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Date Published: 09/15/09

Nigerians Change for Nigeria Project - Change in Action Campaign By Kabir Onimisi Attah


The Nigerians change for Nigeria Project was initiated due the current political, social and economic crisis faced by all Nigerians. These situations can be traced back to ineffective and inefficient Leaders at different strata of governance and Leadership in a country which is known as “The Giant of Africa”, Africa most populous country. It is also disheartening that a country that is endowed with enormous God given resources (Human and Natural) is still in the 21st century struggling to meet the needs of Nigerians in all areas and at all levels of a nations welfare.


We must acknowledge our national milestone, transiting from decades of military regime and dictatorial leadership to democratic rule, despite our advancement into democratic rule, the country have not reaped the benefit of democracy and at such is in a worst state than she has ever been. This can be blamed primarily on bad leadership but also every Nigerian is responsible for the current situation of the country. We are aware that most leaders at various level of governance hand picked themselves into power for their own selfish benefits but we as citizens of this country also dignify this individuals and leaders that force themselves on us, we sell our votes for “chicken change”, an amount that would not last us for the tenure of the such corrupt leaders, politicians fail to build a valid case through the right political and democratic processes and due to their incompetence’s and lack of knowledge, they result in the use of violence in all its forms which has left our communities with permanent scars, our youths (educated and uneducated) are labelled “Thugs”, corruption has eaten deep into the hearts of men and women that we lack basic infrastructures to make a living. It is imminent to see that the citizens of Nigeria believe the country has failed them; they have lost their civil right for justice and equality and therefore have resulted to an unpatriotic nation. These and many more challenges are grinding the country to halt.

We must also not forget the history of good leadership Nigeria as produced in the past, leaders such as Sir Ahmadu Bello, chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chief Nnamdi Azikiwe, Tafawa Balewa to mention a few. These leaders showed enthusiasm to lead the nation with passion, selflessness, accountability and responsibility. Nigeria a very religious country, with God fearing, good Muslims and Christians and with the deteriorating standard of living in the country, I believe we are at a cross road and at this point change is inevitable. If we can take a look back to exemplary leadership in this countries history, draw a lesson from current leaders of today’s world such as Barrack Obama, the president of the united states and Babatunde Fashola, Governor of Lagos state, Nigeria and together with a burning hope for a changed and better Nigeria, then I believe history can be made in Nigeria, but first a lot of hard work and perseverance will be required from every Nigerian, a paradigm shift in our thinking and way of life, we will need a total and radical transformation of our ideals, the need to embrace collective and collaborative effort over individualism to achieve our desired national vision.

On these note we initiated the project Nigerians Change for Nigeria, to bring together Nigerians home and Diaspora, old and young, Nigerians of all faith, from cities to the most remote villages, to stand together in agreement and forge a new alliance that will fight the old ideology of greed and corruption, political and religious manipulation, injustice and poverty, this can only happen if we make up our minds now, to speak the truth in the sight of God and man regardless of the benefits at stake, embrace rightful dealings and reap the rewards of hard work.

Kabir Onimisi Attah, Founder/Facilitator

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