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Date Published: 11/09/09

Saka Raji Audu and the Blind Defense of Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau. By Aliyu Dan Gata


For a very long time I have followed with keen interest the spirited and bizarre attempt by one Saka Raji Audu to defend Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau the governor of Kano state and to portray Shekarau as a detribalized Nigerian ostensibly because shekarau is a having a tall dream of wanting to aspire to context the 2011 election on the platform of ANPP. Even when some concerned citizens raised concerns that Ibrahim Shekarau is not fit to aspire to any political office anymore not the least at Federal level. The only answer Saka Raji Audu could give is that 'Now that Wole Soyinka has spoken' as if Wole Soyinka has two votes while the rest of us have one.

We only saw this blind and uncultured defense of individuals in Nigeria when General Ibrahim Babangida now retired annulled the June 12, 1993 election and Uche Chukwumerije was defending it tooth and nail that Babangida was right to have annulled the freest election ever held for no reason but self-aggrandizement. Nigerians witnessed that briefly too by late Wada Nas to General Sani Abacha.

It is true that Saka Raji Audu must justify his pay, since 'he who plays the piper dictate the tone. Even if people must defend Nigerian politicians, let their conscience guide them those who have one. As part of the electorates who might want to vote for Shekarau if he wants to actualize his tall and pipe dream, we have the moral right to ask him what qualifies him to seek for a higher office considering his unparalleled and unprecedented antecedents in Kano state. As indigenous Christians of Kano, we have never seen a person who has treated us with such disdain as this before.

I am an indigene of Kano state and I am a Christian, curiously when I looked at the website of my home state Kano on the Internet, Ibrahim Shekarau's government has written it there that the principal religion of Kano state is Islam. I checked other states in Nigeria but it is only Kano state that has a principal state religion. Not even Zamfara state under Ahmed Sani Yariman Bukura had one. I begin to wonder what happens to those of us that are Christians and even our native Maguzuwas?

In his blind defense to portray his principal and benefactor Ibrahim Shekarau as a “Saint”, Saka Raji Audu went about abusing the Nigerian electorate in his unguarded and blasphemous articles. He used gutter and unprofessional languages on seasoned journalists like Tukur Mamu and Ndiameeh Babrik who we value their contribution to the Nigerian national development than Ibrahim Shekarau.


When serious national issues like denial of land to Christians for us to build our Churches in some Northern states and in Kano state in particular is raised in the newspapers, Saka Raji Audu just waved it away wishfully as people blackmailing his benefactor and master Ibrahim Shekarau. Mallam Saka Raji Audu, the unofficial spokesman of Ibrahim Shekarau now that you have pushed Mallam Ya'u Sule Ya'u aside. In one of your baseless defense of a charge against your principal not giving Christians the C of O of their plots in Kano, your were of the view that instead of Churches why not companies? Haba Saka, Is what is good for the goose not good for the gender anymore? All over Kano state mosques are located in all nooks and corners. We are not asking for Churches to be built like that, but at least let us have a place of worship in our home state like our Muslim brothers. There is no bases for comparing companies and places of worship at all. In every society, spiritual and economic growth are needed. Christians need churches for their spiritual growth. For us to know that your principal and master is serious about his political aspiration in 2011, let his charity begin at home here in Kano state by righting all the wrongs he has done to the indigenous Christians and give us our well deserved lands to build our Churches more so now that Solomon Lar has spoken if I may borrow your words.

Again in your usual way of opening your mouth before you think, you went to the press abusing one Alhazai Baban Sumayya for simply saying that your master Ibrahim Shekarau is a fox who betrayed the people of Kano and actually mortgaged his conscience by murdering sheik Ja'afar Adam.

Lately you took offense yet again simply because some Kanawas are seeking justice from the public on the pages of newspapers since your master and benefactor denied them one in Kano.

For once, Chief Vincent Ogbulafor deserve the insult that you gave him, that is the only good article that you have written that I can remember.

Let your master Ibrahim Shekarau apologise to us the indigenous Kano Christians first before thinking of venturing to the federal level. After all charity is suppose to begin at home. Appointing one Igbo man and one Yoruba man as special advisers by your principal Ibrahim Shekarau is not enough to make him look like a democrat or true Nigerian. In states like Plateau, Lagos, Enugu and many others there many non-indigenes as commissioners, local government chairmen and councillors which Ibrahim Shekarau has denied us as indigenous Hausa Christians in Kano.

Farewell and God bless.

Aliyu Dan Gata writes from Abuja and can be reached on namu99@hotmail.co.uk

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