Date Published: 08/07/09
Northern Political Leaders an Obstacle for Peace in Niger Delta.
By Emeka Collins Eke
Northern political leaders believe that Oil produced in the Niger Delta belong to Nigerian people particularly the Northern States. It is this believe that have helped to prolonge a conflict that is otherwise a very easy problem to solve. The people of Niger Delta are not asking to be an independent country just a fair share of Oil revenue. The total destruction of Niger Delta, infrastructural and developmental neglect, decades of neglect and disregard to the environment and the people who own them is the root of the militancy. If this oil was being produced in the Northern Nigeria, the North would have demanded to be separated from Nigeria and becomes an independent country. As president Yar'Adua continue to listen to Northern Governors, Sultan, Emirs, Senators and members of House of representatives so will the problem of Niger Delta worsen. President Yar'Adua had to support Amnesty peace proposal which essentially ordered the so called militants to give up their arms and nothing in return with no mention of the injustices that are happening in their land, the diseases from the Oil spills, because Northern leaders will not support an increase of oil revenue share for the people of Niger Delta and development of the areas.
Southern States and their leaders have long believed that Oil producing States deserve to be compensated for total destruction of their land, Evironment and property as a result Oil exploration in the entire Niger Delta. Inaddition, the entire world empathize with the plague of the people of Niger Delta that includes American government and their people, the European Countries, European Community (EU), South America and Asia Continents. There is no question that the issue of Niger Delta will eventually lead to Civil War this time the result will be different from Biafra War because it will be a confrontation between the South against Moslem North which at the end will produce two different countries. Just about every none-governmental organizations around the world agree including Human Right Watch, Green Peace, Transparency International, The United Nations, the Pope and many others that the people of Niger Delta deserve a fair share of Oil revenue.
So why is the North so opposed to allowing Oil producing states to be compensated a larger share of Oil revenue?. To understand this you have to compare Nothern Nigeria of 1950s and 1996s to Northern Nigeria of today. Although the North have always had limited interest in Western form of education (Boko Haram) with outdated illusion that western form of education is anti Moslem, instead they depend on agriculture and military services two careers that do not require education in Nigeria. This misleading line of reasoning about western form of education is as old as Nigeria. For decades Northern Moslem establishment has always emphasize or rather preach anti western educational system as part of their political demography. It was not too long ago that they voted for Sharia law as opposed to western judicial system in 12 Northern states. So it is just a matter of time before some groups of Moslem fundamenlist or rather fanatic take it to another level. Do not blame these Moslem youths rather the Northern leaders such as the Governors, Traditional leaders, Sultan, Emirs and even the President who was one of the Northern Governors that supported Sharia Law instead of Western form of Judicial system. In the meantime, Saudi Arabia (the birth country of prophet Muhammed) and other middle Eastern countries will do anything to send their sons and daughters to some of the best Universites in America and Europe for studies. Saudi Arabia and many other Moslem countries (Nigeria not included) have transformed their towns and cities to look and feel like any American city. They hire American companies to build Universities and institute the same system of education into their Moslem culture and hire American professors to teach their sons and daughters the same western educational system Nigerian Northern Moslem consider sin. Saudi Arabia and o ther middle eastern Countries average about 98% Moslems and Nigeria is about 45% Moslem. There are more than one Million Nigerians living and working in America according to the United States census center. I have being living, working and traveling all across America from East coast to west coast, south and mid-west for over 30 years I have met hundreds of Yuroba and Ibos and many other ethnic groups of Nigerian, one ethnic group that I do not remember meeting is Hausa/Fulani that is a demonstration of their lack of interest in Western education. The North once dominated farming industry and at one time the entire country depended on them for Agricultural produces have now depended so much on Oil revenue that it is near impossible to turn things around. The discovery of Oil and successive military government that have always dominated by the North created the impression that so long as they dominate the government they will always receive the larger share of Oil revenue therefore farming became secondary industry. The North depends so much on Oil revenue for everything that any suggestion of federal system of Democracy is considered as threat to the Northern existence. The North will always oppose to federalism because it means they have to rely on their own people to generate revenue.The North contributes about 2% of national revenue, but consume about 80% of the federal budget. They have become so much accustomed to the false perception that they are majority of the country that any attempt to suggest any means of finding out the actual population of Nigeria is viewed as a threat to Northern existance. They object to national and state identification system such as the one that exist in Europe, America, Asia and many parts of the world that will help to determine the population of Nigeria and solve other problems. They oppose zoning the presidency because that could create a n opportunity for other ethnic groups to be elected president. The North do not want Nigerians to know how many Hausa/Fulani there really are in Nigeria. So Nigeria rely on international organizations who do not know anything about Nigeria such as the United Nations to guess Nigerian population. As a result of all these problems the North have become a kind of parasite to the rest of the country in almost every aspect of Nigerian society because of their lack of know how and heavy reliance on Religion and national revenue to solve all problems instead of their capabilities. They are oppose to privatization of government industries such as the media and petroleum (Television and Radio) because they cannot compete with the Southern educational, entrepreneuer superiority and hard working culture.
Mend (Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta) attack on Atlas Cove Jetty (Federal Property) has absolutey nothing to do with Yoruba people or any other ethnic group in Nigeria because Yoruba political leaders like all Southern States leaders support federalism and control of Oil and other mineral resources by the States that produce them.The Oodua peoples Congress (OPC) and Yoruba Council of Elders (YCE) should apologize to Mend for the accussation of ethnic attack. Since Oil was discovered in Nigeria, successive governments have used the money to built bridges (Fly Overs), high rise buildings all across Lagos and several Yoruba individuals have gotten rich (Abiola) as a result. Oil money has turned Abuja from desert to the most beautiful cities in Nigeria. President Yar'Adua has never visited any of the towns and villages to see for himself or speak to the residents of Niger Delta about how Oil exploration has destroyed farming and fishing industries across Niger Delta. Americans and Europeans know more about the conditions the people of Niger Delta live, and how oil exploration has destroyed their land and environment because they see it on their television and newspapers everyday, yet none of the so called politicians have ever visited these towns and villages and talk to the residents. So, part of the country that generates 98% of national avenue none of the so called leaders have ever step they foot on the soil or speak to the people. In a sense the North is holding the South hostage from advancement in economic development and from foreign investment as a result of their opposition in all these areas hence the backwardness Nigeria facing today.
Emeka Collins Eke
Los Angeles, California, U S A