Date Published: 09/24/09
Kano: As Governor Shekarau hosts the world By Saka Raji Audu
September 27, 2009 is the D-day. The Kano State most popular and people oriented governor, Malam (Dr) Ibrahim Shekarau will be playing host to all countries of the world to celebrate this year's World Tourism Day in Kano sub-Sahara part of Africa. In addition to the fact that Kano is one of the rich states of Nigeria with tourism potential to show to the world, the charismatic and purposeful leadership style of the people's governor is also an added advantage that must have attracted the choice of Kano to host this year's World Tourism Day in Kano.
Tourism, as we know, is an essential aspect of human development that is strategic to any country of the world. It is the encyclopedia of some countries' source of foreign earnings and thus, it attracts special place in the hearts of many nation. With this significant role tourism plays in the advancement of any country, Kano in particular and Nigeria in general should feel honoured by the choice to host this celebration in the most populous African nation.
Since Malam (Dr) Ibrahim Shekarau came to power through popular vote in 2003 and subsequently in 2007, his government has consistently ensured that Kano as centre of commerce does not lose its business potentials. This he was able to achieve through his Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Co-operatives and Tourism in improving the standard and quality of commercial and tourism activities in the state. As a result of this, employment opportunity has also been created for the restive youths who are now engaged in various artisan works.
For the visitors that are visiting the state for the first time and even those who have been to Kano before, they sure noticed some level of remarkable changes in terms of structural and human developments, which have also been made possible with the active foresight and hard work of the people's governor to ensure that democracy dividend expected of a purposeful and humble leader is entrenched, at least, for the past six years when the present Shekarau led administration holds sway in the state.
Kano is one of the thirty six (36) states of Nigeria, with an estimated population of 10,000,000 people who are predominantly Hausa and Fulani speaking people. There are however other tribes like Yoruba, Ibo, Kanuri, Nupe, Ebira, Igala, Tsekiri, Ijaw, Tiv, Idoma, etc that cohabitate the state. There are also foreigners from neighboring African nations like Niger Republic, Ghana and Cameroon, a sizeable number of Sudanese, Lebanese, Indians and Turkish people. Kano comprises forty-four (44) local government areas of the state administered by Chairmen. The peaceful nature of the state for the past six years of the present government accounts for the rapid population growth and influx of Nigerians to this centre of commerce.
The area known as Kano state was created in July 1967 out of the defunct Northern region. The area had and still has a location advantage as the centre of commerce and terminus of trade with some African regions especially Africa as well as the Arab world. Despite changes in the administrative structure and size of the Kano State due to the creation of Jigawa State out of it in 1991, the importance of Kano as commercial center has not been eroded. There is still a concentration of middle men and agents in the famous Kurmi, Kwari and Muhammed Abubakar Rimi (Sabongari) markets who distribute finished goods manufactured in different parts of Nigeria and the rest of the world. Apart from its striving commerce, Kano economy consist of a booming agricultural sector established since the groundnut Pyramids or the colonial era. The teeming population of Kano drives the economy as it provides readily available cheap labor and a ready market for most of the produced goods.
Kano State is endowed with a land area of 20,760 square kilometers. The state lies in the tropical wet –and- dry climatic zone. The average annual rainfall is about 1000mm in the southern part of the state, 800mm around metropolitan Kano and about 600mm in the north-east. The rainy season usually covers the months of April and October. This is followed by harmattan which usually begins in November and ends in March. The State is also endowed with rivers and many dams which make irrigation farming possible. The rivers include Thomas, Gari, Watari and Challawa rivers. The dams include Tiga, Kafin chiri, Bagauda, Dambata and Bagerai dams. There are also three dams located along Kano-Gwarzo Road.
The Falgore game reserve measuring about 32 kilometers along the Kano - Jos Road is the largest forest in the state. It serves as game reserve and tourists centre. Small grazing reserves like the Badume Grazing reserves along Kano Katsina road are also in existence. Kano state is endowed with a number of mineral resources; these include Kashin, alluvial tin, Mica, Columbines, Copper, clay and gold. Others are Silica Sand, quartzite, granite, lead, limestone, iron-ore and hyalite. These natural endowments accounts for the varied economic activities that are carried out in Kano state.
