Let’s elect our leaders and compel Maurice Iwu to respect God for once and allow people’s wishes to stand.

Clifford Eze




Cry me a river, for this depicts the rot Aba has become over the years. So the kalus have finally turned into a Mafioso family. What can be done? Won’t Abians take the lead for the cleansing of the government? I just read Ohakim is launching a book on governance, when there is a lot to attend to, what a shame! Anyways, what can I say of a government formed by tricksters and 419ners. Since the international community has started campaign against them overseas, which makes o.b.t. no more lucrative, what do you expect? The siblings of the local government chairman of Aba metropolitan are terrorizing their neighbors at Ama Ogbonna area in the name of power intoxication. What can we say to that?



Never mind that I was at Aba last year. To my utter surprise I could not believe what I saw with my eyes. My heart goes out to the okada men and their families. The governor does not know what he is doing, removing food from the mouth of the families his government can not support. And come think of it, these are the people who voted for him. He woke up one morning and made a law without allowing the due process of law to take place. They will say that it was an emergency, just because the kidnapping is being carried out against the high and mighty. Does he know that some students in universities in Igboland are from okada drivers' families? Does he know that most of okada drivers are university graduates without jobs, what does he know about economics, socio-politics and the well-being of the governed. What is the purpose of his economic advisers? What is the purpose of the state’s ministry of finance?   



Dear Ubochi,


Your write up about the state of Aba and the banning or Okada is powerful and factual and need not to be ignored. We, the Ngwa people are shadows of our selves. We have sold our birthright to the Abiribas, Ohafias, Umuahias and we have no political direction. We are blessed with robbers instead of leaders.
No matter what we write, no matter what we say, there is no way the Ngwa man, past, present and future can move forward when there is no unity among the Ngwa people. Isiala Ngwa north is against, the south. Obioma Ngwa is at loggerhead with Osisioma, Ukwa side does not even believe they are Ngwas. It is terrible.
Kalu, his brother and T.A. Orji are all a disgrace. They have succeeded in disorganising Ngwa people and Ngwa Land. The evil that men do live after them! I appreciate your good work in publishing this article and hope you will continue. Pen is mightier than sword.
 Have a nice weekend.



My brother,

I thank God for people like you who have that good window of opportunity to air your views out. I wish I could. When I was in Kano many years ago, I wrote a lot of articles about the Ngwa unity. Our predicament is not a curse but our problem is our inability to unite and fight a just cause. It is a show of shame that nobody, none, even one, can rise to the coveted Abia State governorship seat from Ngwa. We mortgaged our conscience for pretty bribery. The Ngwa people have made themselves hungry and destitute. It is hard to explain why. The turn of the events is very ridiculous. A slave has become a king. This is only happening in Ngwa.

No stranger no matter how wealthy can become a local councillor in Onitsha, Owerri, Umuahia or in Orlu. No stranger living in Onitsha, Nnewi can win to represent a community in Awka. But in Aba, Ngwa people continued to fold their arms watching the Ohuhus dominating the political scene, making them a third or fourth hand citizens. We become slaves in our own land. These abysses of predicaments have continued to grow instead of abating, having a great negative effect on the Ngwa man of past, present and future. This is time for us to hold the Bull by its horn, for there is no force under the sun that can defeat a united people fighting a just cause.

I was in Aba two months ago, and due to the crime and kidnapping in the villages, I had to spend two weeks with my family in a local hotel in Aba along Umuatako road. What that is happening at home is terrible. Aba has lot its salt. The Ohuhus have finally disorganised and displaced us. Then what is the gain of carving out Abia from Imo State? I think we were better off when we were in Imo State. All effort to create Aba State seems to be politicised by the same people who run us down politically and socially. A child, who is supposed to walk but at 9th month is still crawling, deserves sympathy!

Write on brother.






“If we say we do not want war, do we realize that the war we are battling with individually is far much more than going to the battle field?

 Everybody is in darkness. Only few, I mean very few have the understanding, and this is not a matter of whether one is literate or not. One way or the other, individuals have lost members of their families through motor accidents, armed robbery attack, kidnapping, assassination, sickness, rituals, riots, demonstrations, hunger, generators, fake drugs, poison, juju, etc. We can’t continue to be talking about problems. To every problem, there is a solution. The “Giant of Africa” cannot move forward as long as they are together. It is their togetherness that is making things not to work. One will say he has power, he can do anything, another will say no, you are cheating me, I won’t take it.

For how long will the innocent citizens continue to suffer because of the greed of the JUST FEW whose children are abroad enjoying the basic things of life like plenty of food, good houses, good environment, electricity, water, road, telephone, good drainage, health facilities, educational facilities, security etc.

 In fact, God Himself has separated us the very day He confounded the language of the whole world at the Tower of Babel. Gen.  11: 7-9. God has separated us with two great rivers- Niger and Benue.

The three nations have NOTHING in common. They can better move forward at their own pace, and through international trade they can be better friends, rather than be worst enemies. Let us stop this deceit. The language barrier is a long term problem, even everlasting problem, it therefore requires everlasting solution which is SEPARATION. Within these languages, there are dialects that even within themselves; they may not understand each other, not to talk of the three distinct languages. We need freedom and we are getting it. If they don’t want to separate, let each region manage their resources by themselves.

