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Date Published: 09/14/09

GANI: The hypocrisy of the Nigerian elite By Joe Igbokwe


Ever since the death of Chief Gani Fawehinmi was made public, I have sat down to study and take mental notes of the tributes and encomiums showered by Nigerians from all walks of life to the man who lived to serve and served to live. The tributes are still coming in their thousands and they will continue to come because of what Gani stood and died for. No Nigerian leader living or dead since the inception of Nigeria has been able to garner this kind of respect in death. In fact, a combination of all the tributes paid to all Nigerian leaders dead or alive cannot be said to be equal to what has been said of the late Chief Gani Fawehinmi.

But one sour grape in the tributes is the hypocrisy of the elites who seized the moment to dust up themselves and play politics with Gani’s demise. I have seen some Nigerian leaders who worked against Gani, and equally betrayed the man taking advantage of his death to feather their political nests. Some of them have been making silly statements we know they never believed in when Gani was alive. Some of them shouting from the roof top now, praising Gani to high heavens were the charlatans that betrayed Gani’s struggles. Some of them through actions and deeds were the ones who frustrated Gani’s dream of a better Nigeria. They were the ones that collectively contributed to the disease that killed Gani. One of them, IBB, in particular was asked why he was always fond of detaining Gani even when it is not necessary he tried to trivialize the matter by saying that since past Nigerian leaders had always detained Gani he felt it was out of place not to detain Gani.


I am therefore warning these pretenders to stop playing politics with Gani’s death. Gani’s associates know Gani’s true friends and nobody can deceive them with sweet talks. Nobody can deceive them with fake tributes. I am sure that Gani’s demise has taught Nigerians some vital lessons of history. They have seen the world paying glowing tributes. They have seen the beggars, children, the have-nots, the down trodden, students, market women, artisans, etc pay tributes to the man they all loved and cherished. Gani in death has dwarfed the Nigerian leaders living or dead. At the end of the day, one vital point has been made that Nigerians know their leaders. Gani was the greatest leader Nigeria has ever produced. Gani has become a monumental giant of unequal proportion even in death. Now, I have questions for Nigerian leaders: How would Nigerians rate you when you are no more? What would they say about you when you will be lying in state? What would you be remembered for? What will be your legacies? This is a food for thought. Let these charlatans stop insulting our sensibilities. Let these fake friends of Gani stop distorting our line of vision. They should stop deceiving Nigerians. We know the real friends of the late Chief Gani Fawehinmi, the scourge of dictators.

Joe Igbokwe

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