In terms of education Kano state has thousands of primary Schools, hundreds of Post primary schools and four technical colleges. There are five state-owned tertiary institutions and a Federal University. There are also over 500 private schools which supplement the effort of government in educating, and empowering the populace. In the health sector, the state has established many general hospitals, several comprehensive health centers, hundreds of dispensaries, leprosarium clinics and four dental centers all in addition to many private hospitals and clinics. These facilities ensure a high skill man-power for the state economic activities.
Kano state is endowed with wealthy businessmen and women with enough of this capital, capable of caring sole proprietorship, partnership and joint stock businesses. Most of the banks in Nigeria have branches in Kano and this enhances the availability of credit facilities to businesses in the state. Entrepreneur ability is very high among the people of Kano; they could be rated as second to the Igbo people of eastern Nigeria. But it must be stated here that the average Kano entrepreneur is risk averse, hence will go for activities with shorter gestation period like commercial activities.
Kano state is blessed with a network of roads, telephone facilities. Pipe bore water and electricity which all contribute to the development of its economy. There is also an international airport and an export processing zone (EPZ) established by the federal government. Given its rich endowments, various and multi-facet economy activities are being undertaken in Kano state. These activities are in form of agriculture, commerce, manufacturing, mining, banking and insurance as well as tourism and recreation.
Agriculture is the largest sector in Kano state in term of provision of employment and income to its populace. Over 70% of the working populations are directly or indirectly engaged in agricultural activities which include clearing of Lands, Wet season farming, irrigation Farming, storage and distribution of farm produce and annual husbandry. The state has the following as the main crops being produced: groundnut, Guinea corn, Maze, Sugarcane, Gum Arabic, Rice, honey, ginger, pepper, coloring leaves, sugarcane herbs and different kinds of vegetables. The Livestock comprise Cattle, Sheep, Goats, and Donkeys Camels and Horses are reared in the state. About 90% of the Land in Kano state is arable. There are very few areas covered with rocks, thick forests or water that cannot be used for faming.
Kano state has the largest irrigation projects in Nigeria. The irrigation infrastructure includes the Kano River irrigation project phase one with areas of 22,000 hectares; Water River irrigation project; Gwarzo Road Dams project; Kafi chiri Dam irrigation project; Thomas River project and Gari River irrigation project. The rich potentials for the agricultural scenario in Kano state (arable and grazing Land) supports agricultural activities of subsistence and commercial magnitudes. The agricultural products of the state support the food needs of the state, acts as a source of raw material for the industrial sector, fully complemented by large scale importation to supplement the food need and industrial uses. It should be mentioned here that not all the agricultural products are consumed within the state, as some are exported to foreign countries and other parts of the country. Predominant among these are livestock, species and vegetables. The agricultural activities in the state, flourish more in the southern part of the state, which is wetter and has an average rain fall 1000mm supported by other favorable climatic elements, than in the northern part of the state which has an erratic rainfall and high temperature due to metropolitan and industrial activities. The intensity of agricultural activities in the state has led to the development of specialized market within the Kano metropolis for agricultural products.
Commerceis the second largest sector of the Kano economy. The state has for long been rated the second to Lagos state in terms of commercial activities. This state has witnessed tremendous growth in large, medium and small scale commercial outfits since the present ANPP led administration under the able and dedicated leadership of Governor Ibrahim Shekarau came on board. The commercial activities includes the sale and distribution of imported and locally made goods such as textiles, cosmetics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, spare parts, vehicles, buildings materials and electronics. There are many outlets by which commercial activities take place. These include the Muhammed Abubakar Rimi and Kurmi markets, specialized markets in Kano metropolis, rural markets, community base markets in the metropolis and corner shops and supermarkets. The Muhammed Abubakar Rimi market, popularly known as Sabongari market, is the largest market in the state. It is meant for the selling of general provisions, confectionary, textiles, electronics, and vegetables, stationary and general foodstuff. The market is under the supervision of Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Co-operative and Tourism.
