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Date Published: 08/12/09

By Farouk Martins Aresa

Families and countries rely on men for many of their good qualities. So they generally hold dominant positions at home and in their countries despite some aggressive, boorish or abusive behavior in their communities. Criminologist and some geneticists have blamed it on the Y chromosome. But over the years this behavior has been tamed for sensitivity, especially towards women and kids. Yet only African men remained portrayed as postal.


Nevertheless, we still talk about angry white, black and brown men especially when they display uncivilized behavior. But, none have been punished as much as black males in the world communities for the same behavior. Before Jews were selectively victimized, so were Africans as part of history. Contrary to the notion out there about black slavery, it was common in all human history. What is different is that the only people cast out as wild and more violent in need of serious restrain today, are mostly African males.

The first victims of this bias are those closest to black men, the black woman. The same ones black men have been forced to share during slavery, and still suffer more from the plight of black men than any woman, family, group or country. Africans’ profligacy today selfishly denies families, communities and their race adequate support by indulging in and craving for cultures supported by their bounties, hijacked from jobs and contracts meant for poor or working families. While Nigeria lacks basic infrastructure, its leaders enjoy the best of everything in their houses as if they don’t step outside.

Each time we say African men are becoming endangered species; there are accusations of paranoia. What is a fact is that they are getting a great deal of help destroying one another contributing to their own demise. There are formidable forces trying to declare the black man as too irresponsible to defend his family, his home and country like other men. Unfortunately some African men have taken refuge in money laundering, drugs and other crimes for which they are disproportionally thrown into jails once caught out of Africa.

As more African women complain of the scarcity of responsible men to partner with in their homes, some have turned to some alternatives like men outside their race or gay partners. Well, men do the same but if there is scarcity of responsible black men, less available men are more detrimental to the black families. Despite the advancement of women in the work place, they still make less than men and so have less to support their families. It remains a fact that in any country, the dominant partners are still male.

Economic realities have been adversely lopsided against Africa, with cooperation from rulers. But their selfish benefit cannot be proportionally compared to the enormous gain of their oppressors even in the 21 st century. These economic disadvantages in trade or lack of equal partnership, outrageous penalties on loans and interest from 7.8 in 1985 to 30.8b in 2004 by Paris Club while the same 7.8b from Commercial creditors to Nigeria fell to 2.2b in 1985. Trace how gold standard turned Gold coast and diamond producers into debtors and hoarders into accumulators. It has reduced African males’ bargaining power worldwide. Indeed, 21 st century Africa amalgamation is in progress.


The irresponsible behavior on the part of African men has put us in trance, coma or “high” while our homes are in disarray. Some of us do not get respect at home because we fail to earn it. Our women or children are encouraged to take over our homes when we all know they have to compete with other men with stable homes for survival. It is hard enough for most of the sane and responsible African men to keep their homes in place, but harder if we let anyone that does not have our best interest in mind divide us.

In spite of the sincere intention of people of goodwill in Europe and America, affirmative action and diversity have been discredited to the disadvantage of African men. Their unemployment rate is twice that of white males even with higher education. We now train children how to speak to and respect authorities so that they are not viewed as threatening. The debate amongst Africans is whether to play dead or fight for their rights in or out of Africa, for fear of risking assaults by authorities even in their own homes. The irony is, democratic belief is base on self expression and vigorous protection of individual rights, except when it comes to African men anywhere.

If we are no longer tolerated in most countries one would think that Africans would try to make Africa habitable for the rest of the people rather than drive them out into economic refugee camps where they are disrespected, ridiculed and humiliated. There must be a place where Africans can point to and proudly claim not only to be their home but a place they can develop and be cherished. The past glories of our blood and state are ancient but we must rejuvenate that pride to meet the challenges of the future.

Nigerians are known for individual accomplishment anywhere in the world that we are lacking collectively at home. Some said it is lack of discipline, lack of trust or lack of necessity in the face of natural endowment in our Continent. We have become too complacent. Many will disagree. If you are looking for the hardest working black man on earth, go to Nigeria and watch our people at work sweat and labor on any street corner.

Similarly, there are hardly many failed black Americans outside USA. They work hard and most are very successful everywhere. In the US, there are some bad blood between foreign blacks and those who have been there before Columbus. While one is more complacent at home, the other is more driven outside his base. It is hardly noticed between Europeans and European Americans or Asians and Asian Americans. Economic hardship breeds enmity between brothers and sisters.

One must not lose sight of the fact that those who leave their base to make it elsewhere are more motivated by nature and drive themselves harder to make it than they would normally do at home. However, there is nothing more invigorating than the cooperation of all Africans no matter where we are for the advancement of our children, wives, homes, countries and Continent.

Africans need Africans to give one another the reality checks without disrespecting or dehumanizing a brother or a sister. African Union need to be expanded to include more young African men and women wing to remind those in power that they have a time limit to make concerted effort to develop the Continent for future generation of families that are so fragile and disintegrating outside home.

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