For the mere fact that some have tried and failed does not mean that we will stop trying. Champions never quit. We would rather welcome change than cling to the past. It is time to act, we are tired of stories.

 I give kudos to everyone who is able to see this problem with me. We are tired of loosing our relatives to untimely death. Everyone has sacrificed enough. Let the Yorubas lead themselves and let the Hausas rule themselves and likewise the lgbos.  Let each stand alone and be content with the resources God has given them. Enough of cheating and greediness; Enough of selfishness; Enough of preaching TOLERANCE to people because of the hidden agenda of some unscrupulous elements in the society; Enough of fooling everybody around; Enough of all these lies.

The truth and reality is that we are not one and we can NEVER be one. God is not the author of confusion. People that speak the same language understand themselves easily and relate better. We can do it right. YES WE CAN. Let us separate and our problem will be minimized. If we fail to do it now, we only postpone it. Remember everyone has only ONE LIFE to live. Brains of our people are wasting away in the foreign land instead of allowing them to use their brains to develop their country for future generations to enjoy. They allow them to be slaves in the foreign land. They are not allowed to use their talents for their community. With the way God has created the Igbos, let them use their talents well because they are very industrious, may be they will be the next JAPAN in that region. It is not how far or big, but how well. Let ALL THINGS be done DECENTLY and IN ORDER.

Mind you, there is no place like home, Igbo knows himself to be Igbo, Yoruba knows himself to be Yoruba, Hausa knows himself to be Hausa. None is inferior to the other. Each is unique. Since nothing is allowed to work for the betterment of life of every citizen, then let each goes his own way and govern themselves. It is better we face the reality and bring an end to the deceit and pride of Satan that is causing confusion and underdevelopment in the country.


Quota system is a way of cheating other people, the reason why a consensus cannot be reached on major issues because some will say it does not favor them and therefore the thing cannot be done. WHAT A HELL? We can’t continue to be tolerating nonsense. Let there be SEPARATION. Yoruba should accept themselves, Igbo should accept themselves and Hausa should accept themselves. Enough of covetousness; God has endowed each nation with endowment which if they manage well, can be used to better themselves. Everybody cannot leave the country.

Yoruba arise and Igbo should arise and likewise the Hausas. Face the reality once and for all for ourselves and the future generations. Our good cultures should not be allowed to be polluted. It should be passed on from generation to generation. We are tired of loosing our values. America, Canada and Mexico share boundaries. It can be applicable in the so called “GIANT OF AFRICA” too, so that we can have peace.

Today, we are facing global technological changes as great as or even greater than those ever faced before. Changes lie ahead that are beyond our reality. Who knows what the future brings. We are still looking forward for the Republic of Biafra. The Igbo people are brave and industrious people. They are not shinning as they should. Let them call their people home, the Yoruba people will have no choice but to go and the Hausa people will go back home and see if we will not be better off rather than forcing ourselves together and majority will be groaning in pain. The wealth of the Igbo land is all for the Igbo people, the wealth of the Yoruba land is for all the Yoruba people and the wealth of the Hausa land is for all the Hausa people. Enough of stealing, cheating, greed and deceit! There is no gain without pain. When you solve a problem, another one arises, but it will be minimized when each nation manages what God has given them!

We have fasted and prayed for the unity of the country. May be we are asking amiss, that’s why it seems the prayer is not being answered. It’s time to act right (SEPARATE). God had done HIS part.

A human life is a struggle between ignorance and illumination. Time of ignorance is gone (Awolowo, Azikiwe and Balewa time, 1960s and 70s). We are tired of going along with the crowd. We have learnt from the mistakes of 60s and 70s. It is time to allow our increased effort to benefit ourselves and our community. Those abroad want to come back home but definitely not to the same way they had left the country. We are now in a changing world.

Come to think of it now, Barrack Obama, who is the president of the number one country in the world (USA), a well organized and focused country cannot go to Nigeria, the so called (“GIANT OF AFRICA”), with disorganized, unfocused leaders who allow Satan and his demons to govern and most of the servants of God are not watchful because many have misunderstood the word of God. Even the kings fight for themselves. Everyone is doing whatever pleases him/her. They have thrown the whole society into confusion. A fi eniti Olorun ba ko yo (Except those that God deliver).

No good thing comes easily. Rawlings did it in Ghana, and now they are enjoying it. Our own may not be like Ghana own but we can go separately and allow people with wisdom and talents to make life easy for their future generations.

Those abroad want to come back home but definitely not the way they have left it. South and North Korea are two different countries. Nigeria is three different nations.” (End of quote)    

LATEST: Readers, there is an allegation that the Governor, Theodore Ahamefula Orji, has just sold Abia Rubber Estate to Mrs Eunice Uzor Kalu, the mother of his predecessor. We are working hard to confirm it.

Finally; the writer is grateful to all respondents, and do apologies to those whose opinion were not published. The writer values, respects and appreciates all opinions, only that he could not publish all due to lack of space and time. Your understanding is appreciated.

THE THANX IS ALL YOURS                                                         

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