The Kurmi market is an ancient market, where locally made goods and ancient technology becomes dominant. The market is located in the old city and it is a centre of tourist attraction. Honey, butter, leather work, embroidery and other locally crafted materials are also sold in the market. The specialized markets in Kano metropolis include the Yan lemo market, which is located at Mai kalwa along Zaria Road; it is a place for the whole sale of banana, Orange, Mango and water lemon. Commodities are brought to the market for sale from other states in Nigeria. We also have Yan - Kaba Market: This is located at Yan - kaba quarters along Hadeja road. The market is a centre for the sale and distribution of tomatoes, pepper, Onions, Carrots and other vegetables. Potatoes are one of the main commodities in the market.
The KofarRuwa Market is a market for building materials and spare parts for vehicles. It is located close to the Kano international airport and is dominated by the Igbos while Dawanau Market is a market for grains, Yams and other foodstuff located along Katsina Road. There are two markets at 'Yan katako markets located at Naibawa along Zaria road and Bachirawa along Kastina road specially meant for the sale of different varieties of wood for making furniture and other wood works. The Kofar Wambai market specializes in second hand textile materials, plastics, clocks, calculators and wrist watches. There are however some other products but not in great qualities. The Kwarimarket is a market for locally made and imported textile materials. It is located close to Ibrahim Taiwo road and is dominated by the Hausa and Arabs. The Rimi market is a market for foodstuffs sold in small quantities (retail trade). It is also a place for the sale of Kitchen utensils and dishes. TheKwanarDawaki market is as an international market for cattle, sheep, camels, Goats and other livestock. TheMariri markets are of two types. One is for Kola nuts, while the other is for Firewood.
The Rural markets in Kano state also make a great contribution to the economy of the state. In fact, they are sources of income and employment to many rural dwellers. These markets are opened on specialized days. Fridays are mostly common market days. For instance, the markets in Kura, Rano, Bichi and Wudil towns operate on Fridays. Sundays are market day for Dambatta and Kachako markets, while Badume market operates twice in a week; Sundays and Wednesdays. The Gezawa and Tudunwadan Dankadai markets operate on alternate days. Rahama and Darki markets operate on Saturdays and Thursdays respectively. The community Based markets in Kano metropolis provide convenience for people residing in particular communities or hamlets when making small shopping. The Sharada, Sheka and Adakawa markets are example of these markets.
Corner shops and Super markets are also important outlets for commercial activities in Kano state. They provide employment and income to many people. There are many of these shops along major roads in the state (e.g. Zoo Road, Court Road, Gyadi-Gyadi, Mandawari Sabon titi Road). Supermarkets owned by Nigerian citizens have now replaced those established by the multinational firms, the former include Zango stores, Sahad stores, and Sheshe. Street hawking and petty trading are very prominent in Kano state. There are many people who earn a living through these businesses.
The industrial sector of an economy is usually the barometer used for measuring the extent of the country’s economic progress in terms of growth and development. In Nigeria, industrialization has been retarded by various factors eminent in the various political regimes that have governed Nigeria. In respective of this, Kano state has for long been known for its industrial activities and is still been rated as the second leading industrial centre in Nigeria after Lagos. Though, the state has witnessed a massive decline in its industries, and industrial activities, in line with the national trend, the state can still boast of over 350 large and medium industries. Industrialization which connotes manufacturing is engage in various transformation activities such as: Food processing, Biscuits, Sweet and Confectionaries, Cement, Blocks, and Tiles Manufacturing, Metal, Wood, Aluminum product manufacturing, Plastics and Allied products manufacturing, Soap, Perfume and Cosmetics manufacturing, Bicycle manufacturing and Assembly, Soft drinks manufacture, Paper mills, Books and Stationary, Tanneries and Leather works, Textile and Apparel industries, Agricultural and Agro allied manufacture as well as Chemical and Pharmaceuticals.
