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Date Published: 08/12/09

The Akwatia Run-Off: What is Almighty Rawlings stance?
By Daniel Danquah Damptey


Today, I have decided to be brief and go straight to the point. I have adopted this stance to pre-empt falling prey to the machination of the satanic destroyers responsible for the horrifying takes being recounted daily by Ghanaians from all walks of life.

But in doing so, I am adopting a method employed by a sick man who was told by his physician that he would die if he continued leading a gluttonous life. The physician asked him how many balls of kenkey/banku did he eat at a time and the man replied, “Six and at times seven” kenkey at a time. The Doctor told him he had to eat one or two balls at a time if he wanted to live long. On getting home, he informed the wife of his state of health and that the doctor had predicted his death if he ate more then one ball of kenkey/banku at a time. He then ordered the wife to put / merge his normal six ball of kenkey into one. Technically our man felt he had got a solution to help postpone his imminent death.

Attempts to hoodwink Ghanaians It is also similar to attempt by the President and the Vice President to hood wink Ghanaians into believing that they always travel in a small convoy. Well, asem beba dabi. Who do they think they are deceiving? What are the solutions to the problems? Break the convoy into batches of say five or six vehicles at a time. We were all living witnesses to attempts by the Vice Presidents security detail to reduce their boss’s convoy to a few vehicles. But the snag he is that, the Regional Chairman of the NDC eventually found himself at the venue of the reception. Whom are they fooling? What did they achieve?


Rawlings as General Overseer of NDC

And so, I want to thread the same path by breaking my write ups into many parts. You may call it deception if you wish. But that is exactly what I am going to do. What is Rawlings stake in the forth coming run-off election in the Akwatia Constituency? The National Democratic congress is the only political party to have been formed in contravention of the Constitution of Ghana. Whereas all other Political parties have founding members the NDC has one founder and leader in the person of J. J. Rawlings. He is the General Overseer of the contraption called the NDC. He and a few of his men and women live a life of opulence while greater portions of the contraption are paupers.

Rawlings on why Akwatia Townfolks Should Reject Baba Jamal. In the heat of the campaign to nominate the NDC parliamentary candidate, the leader and founder of the contraption went to Akwatia to confer with the NDC members there. His charismatic presence attracted a large section of the populace, including non members of the party. He started his address. The audience clapped for him. Applause and more applause. Then the bomb shell. Do not vote for Baba Jamal because he is a serial loser. Elect an indigene to represent the party. That was an edict. In essence a Fatwa! The smile fell from the faces of known NDC sympathizers and Baba’s friends. Not finished yet, Rawlings admonished the party men and women to elect the nephew of the Akwatiahene, “for he is a true son of the soil”. If Baba Jamal wants to contest election on the ticket of the NDC, he should go to the North! That seems to the message of the owner of the contraption called NDC. We are not surprised since the Almighty Rawlings had made a similar statement when one, Alhaja Hawawu had contested the position of Women’s Organizer at Nima some two years ago.

However, Baba Jamal eventually won the constituency primaries on the ticket of the NDC. He joined forces with some independent candidate, notably among whom was one, Ahiable. Then came Election Day. Baba was alleged to have imported some macho men from Chad Republic to visit mayhem on innocent voters and in so doing snatched six ballot boxes from the six polling station where the elections are to be held on Tuesday. All evidence pointed to Baba as the importation of those illegal aliens, but nothing was done about it since his party eventually won the polls at the centre.

Baba Jamal’s Reward for his Antics.

For exhibiting “patapaasem”, “atuturasem” and “akakabinsem” he was rewarded with the juicy portfolio of Deputy Minister for Eastern Regional. The Electoral Commission wanted the run-off to be held in the six polling stations where elections were disrupted, but not Baba. Aided by the two independent candidates who are referred to as the Gang of the Three just like the gang of five in China after the demise of Chairman Mao Tse Tsung, they moved their arsenal from one court to another until the Supreme Court came out with the final verdict. Elections are to be held in the six polling stations where violence occurred.

Danger signals at Akwatia Township.

Since then, the town of Akwatia has known no peace. Aided by other members of the trio, and with the support of state apparatus, Baba Jamal has made no secret his determination to annex Akwatia parliamentary seat by every means possible. The other day, the Youth Organizer of the NPP at the Constituency was set upon by “unknown assailants” and beaten to pulp. Nobody has been arrested for that. But the victim, Eugene Opoku Acheampong has identified Alhassan and Fuseini, twin brothers and another, Sadik Mohammed as the trio, who like rabid dogs, kicked, slapped, head-butted, punched and taught him some bitter lessons he would never forget in life. They threatened to kill him and ‘nothing will happen to us”. One of them is alleged to be amongst those who took away the ballot boxes during the December 8, 2008 Elections. These people still walk the streets of Akwatia free persons. What sort of foundation are we laying for future generation of Ghanaians? What sort of legacy are we leaving behind? Just two or three days ago, the NDC Youth Organizer of Akwatia Constituency, Ernest Kwame Ankrah and Nana Owusu Boateng, the Chief of Abenase believed to be a sympathizer of the NPP had their cars set ablaze. Nobody has been caught, but rumours making the rounds suggest that it was the handiwork of …. But like what one honourable MP from the other side of the political divide said, that “the cedi is appreciating the dollar” permit me to also say “you walk from where to say”.


There are also rumours going round that when the NDC won the Presidency, Baba Jamal was so sure he would be made Minister of Sports and so collected monies and passports of some footballers to help them secure visas and lucrative contracts abroad. My efforts to ascertain the veracity of such allegations met a dead-end when some alleged victims of the scam refused to speak with met. Baba needs to clarify such issues. Did he promise and for that matter collect monies from some people under the guise of securing visas and contracts for them?

Attempts to use State Security Apparatus to cow NPP Supporters into Submission.

The NDC is employing all kinds of dirty tactics and tricks to snatch the seat from the grips of Dr. Kofi Asare, NPP candidate. Ofosu Ampofo, Eastern Regional Minister, the other day made it clear that the NDC would use all the ammunition in its arsenals to clinch the ticket. By this, he hinted at the use of state apparatus in achieving its nefarious aim. This is true to type, the out of control NDC is using criminals like robbers, assassins, rapist, kidnappers, assassins, 419 fraudsters to harass, intimidate, and cajole supporters of Dr Asare to make them act like jellies in bottles. By implication, Ofosu Ampofo is telling us that they are now in power and so can do anything without anybody raising a finger. But the people are saying,” No way, Ofosu Ampofo, apply the brakes now, for you cannot take us for granted”.

Declaration of Holy War by Baba Jamal.

Baba Jamal himself has not helped matters with his declaration of holy war against all opponents of the NDC. In a move to instill fear amongst non-NDC sympathizers, the Deputy Eastern Regional Minister is noted to have publicly stated in a mosque at Akwatia: “Yes, I have declared this election as a jihad – not only in the mosque, but elsewhere”. All those familiar with the use of the word would understand the import of what he is saying. Is he suggesting that Islam is the entrenched religion of the out of control NDC? As Deputy Minister of a region within which the Akwatia Constituency falls, does he have to make such an inflammatory statement which is capable of unleashing an orgy of violence on the peace loving people of Akwatia? We need bread and butter not guns and ammunition. We need men and women whose speeches and actions will build bridges not those who will widen the gulf among peoples of various tribes, religion and cultures. Unfortunately Baba Jamal appears to fallen into the second or latter category.

There is tension at Akwatia Township. There is palpable fear in the land and you can feel it in the air. Already some people have started leaving the town. The NDC members have vowed not to allow any known NPP supporter/sympathizer living in the Zongo Community to come out and cast his/her vote, and the people having tasted the wrath of such criminal elements in the NDC are falling for the bait. But we in the NPP are resolved in one thing. We shall definitely thwart every move or maneuvers of the NDC to disenfranchise any of our party supporters. The NDC will meet their match in the NPP whose members are united in one thing – determination to confront and dismantle all forms of violence, harassment, rigging and intimidation through due process. This much we pledge.

Rawlings Stance on Baba Jamal.

Now back to the poser. Where does “Almighty” Rawlings stand? Is he going to campaign for Baba Jamal or adopt a ‘siddon look’ attitude? Rawlings antecedents are there for all to conjecture on which side he would be. Don’t forget that after the Nima debacle which saw the emergence of Rawlings candidate as Women’s Organizer, he attempted to mend forces with Alhaja Hawawu and was only prevented from doing so by supporters of the defeated aspirant. We must also not forget the fact that after the so-called quarrel between Rawlings and his protégé, Mills over the choice of the latter’s running mate, Rawlings made the unprecedented move which saw him hijacking the Mills Campaign Apparatus. We all saw him on the side of a moving vehicle making inflammatory speeches and campaigning as if his entire life depended on the outcome of the elections. In actual fact it was and I must confess that his personality mesmerized people into voting for Professor Mills and the NDC.

Perhaps “almighty” Rawlings is waiting for an opportunity of a lifetime before swinging into action. Perhaps he is waiting for a cue from Baba’s camp before joining the fray. Perhaps, the Rawlingses are waiting for Baba Jamal to swallow his pride, go down on his knees and beg them for forgiveness. And knowing how strong-headed the Rawlingses are, I envisage a situation where both wife and husband will relish the prospect of viewing a film of Baba Jamal on his knees and clutching at their heels in a form of supplication. After all, the former President did enjoy watching films on the execution of his “enemies”. It is only after Baba has humbled himself before his founder that Jerry will join the campaign train.

Why the People should reject the NDC Candidate.


My appeal to supporters of both parties is to preserve the peace. The people deserve the best representation in parliament. Putting the credential of the two contestants on the table, there is no gain-saying that Dr Kofi Asare is the better of the two. In the first place, the way and manner the NDC regime has handled the affairs of this country leaves much to be desired. What significant policy or achievement has it chalked to date? Nothing! Increase in the price of fuel, shortage of fuel especially pre-mix, long queues at filling stations a few weeks ago, the depreciation of the cedi on hourly basis, rising cost of living, sacking of ordinary supporters of political opponents, harassment /intimidation political opponents, increase in utility bills, and attempts aimed at making the masses believe against their better judgement that the previous regime did not do anything for the country have become the norm in Ghana.

Ghanaians are saddled with a clueless regime whose aim is just to give jobs for the boys as evidenced in the recent appointment of NDC members to various Boards or Institutions. Most members of the various boards do not have the expertise or acumen to be appointed. So what were the criteria used in selecting them? Nothing but jobs for the boys.

There must be a check on the excesses of the NDC regime and that is one of the reasons why we should not elect another incompetent member of the regime to perpetuate their evil machinations. People of Akwatia especially those from the six polling stations where the run-off is being held. Answer this question before deciding which of the candidates to cast your vote for. Who imported those macho men to disrupt the December, 2008 election? Be fair to yourselves, your constituency and your country. Because of the action of Baba Jamal, the State is spending so much money on this re-run election. This money could have been used to provide social amenities for your brothers and sisters in other parts of the country. And if we had not been fortunate to have a humane President like Kufuor, the town of Akwatia would have been engulfed in a blood bath. Have you forgotten what the NDC did to you when the murderous regime sent combat troops and policemen to lay siege and terrorize your men and women? How can you have such short memory? And who were most affected? People in the Zongos!.

Dr Kofi Asare – the Better of the Two

You lot will be better served if you vote for Dr Kofi Asare. Hear the NDC Constituency Chairman, Kwame Ankrah retort when he came into contact with Allhaji Baba, Akwatia NPP Constituency Chairman during a phone in programme hosted by Fiifi Boafo on Net 2/ Oman Radio on Monday. “Wofa, wadwen nye” (Uncle, you are mad) Simply put, it means, ‘your head no correct’. Are these the type of people we should entrust our destinies into their hands? Let us act now otherwise we shall mortgage the freedom of our children and those unborn to this cabal of venomous vipers.

In ending this script, let me state that “The race is not for the swift, not the battle for the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favour to the men of skill but time and chance happen to them all” (Ecclesiastes 9:11) Dr Kofi Asare is my man. Vote wisely.

I appeal to members of the various Security Services who will be deployed to maintain peace in and around the Akwatia Township to be above board. Dr Kofi Asare is my man. Kofi Asare all the way.

Daniel Danquah Damptey

E-mail Address - danieldanquah-damptey@yahoo.com

Tel.Number: 0243715297.

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