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Date Published: 09/07/09

Governor Shekarau and religious harmony in Kano State
By Saka Raji Audu

RELIGIOUS tolerance is the condition of accepting or permitting others' religious beliefs and practices, which disagree with one's own. This usually leads to peace, unity and harmony among the different religious faithful in the society. In an era when faith and politics have become a blended whole, practicing religious tolerance has become essential to living an open minded, non-judgemental life. The world is a diversity of belief and opinion, which can often challenge one's perception, and sense of self.


KANO, as we know had in the past years witnessed some religious crisis such as the Maitatsine riot of 1983, the Raymond Bonke crisis of 1991, the spill over of the Shagamu disturbances of 2002, the spill over of the May 2004 Jos-Shandam mayhem to mention but few. At times during the reign of previous administration, Friday prayers were hardly performed without the heavy presence of military guide for fear of break down of law and other.

WITH the advent of Shekarau administration in May 2003, his government has been able to initiate some ways to enhance religious tolerance and harmony for peaceful co-existence among the people of Kano State. It is therefore axiomatic to look at such ways the Shekarau government has created and is still creating towards the prevention of religious crisis in the state and, which have really entrenched peace and unity in the once volatile environment.

ADAIDAITA SAHU, this societal reorientation programme brought about by Shekarau government, in my opinion has actually done a lot in rejuvenating and awakening the people's sub consciousness towards tolerating one another irrespective of religious or tribal differences. Many youths whom, hitherto, have been replete with proper knowledge are now being orientated with guided religious education. This programme whether one likes it or not, has brought about some level of discipline, decency, honesty, cleanliness, moral uprightness, respect for leaders, respect for the rights of women, proper upbringing of children, fear of God and respect for the rule of

Law and order among the people. It also enhanced people's perception of tolerance, love and peaceful co-existence in their various domains.

IMPORTANTLY, it has been the goal and vision of Shekarau administration to impact on the attitude and behavioural change of his people, people who would know where they are coming from and know where they are going, people who have sense of accountability and remember that there is a day that you will stand somewhere and account for all that you have done. This is the essence of the state's societal reorientation programme, which Shekarau initiated.

THE inclusion of non-indigenes in the state affairs is another fundamental bold step the Shekarau administration took to enhance peace and unity of the divergent faiths in the state especially in the appointment of three non-indigenes as Special Advisers to the governor. For the first time in the political dispensation of Kano, non-indigenes are allowed to participate in the day to day running of the state. This decision has indeed restored confidence on the government of Shekarau in the eyes of outside world. It gives hope to peaceful co-existence among the different tribes in the state. It further portrays Malam Shekarau as a detribalized man who sees every body as one (the kind of Umma community during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). As a matter of fact, the religious toleration Shekarau has been exhibiting, as a leader has also contributed immensely against religious intolerance in the state.

IMPLEMENTATION of Shariah legal system by Shekarau administration has also nipped in the bud peculiar problems that would have caused crisis in the state. The Shari'ah system, which involves the dos and don't of Muslims has made other opposite faiths to respect what the Islamic culture prohibits or allows. It's when one knows and respects the belief of others that the required peace and unity would be ensued. Thus, the Shari'ah implementation in the state by Shekarau government was able to engage people in meaningful employment of about 10,000 men and women who would have engaged in idleness and perhaps cause unrest in the state. Consequently, Shekarau paid high premium to security. About forty-four brand new patrol vans fitted with communication gadgets and 200 motorcycles were donated by Shekarau administration to the state command of the Nigerian police, all for the maintenance of peace in the state.

THE Welfare of the religious leaders is another aspect of the Shekarau led administration that has performed creditably in the enhancement of religious tolerance and peace in the state. The fact remains that no man born of woman can shy away from the noble role of the traditional leaders in entrenching peace, unity and stability of the society, which are vital to development. In this retrospect, the government has been able to provide adequate welfare to our Islamic leaders who are custodians of our Islamic culture, values and tradition. The government built and rehabilitated many mosques across the state. Some of these religious leaders were given sponsorship to increase their knowledge.


THE Sabon Gari areas predominantly made by non-indigenes also enjoyed Shekarau's concern by rehabilitation of some of their dilapidated roads and lending ears to the people's voices when the need arises. The government of Shekarau also adopted the principle of engaging people in meaningful dialogue with the various religious leaders in the state. This has really impacted a lot on the peaceful religious atmosphere and understanding among the different ethnic groups in Kano state.

CLOSELY related to this is the peaceful mind of Governor Shekarau himself. The governor is a man that hardly gets upset no matter how provoked by his detractors. As a composed leader, he always transforms his annoyance into explanation for people to understand every cause of his actions and inactions. He does not also harbour ill-feelings against any body because he knows that whatever happens, every one must one day account for his/her deeds.

ALL THESE account for the relative stability, peace and harmony in the last five years of his administration. The truth of the fact however is that how do you cause trouble for a man that loves peace. This is not possible, which of course explains why the many fabricated lies against him have always been failing because of his truthfulness, integrity, respect for others and penchant for a crisis free society.

ABOVE all, the maintenance of peace and stability in our political environment is crucial to development and progress. No society that ravages itself in crisis can witness socio-economic advancement. It was in realization of the importance of peace and stability to development by the Shekarau administration that it decided to address that angle by creating the enabling environment for the achievement of peace, stability and harmony, at least, for the past five years in the state.

THE ethno-religious discrimination that had reigned supreme before the coming of Shekarau administration has been drastically reduced, if not totally checked. Most of those who lost their jobs as a result of this ugly phenomenon were recalled and re-engaged. In this retrospect, one can conveniently observe that the Kano State Government under the leadership of Malam (Dr) Ibrahim Shekarau has really done a lot in the prevention of religious crisis and the maintenance of peace, unity and understanding among the various ethnic and religious groups in the state. It is not surprising therefore that the government has been able to achieve a lot in terms of providing adequate security for the maintenance of law and order for more than ten million people in the state.

AT this juncture, one must appreciate and commend the entire people of Kano State for their contribution and cooperation towards the realization of religious harmony, peace and stability by Shekarau administration for the state. This has really gone a long way to emphasise the peaceful nature of Islam. In spite of all the provocations and blatant lies by enemy of the state to create animosity and incite the peace-loving people of the state to take up arms against themselves, the people have refused to be used or deceived, knowing full well that whatever happens, peace and tranquility is required to achieve progress for the state. While urging the people to continue in this spirit, the government of Shekarau must equally not relent in its effort and determination to always carry the people along as the realization of peace, unity and stability for the state cannot be achieved in isolation of one another.

FINALLY, I should not forget to also counsel the political detractors, media provocateurs and self seeking anarchists who are often looking for ways of causing artificial hatred in order to join people's heads. They should understand that the world is large enough for every one to move freely. So, we should not pull one another down, because putting off the other man’s light will not increase the brightness of the other. We should always endeavour to spread our good deeds on the surface of the river so that they can flow to other land. And when we find ourselves in foreign land, they will raise up to welcome us. We should always allow reason to prevail in any thing.

Saka Raji Audu writes from Kano and can be reached on his email: sakaraj@yahoo.com
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