With the recognition of industrialization as an important strategy for economic growth, various incentives were offered by the Federal Government to industrialists. In this light, the government established Export Promotion Zones (EPZ) and Industrial Estates. The existence of Sharada Industrial Estate, Challawa Industrial Estate and Bompia Industrial Estate just to mention but few, are evidence of this fact. In addition to these incentives, the Kano state government offered a wide range of incentives to prospective industrial investors in the state. The Kano state government encourages establishment of industries with bias for utilization of the state blessed agricultural products, for import substitution, increase export, labour intensive and other local raw materials.
We thank God that with the coming of Malam (Dr) Ibrahim Shekarau as the governor of Kano State in 2003 and till date, his government has been able to solve some of these problems especially in aspect of road rehabilitation, the ongoing construction of the KANAWA market that will be more than the World Trade Centre (WTC), the maintenance of peaceful coexistence among the people of the state, enhancement of Corporate Social Responsibility, improvement of business potentials and the pursuit of the Independent Power Plant project and some other infrastructural facilities.
Minerals have played a major role in human development from the pre-historic era. Man has explored the abundant mineral resource in the world to achieve most of this technological advancement in every sector. Kano state is blessed with metallic, non metallic minerals and gemstone in commercial quantities. It has mineral resources such as tin, kaolin, silicate, feldspar and quartzite, clay mica, columbite, copper, iron ore, diamond, Limestone and sapphire. Yet, mining activities are almost non – existent in the state. The over reliance on petroleum by the federal government, which owns all mineral resources in Nigeria retards mining activities.
The rate of banks and insurance company in the smooth functioning of economic activities of a particular area cannot be disputed. These two economic industries act as the grease that oil the wheels of economic activities. As the leading commercial centre in the north, Kano state has a number of banks and other financial institutions which provide capital and diverse services for business men and general public. Kano State has a number of tourist attraction and recreational center, which attracts Nigerians and foreigners and serve as a means of earning revenue. The centers include Audu Bako Zoological garden, Falgore game reserve, Gidan makama museum, Kurmi market, the Emir’s palace and its festivities, the city walls and gates, Kofar mata dyeing pits, Dala hill, Tiga Dam and Bagauda lake hotels and resorts, Kusalla dam and fishing centre. Kano state has an international airport and many decent hotel which support or form part of the tourist and recreation centres of the Kano Economy. The prominent hotels that support these tourists’ activities include Prince hotel, Tahir Guest Palace, Ni’ima Guest Palace, Royal Tropicana hotel, Central hotel and Daula hotel. There are a myriad of other services which support the economy by providing income and employment opportunities to many people living in Kano state. We have the Kano State Tourism Board established by an edict in 1994. It has six departments namely: External Services Department, Administration and General Services Department, Hospitality, Travel Trade Department, Marketing and Promotion Department, Legal Services Department, Planning and Consultancy .
Health services are provided by public and private hospitals and clinics. Educational services are also provided by public and private schools in the state. Consultancy services in the field of engineering, medicine, management, information and education are being provided by a number of firms. There are modern and traditional estate values and agents who provide services to people wishing to rent or buy houses and lands in the state. There are thousands of motor vehicles, motorcycle and bicycle mechanics whose services are very essential to the progress of Kano state. In the traditional sub – sector of the services of the Kano economy, there are many services from which many people earn their means of livelihood, this include barbing, traditional medical practice, and occultism. Women in their matrimonial homes and in governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) also render many services which help the economy of Kano state. The services provided by women in their matrimonial homes to their families and neighbours, though very difficult to be measure monetary terms, are very much appreciated and valued in the Islamic socio – economic system cherished by almost 99% of the citizens of the Kano state.
As Governor Shekarau hosts the world for the World Tourism Day in Kano, it is hoped that the august visitors would appreciate and avail themselves with the rich social economic and cultural growth of Kano so that they will leave the state to come back for investment. I humbly wish them happy and enjoyable stay in Kano.
Saka Raji Audu contributes from Kano and he can be reached on his email: